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Photo Album Inquiries/Problems

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Hello everyone,


I took it upon myself to follow up with Eve (the company providing our forum and photo enhancement software) regarding concerns that some of us have regarding the new enhanced photo galleries.


The way I see it...here are my MAJOR complaints:


1. The picture galleries were out of order

2. Certain galleries containing extremely high resolution photos and/or a lot of pictures cause computers to lockup - most likely caused by the web browser's lack of ability to handle the load.


Here is my minor complaint:


The size of the thumbnail window is too small IMO - I don't like that you can only see one row at a time.


The GOOD news is...


I have found out the following:


Release 1.2.20 of the software has corrected the photo ordering problem:


Per their website:


"Fixed photo album image ordering in gallery viewer. Images are now displayed in the order established in the album creation process."


They have also stated that there is a known bug that they are working on fixing that occasionally the photo numbering may be one off.


I've also been in touch with them about browsers/computers locking up.


There response to me was this:


"As for slow loading, lockups... one thing we will probably need to consider in the future is way to reduce the max file size that we display. That way, everything will load faster and there should be no lockup issues (which is likely because your browser is choking on the large files)."


I consider this all good news.


Hopefully this will make the photo album experience more pleasant once again.


Since I've been in touch with a few people at Eve...has anyone else been experiencing any OTHER types of problems?


Let me know.



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Hello everyone,


I took it upon myself to follow up with Eve (the company providing our forum and photo enhancement software) regarding concerns that some of us have regarding the new enhanced photo galleries.


The way I see it...here are my MAJOR complaints:


1. The picture galleries were out of order

2. Certain galleries containing extremely high resolution photos and/or a lot of pictures cause computers to lockup - most likely caused by the web browser's lack of ability to handle the load.


Here is my minor complaint:


The size of the thumbnail window is too small IMO - I don't like that you can only see one row at a time.


The GOOD news is...


I have found out the following:


Release 1.2.20 of the software has corrected the photo ordering problem:


Per their website:


"Fixed photo album image ordering in gallery viewer. Images are now displayed in the order established in the album creation process."


They have also stated that there is a known bug that they are working on fixing that occasionally the photo numbering may be one off.


I've also been in touch with them about browsers/computers locking up.


There response to me was this:


"As for slow loading, lockups... one thing we will probably need to consider in the future is way to reduce the max file size that we display. That way, everything will load faster and there should be no lockup issues (which is likely because your browser is choking on the large files)."


I consider this all good news.


Hopefully this will make the photo album experience more pleasant once again.


Since I've been in touch with a few people at Eve...has anyone else been experiencing any OTHER types of problems?


Let me know.



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Response from Eve:


They will be working something out that will decrease the image size after it is uploaded to minimize/eliminate the browser/computers from locking up.


Regarding the time frame...


"I can't tell you when these changes will be added at this time, but both could be in our next official release. No due date/time frame yet available for that."


I have also asked whether or not the row of thumbnails can be expanded in order to see more on the page at once instead of having to scroll down.


This was their answer:


"You can already expand it. See the up and down arrows at the top of the thumbnail draw... just drag that up and the drawer will be expanded (assuming there are too many thumbnails to fit in one row, of course)."


It works!!!


See the attached image. I've put a red circle around the arrows that he is referring to.


I will keep you all posted as more changes develop.






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Thanks for the excellent follow up and update. Please stay on these guys because as we know the squeaky wheel gets the oil - especially when it is squeaking on a public forum.



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I will be sure to follow up with them.


I am tired of my computer freezing up everytime I load certain photo albums. I have to quickly click another link on the forum quickly or my computer will come to a crawl.


Thankfully, this is not true of all photo albums, only the ones with higher resolution photos.



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I haven't used this forum for months because of that crappy gallery. Flash will not install on my computer. When I click to install, install it, it says installation complete and successful but it hasn't installed anything. I tried again this evening and now a different problem - when I try and install Flash, I check the box to agree to their conditions and then click install and it unchecks the box I just checked and then comes up with an error message that I have to agree to the conditions before installing icon_confused.gif


Operating System: XP Home

I am the administrator of the computer

The problem isn't caused by my firewall or anti-virus


Seeing as I am not able to either view or post pictures in the galleries, the forum is pretty useless to me now icon_frown.gif

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For now anyway....I think Flash is here to stay for our photo galleries.


The Forum software people are working on the above issues, but it seems there is something going on with your computer.


