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Scooping Around's 2000 grafts by Dr. Keene

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These are my post op pictures. Sorry that I couldn't take much pictures to show the first few days, but they'd be pretty close to what they look like right now...I've had 2000 grafts placed in the frontal 1/3 area, lowering my receded hairline by about 1 cm.


9241001133_348C8511308161C9F4F2D211BFAD9C27.5.thumb 8391002523_55DE28B944CDB189C62F83CE6DB64042.birds-eye_view.thumb 8351010343_BA0FEEC1A94BDC65BEC6F0F727F4E0C3.jpg.thumb 7391002523_C3091A1405114BE5A94AC9B85784A881.left_profile.thumb 7111076343_3F1B8501A46048D34766D751B888D39E.jpg.thumb 6391002523_53237E0CAB1CA92662BE1A81CA293B95.frontal_profile.thumb 5391002523_19515386FD68DBA2832258FD268C9137.donor_area_10_days_post_op.thumb 4391002523_BFA529E9E6910CB8A3716F30934922E9.right_profile.thumb 4141001133_406702C947F8971F159964A6EAD99CA9.5.thumb 3651010343_FED42EC96CDECA0B66E43171CE5BAC77.jpg.thumb 3391002523_F83F577C0E0E845902AA3BD8A8DE4197.rightprofile.thumb 2391002523_30B50CD854F1E5CADD81025E30A960F8.leftprofile.thumb 1441001133_397ABC7174E2D8D033733ED90E1314A8.5.thumb



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  • Senior Member

These are my post op pictures. Sorry that I couldn't take much pictures to show the first few days, but they'd be pretty close to what they look like right now...I've had 2000 grafts placed in the frontal 1/3 area, lowering my receded hairline by about 1 cm.


9241001133_348C8511308161C9F4F2D211BFAD9C27.5.thumb 8391002523_55DE28B944CDB189C62F83CE6DB64042.birds-eye_view.thumb 8351010343_BA0FEEC1A94BDC65BEC6F0F727F4E0C3.jpg.thumb 7391002523_C3091A1405114BE5A94AC9B85784A881.left_profile.thumb 7111076343_3F1B8501A46048D34766D751B888D39E.jpg.thumb 6391002523_53237E0CAB1CA92662BE1A81CA293B95.frontal_profile.thumb 5391002523_19515386FD68DBA2832258FD268C9137.donor_area_10_days_post_op.thumb 4391002523_BFA529E9E6910CB8A3716F30934922E9.right_profile.thumb 4141001133_406702C947F8971F159964A6EAD99CA9.5.thumb 3651010343_FED42EC96CDECA0B66E43171CE5BAC77.jpg.thumb 3391002523_F83F577C0E0E845902AA3BD8A8DE4197.rightprofile.thumb 2391002523_30B50CD854F1E5CADD81025E30A960F8.leftprofile.thumb 1441001133_397ABC7174E2D8D033733ED90E1314A8.5.thumb



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  • Senior Member

Hi Scooping,

That looks good. Very clean work. Looks like all the scabs in the recipient area are gone. Expect those grafts to jump ship shortly. There must be a lot of grafts back mixed in with the hair also. It's hard to see because of your existing hair.


Uh Oh! You look like a high contrast kind of guy. Just kidding with you scooping. I don't know if you've been following our Soft vs. Hard hairline debate. It'll be interesting to see how yours turns out.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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If I remember correctly you went to Dr, Keene.?


As Bill & Gorpy said the work looks clean & with 2000 grafts should yield some nice results!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the comments guys...glad I finally got those pics up, took me over 10 days to do so.


Gorpy...Yes I'm not only a high contrast type of guy, my hair is also straight as a ruler, with nearly no curls whatsoever, so any thinning will be really apparent. On top of the flash that my camera gave, the pictures does appear a lot worst than to the naked eye under normal light conditions. No, I haven't been following the soft vs. hard hairline debate, but I'm guessing that Dr. Keene took the "soft" approach being that it's not completly flat across with some irregularities or jagged hair line. She spent about a good 15 minutes drawing up my hairline with the little ruler that she had. She told me that even though a perfectly symmetric hairline does look good, but not as natural looking. Yes, there were quite a bit of grafts underneath the existing hair and about 200 towards the mid of the frontal 1/3 area.



Dr. Keene was my doctor and I have been on Propecia for over an year prior to the surgery and will be continuing the same dosage for a long time. As the picture shows, the thinning is starting to creep back towards the crown area, which I did not notice until recently, so hopefully Propecia will do its magic more back there.



good memory...As of right now I'm very optimistic about the results that Dr. Keene did. If all the grafted hair grows, and I do see much existing hair shock-loss...this transplant should be good to tie me over for the next 5-10 years hopefully. I'm 27 right now, a bit young for the surgery, but there was no one else in both sides of my family that had MPB...

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Clean the donor area well! I didn't in my second ( well i did but wasnt agressive enough) .. It can result in additional scarring..


