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Speculation: Top Ten Reasons Men Avoid Transplants ?

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I was reading another post about speeding up the remission phase of HT and it got me thinking about the top ten reasons most people never get a transplant? My own list


1. Stigma. Fear of people finding out.

2. Cost. Percieved expense.

3. Ignorance. have outdated perceptions

4. apathy. fear of taking a risk

5. pain. fear of surgery

6. interruption. interrupting work

7. uncertainty. dont know the result

8. remission. the waiting game

9. location. dont live near surgeon

10. bravado. 'men dont care about looks'

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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yeah, good one Bill. Indifference is probably the number one reason. isnt that pretty much why our lives never change year to year? we're basically stuck in different patterns and it takes work and risk to get out of them. much easier to keep doing the same thing and get the same result.

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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I think that #1 reason to not do it for me was the "cut" in the donor area. And after talking and reading alot they seems to be one of the #1 reasons NOT to do it. Once my wife said suck it up I have had two C-sections at least your scar will be covered with hair. So, once you have got by that obstacle to me it is clear sailing.


It is a large decision to have your head "cut" on.


But, I did it and am 5 weeks out and all is good.

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I do want my scar to heal cleanly but in a way what's the big deal? I've got little scars all over my body from just years of living. When I was a kid somebody accidentally hit me in the back of the head with a gardening hoe (all jokes aside..) I still have a little scar from that but it's very hard to find. Everybody has scars. I have various small scares on my head from playing sports. An ex-gf scratched the heck out of my face one day, it left a small scar but within 6 months or so it was completely gone. I guess men don't like scars that are created for reasons of vanity. But, really what's the big deal? Nobody is ever going to see it or even care if they do. Do you know how many scars the person closest to you has? No idea, right? If I can keep a decent head if hair (my vanity) then I'll take the scar.


I think scars are cooler that tattoos anyway...


If the donor area is done well, and you take care of it, no one will ever know.

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Personally the scar does not bother me.


However, I agree that it is right up there as a reason for not going for HT from many posters. This is also the reason why dr. Armani was able to ensnare so many victims, even with the existence of a much much bigger risk: low yield of grafts transplanted (from FUE).


I would add another reason: fear of having no growth of hair.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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I swear, I never one time ever even considered scarring as a roadblock to getting restoration. It goes to show that every body has something different in their minds!


The real problem with transplants is that you have absolutely no experience in making decisions.


Youre in a desperate state of affairs usually which the old hacks used to prey on.


IM talking about people like Dr. Chambers who did some work on me in the day.

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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Not sure what others think, but I was afraid that the hairline would not suit my face, and I'd be stuck with it, looking foolish.


It didn't prevent me from getting the HT, but I spent a lot of time with dr m to get it just right, including bringing in 10 yr old photos of myself for his reference. He was great, set my expectations accordingly, and he really pulled it off.


That was my fear.

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  • Senior Member

Interestingly, I had *very* few fears about the HT. I'd chalk it up to my pre-op situation being so truly dire, which made me prime fodder for getting suckered into a hack-job (and I'm fortunate that didn't happen).


Going forward, I'd say that "recovery" would be my biggest fear over another HT; followed by low-yield, which is really more of a paranoid fear.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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