I recommend trying the following:


1. Go to "Add Remove Programs" in the Control Panel and remove all instances of Adobe Flash.

2. Reboot your computer

3. Login using the Administrator account (if separate from your account)

4. Install Flash directly from the Adobe Website

5. Reboot your computer

6. Come back to this website to see if the picture galleries load.


If this doesn't work, I recommend creating a new profile for yourself to see if there is a corruption in your user profile - I've seen this happen before.


If it still isn't working, attempt to do a chkdsk on your hard disk.


You can do this by


1. Go to "Start", "Run" and typing "CMD" and hitting Enter.

2. Type "chkdsk" without the quotes.


If Windows finds file system errors or hard disk errors, you may need to do a "chkdsk /f" and reboot your computer. If that doesn't fix the problem, you may need to format the drive and reinstall the operating system (make sure you take a backup first). Worst case scenerio, you may need a new hard drive (only if chkdsk reports errors).


You could also attempt to use google and do searches like "Adobe Flash won't install" to see what other help you mind find online.


I hope this helps.



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Nope, I'm afraid it just doesn't work icon_confused.gif (for me)


I tried unistalling all the Adobe applications on my computer (including Adobe reader), re-installing, different profile. Flash is installed but every time I try to view the gallery, I am prompted to install Flash Player. My PC is only a few months old with no other problems, 2 Gb memory, Intel Core 2 Duo processor, so it's not that I'm using some old pile of junk. My internet connection is slow 1M/512 kb/s ADSL but is fast enough to use for most things and I haven't had any problems like this on other sites. This site worked fine with the old gallery.


PB's Photo Gallery

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Wow...It's quite odd to me that it just won't work. There has to be something else going on. I suppose it all depends on how much research you want to do to fix it.


If you'd like to PM me and attach your pictures, I will be happy to create an album for you and create another thread linking back to them.


Additionally, you may want to try creating a hair loss weblog which does not utilize Flash.





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Thanks Bill icon_smile.gif


I don't want to mess around too much with my computer as I have so much other software installed on it that I need daily.


The weblog sounds like the best alternative at the moment. I probably won't have much to show for a while anyway. The pictures I posted the link to show my recovery and now I'm just waiting for the sprouting to start. So it will be a few months before I actually have any new hair to show off.


PB's HTN blog journal (under construction)

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I am not sure whether the following are doable or not but these are my thoughts.

1. When I add any picture and add some description, If my text too long, it does not indicate. But when I save the changes and look into the photo gallery my description is trimmed off to a fixed length. I think it would be a good idea to have some sort of letter counter to indicate when we reach the maximum allowed length for the description.

2. In many corporate offices, flash is not allowed to be installed. In that case most of them may not be able to view the photo galleries at all. How about having two options available?(One link to flash view and link to regular view)

Ravi Vide

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I will look into the issue you are experiencing with number 1. I was unaware that longer sentences get cut off.


I believe, however, that the Flash animation is an all or nothing deal since this was done by the third party software company who programs our forum. However, I agree that the option would be nice.


I will keep you all posted.



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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone,


I thought I'd update this thread because it's been awhile since I've posted on it.


I have not dropped the ball on this but unfortunately, we can only do what the forum software company provides. I have been "pushing" them to update the photo album software so that anytime a picture is uploaded the file size is significantly reduced without losing picture quality. If they accomplish this, there should be no more computer lockups.


I took the liberty of posting another concern about it on their forum. If you are interested in following the progress, you can find my post here.


I will keep you all posted.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for staying on them. Perhaps we may need to set a limit to the file size of uploads at around 500k. I think posters should also try to limit the amount of posts in any one album to 15.


Please also try to get them to add the ability for posters to embed hot links to text within photo albums.


Thanks for your work on on this. Remember the "squeaky wheel gets the oil" especially on forums :-)

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I would rather see the software automatically convert the image to a smaller size than set an upload limit. With today's high resolution cameras, the majority of the pictures are at least 1MB in size themselves. I would suspect that a number of our community members would either not know how to convert the pictures to a smaller size or not want to bother taking the time to post them.


I like the idea of the hot links. I will bring this up to the software company as well.


Thanks for the encouragement icon_smile.gif



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I our forum software will implement such an auto resize feature I agree that this would be the ideal solution. Please keep posting this issue on their forum in public view so the ultimately have to address it. We like public accountability, right?

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