Learn from my mistake as I had no clue .. Good thing they removed it with my third HT



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

The work looks awesome. Great refined work that should do you well in about 8-12 months. Looking forward to following your progress.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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scooping around, Thanks for putting up your pics for all to see. Would you definitely put more up in a few months? It helps us all. Also, I find it's less obvious that my hair is thinner if I wear it shorter on top.

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The procedure started at 8:30 in the morning and I walked out of her office at about 5:30 to 6PM, but really only felt like I was there for couple of hours, because I was knocked out by the medication the whole time.



Yes, I will be updating the photo album at least once a month. During my research during the surgery, I really appreciated the other members that updated the post op progress to help us newer ones understand the process better, and I will do the same to help others as well.

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Thanks for your response Scooping,

I had a phone consultation with Dr. Keene lastFriday, I was told that 30 to 40 single FU per sq cm can be implantd in the hairline and 20 to 25 multiple hairs FU per sq cm after the hairline toward the crown and so on. Did she perform this same method on your procedure? I thought dense pack procedure would need more FU per sq cm than I was told. I have the same hair loss pattern, texture and color so your experience with Dr. Keene will be much helpful for me. Any help will be appreciated.

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Summer, those are not "dense pack" numbers by any stretch of the imagination.


However, if you currently have 15-25 follicular units per cm of existing hair, then you will achieve a dense result 45-65 fu's cm/2.


If you have no hair, then 40 single fu's will probably not satisfy you.


Your going to need a single hair density of about 45-60 fu's in the hairline, transitioning into a 40-50 fu 1,2 and 3 hair graft zone directly behind the hairline.


Your donor and level of baldness will approximate what you can actually do, but if your trying to achieve a "more dense" look, you will not with that strategy.


My personal opinion on dense pack is 55+ follicular units per sq cm.

Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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If you have the same hair loss pattern, color and texture as this gentleman then you could expect to get a similar transplant. With existing hair in the recipient area, one has to be very careful with permanent shock loss, so going very dense can be dangerous.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Thanks for your inputs B spot and Gorpy!


Thats exactly what i thought, dense pack procedure required at least 45+ FU per sq cm. My goal is to dense pack along the balding hairline area and maybe 20 to 25 multiple fu cm2 around the thining area.


Gorpy, you had both procedures with Dr. Keene, how many FU per cm2 did she implant on your first and second procedure?

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I received approx. 30 per cm2 the first time. The second time is more difficult to say since the 1000 grafts were placed in specific areas that I wanted to thicken up. I estimate that I have around 40 to 45 grafts per cm2 over then entire front half of my head now (90 cm2). Of course, right at the hairline it is somewhat less, since it is a feathered hairline. If you look at my latest gallery pictures you'll see that in some very harsh sunlight, I'm getting some good coverage from that (and only at 5 months). Much of it depends on your characteristics and how many hairs per graft you have in the back part. I think I can safely say that nowhere in the recipient area am I over 50 grafts/cm2.



Scooping appears to have had around 40-45 grafts/cm2 in the hairline. I think he'll get a good result from that.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Again, thanks Gorpy for pointing that out.

Thats what I was hoping to achieve in the hairline appro. 45 grafts/cm2, but during the phone conversation with Dr. keene she said she can implant 30 to 40 grafts in the hairline and 20to 25 behind it. I jsut sent an email request for a dense pack procedure that would have at least 45 grafts/cm2, I hope she agrees with it.


Just peeped at your recent photos and your hair looks amazing you must be pleased every time you look in the mirror.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

hey very nice pics man!!! yep i went into surgery right after you next day looking very nice, so do you still ahve scabs man? this time i had more scabs than last time for sure but they all fell down on week 3, well congrats and looking very good pal

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yea, I still got some scabs left, and started washing and shampooing a bit more aggressively. funny how you sat in that same chair the day after me. I'm starting to get a bit of pimple looking things along the hairline and using hot towels to help them go away at 1 month and 1 week.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Senior Member

Just added some new pics for my progress at slightly under 4 months post op. Geeze, this 4 months flew by, now that I've thought about it. My camera is still crap that I can't show the finer hair along the hair line, but they're very visible in person. I'm starting to get a good idea of how it'd turn out. Very glad that I went along with the HT so far.

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the scar is still visible back there, if I lift the hair up. With my head buzzed with a #6 all around, it hides underneath quite nicely. I think it'll be completly faded away at around 6 months mark. Shockloss, what shockloss? I know Dr. Keene pretty much grafted hair all over my existing hair, but I'm glad that there's no shockloss that I can see at all. Even in the spot behind the hairline where there's thinning hair all over the place, I didn't notice any shockloss at all. Now that the hair is sprouting, I can say that the mid 1/3 area is looking even thicker and more even than before.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Things must be getting exciting about this time?

Looks like they're sprouting out nicely now.


Out of curiosity, do you have a graft breakdown / haircount? (sorry if you've already mentioned this)


2-day session with Dr. Keene.

1's: 297; 2's: 1186; 3's: 1382; 4's: 999

Total grafts : 3864

Averaging 2.85 hairs/graft. Total hairs: ~11000.




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