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To everyone who is concerned about hair loss


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If you are suffering or trying to prevent hair loss, i would recommend natural treatments rather than those unnatural ways to grow hair with harsh chemicals that may have side effects.


Simple stuffs from the grocery store can enable us to regrow our hair back and don't have to spend alot of money.


You can find more information about regrowing your hair naturally @ (link removed)


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Bill - Moderator

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Originally posted by Jake12:


Simple stuffs from the grocery store can enable us to regrow our hair back and don't have to spend alot of money.


You can find more information about regrowing your hair naturally @




Hmmm, simple stuff from the grocery store, huh. Why would the whole world not know about this magical solution??


What is it rubbing garlic on your scalp?? Come on give us a hint!


If you are not a scam artist you would give it out for free. Otherwise, you will be booted off shortly. icon_razz.gif


Get em Bill!





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Guest josh - b

wow !! aparantly theres a supermarket product that regrows all your lost hair in 4 weeks.

You've just gotta buy this guys book to find out what it is.


i'm guessing potatoes

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Ever notice the people posting these miracle solutions are NEWBIES with 2 posts in their profile..


Stick to the grocery store for groceries not growing hair.. If you want to waste money i'll give you my address and you can just send it to me..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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