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Jay's shock loss

Jay T

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I've had two procedures (1800 & 3400). Both were done by highly recommended surgeons. I only changed due to scheduling problems, but had great experiences with both. On the second op, one side of the donor area was tite and the doctor used a single stitch in addition to the metal staples (latest trich closure method was used). I'm now almost 8 months post op and very little of this area has grown back. I was given Fucidin-H cream and also told to use minoxidil 5% directly on the area as well. I've spoken to my surgeon and he recommends a touch-up via FUE. A dermotologist also recommended to me to try intralesonal kenalog injections. Any previous experiences/suggestions from anyone? Other doctors? I've used this forum for 4 years now and its truly the best! Thanks ~Jay





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  • Regular Member

I've had two procedures (1800 & 3400). Both were done by highly recommended surgeons. I only changed due to scheduling problems, but had great experiences with both. On the second op, one side of the donor area was tite and the doctor used a single stitch in addition to the metal staples (latest trich closure method was used). I'm now almost 8 months post op and very little of this area has grown back. I was given Fucidin-H cream and also told to use minoxidil 5% directly on the area as well. I've spoken to my surgeon and he recommends a touch-up via FUE. A dermotologist also recommended to me to try intralesonal kenalog injections. Any previous experiences/suggestions from anyone? Other doctors? I've used this forum for 4 years now and its truly the best! Thanks ~Jay





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My advice is to call up your last doc and get back in his or her office and find out what THEY are going to do about this. I would be interested to find out what they would charge you for your "FUE" touchup. Anyway, the 5% minox may have exacerbated the issue, as some people develop some irritation using the stuff.

Keep us posted, and do not stress out over this right now, it happened, and now you have to get this fixed. Look at your options and keep us posted.

Personally, I would would be REALLY pissed about this. I know some of this stuff happens, but I would want to know that the Doc I went to was concerned, (#1), and wanted to take of the issue right away (#2).

Let us know whats up Jay, and how this works out.

Go Cubs!


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Jay T,


The large area of hair loss you are experiencing in your donor area is perhaps the worst I have seen to date on this forum. I don't want to be alarmist, but 8 months post op this area should be filling in by now as the shocked hair regrows. But this does not appear to be happening. However, I certainly hope that it does regrow in the next few weeks and months.


3,400 grafts is a large session and I hope like Hell that your surgeon did not over tax your donor area, in this area in particular. I know that all of us want as many grafts/hairs as we can safely get in one session. But not at the price of such issues in our donor area.


Please feel free to email me directly at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com if I can help you in any way. I think your surgeon really needs to help you resolve this bald patch in your donor area.


In the meantime you might want to consider using some dermatch to camflouge this bald area.


I'm sorry that you are experiencing this complication. I know this community will stand with you until and after this complication gets resolved.


Best wishes, Pat

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  • Senior Member

Hi Jay T, ditto to the advice given, i had a area of shockloss around my scar, not as big as that but enough to worry me.I emailed Joe with a few pics and he put my mind at rest and said it would grow back.


At 3.5 months it is filling in nicely and i can still feel new hairs coming in.


At 8 months it should have come back, courve is the best for a scar but you will need hair to brush over it to help conceal it better.


Good luck and let us know how you get on


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Is it possible this is not shock loss at all, but rather a spot of alopecia areata? Did your dermatologist mention this possibility at all? If it's alopecia areata, I think such spots can often be treated pretty successfully with injections of some kind. I want to say cortisone or steroids, but I don't recall. Might be worth discussing again with your dermatologist if you don't see any regrowth within another month or two.

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  • Senior Member

Hi jay , sorry to hear about this, did it get infected the area at all ? the tissue looks thick n Ruff kinda like a wound as healed up as oppose to it being shock loss.... This ""shockloss issue"" is it were the scalpel goes thru a nerve killing of tissue ? i had a knee op (ACL) early 2005 i think it was a student who did the insiscions (doc was learning him the ropes on me) , n to this day i cant feel a thing from my knee to my foot , he cut thru a main nerve running across my shin area, but what i found was strange all the hair on my operated/NumB part of my leg fell out n to this day never came back , strange like , im just thinkin is shock loss nerve damage related ???

hopes u get this sorted jay !! all the best m8.

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