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Who is the best FUE Doctor


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I've noticed an enormous amount of negative Armani feedback on this website, just out of curiousity, in your opinion, who is the best fue surgeon at this time? INPUT APPRECIATED!!

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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I dont know who is the best, but here is a personal list of FUE docs with the most experience under the buckle


Woods (FUE only)

Ilter (FUE only)

Cole (FUE only now)

De Reys (FUE only)

Jones - Feller (mix FUE and strip)


Of course there might be others, please add to the list.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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From what I've seen Feller (although I've only seen a few FUE) and Armani (although the success I've seen is nowhere near the level seen from Strip).


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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I am not allowed to comment on these topics - but i know the answer


You are allowed to comment on these threads as long as you aren't blatantly promoting :P. Of course we know you are biased, and why shouldn't you be right? Dr. Feller clearly does great work.


And I get your humor Spex icon_smile.gif


Not to answer the "who's best" question exactly, but I must admit I have also been pretty impressed with Dr. De Reyes from all that I've seen on the forum posted by Bart over the last year or so. Speaking of, Bart, how are you making out with gathering patient updates from the before and immediately postoperative cases you've posted? I look forward to seeing their grown out results.


Best wishes,



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Dr De Reyes clearly does good work from what i have observed...seems like this clinic gets consistent results from FUE....


Feller, well, to be honest, not that many results and is more focused on strip as far as i can tell. The same with Rassman.


Umar, i never liked how his immediate Post Op looks, way too bloody.


Cole is unethical, and arrogant, so i would never go to him for anything.


Maybe to get consistent FUE results, it should be full time....


Armani is still evasive, and i don't believe that yield is all that great comparing to similar sessions he was doing with strip.

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Really does it make a difference right now Jupiter?? icon_wink.gif It says you want to get a transplant in 4 years I am sure that list will change many times over in the future.

From my experience and PROPER photo documentation the only two doctors that I can morally recommend are Dr. Feller and Dr. Woods. All others promote promote and promote but don't show proper photos in my opinion.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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yes it makes a huge difference lorenzo. i want to see good work from a reputable doctor, 4 years isnt that long away, unless every doctor croaks theyll be waiting for me.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Dr Woods? Are you serious? And you talk about promoting. If you want to spend lots of money and get a few hundred grafts then by all means, go to him. The way that clinic handled itself in secrecy was not ethical at all, especially in FUE infancy.



Dr Feller is a good Dr, no doubt about it, but honestly, how many before and after FUE have you seen from him?

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Promoting Woods? Are you serious? I have been posting for over 7 years check my post from the past you can see what I have said about him.

Although I feel his price are expensive I do believe when you pay for 600 grafts you will get 600 grafts.

I can only give my opinion. Many doctors have jumped on the FUE megasession bandwagon I am not convinced yet. Therefore if I were to ever need a session of under 1000 and I could only have FUE these would be the only doctors I would chose. Having said that I would never had FUE done because I will never be in that position.

Jupiter lets hope in 4 years that there will be more options for you.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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lorenzo, you misunderstood what i was saying....you are not promoting woods, but i was refrencing your post about Doctors who promote FUE...


woods was the master of internet promotion in the early days.


also, his results have always been sub par in my opinion. also, his rates are out of control.


there are many more promising results from FUE then woods that i have seen.

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Sorry I misread what you said. I don't agree with the way Woods tryed to protect FUE or market it. I agree it doesn't take a genius (doctor) to figure out how FUE works. I just feel there are too many reps that are showing picture that are not realistic about megasession of FUE. When I sales rep shows pictures it is not the same as a patient that has posted previously on hair sites posting after pictures. Pictures can be shown at angle and at lighting that make it appear alot better than it is actually is.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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As somebody said earlier, we're all biased towards our own doctors, but I couldn't be happier with my FUE results from Dr Umar in California.

I travelled from Australia to see him nine months ago and am heading back next month for a further procedure.


Hooray for Hair

3000 FUE grafts

Dr Umar - Redondo Beach, CA





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I agree with the first half of your statement and we are considering Dr. De Reyes for potential recommendation. Bart and I talked about this some time ago, and now that we have been seeing consistency, we are almost at the point of polling our forum members for input. We are just waiting for some additional follow ups to some of the immediately postoperative pictures posted many months ago. In my opinion, Bart should be commended for going the distance and putting up with my criticism. But we can't make this easy can we? icon_wink.gif


Al that said, I do not agree with your second statement.


Those who are recommended here have shown us that they perform quality follicular unit hair transplantation. Many of them however, don't have a lot of online visibility because they have not used the internet to the full extent in showing their patient photos. In my opinion, this is unfortunate, but this is their loss.


But If you have a specific experience or know of someone who had a bad experience with one of our physicians, feel free to contact me so we can evaluate it. Those physicians who no longer meet our standards for recommendation are promptly removed.


Best wishes,



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I am of course biased as to whom I work for icon_wink.gif

but there are several great docs who can do this type of work with great results....my question is why are you set on FUE when the newer strip closure techniques are amazing!? I understand if you just need a few hundred grafts but if you need more you might want to consider strip.

1st HT 1-5-05 - 1894 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


2nd HT 12-18-06 - 1542 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


Total: 3436 FUT's


Current Protocol: Propecia Daily, Laser Therapy EOD 20 mins.



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Just for the record, because somebody asked on this thread for Dr. Feller examples of photos, I see no problem with you posting the links to them.


I just wouldn't want to see you do it initially after a "who's best" question without any inquiries of your physician. At least in my opinion, that's the difference between answering a patient's inquiry (which you did here) and promoting your physician (the latter).


Hooray for hair, I agree that you look great! Pat Hennessey, Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network just recently visited with him in the last week. I will be interested to read his evaluation that will eventually be in the Visits to Leading Hair Transplant Clinics section of the forum.


Best wishes,



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That was just my opinion and thats only based on what Ive seen from prohair and what I havent seen from others.

I havent seen any bad results from the recommended doctors.

I just think the results they are getting are just as good as the conservative [1500-2500 a session} strip doctors without the scar.

They are not in my top 5 but have creeped up slowly into top 10.

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That was just my opinion and thats only based on what Ive seen from prohair and what I havent seen from others.


That's a fair statement. Pat and I are making great efforts to encourage our physicians to get more regularly involved in our community - hopefully in time physicians will see the great value in sharing their results online on a regular basis.


Remember though that FUE has scarring, it's just a different kind of scarring. I have seen some excellent strip and FUE scars and I have seen some bad ones for both. Risks exist either way.



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Your right but that different kind of scarring is much easier to hide compared to a stretched strip scar. Both of those types of scarring are becoming nonexistent.

Fue is awesome for smaller sessions ,and a clinic that uses small tools and achieves a high yield is hard to beat.

It sounds funny to say a great scar but I also agree that Ive seen plenty of them

Its great that there are some clinics that do both even if the fue is only for small graft counts. Bspot has just announced that SMG has began offering fue for temple points and scars.

How great is that?

You get a top strip doc that will almost guarantee a pencil thin scar with near 100% growth up top with maximum numbers and also has the capability to perform fue for a little touchup or to breakup the scar.

A pencil thin scar doesnt really need fue but if the patient wants it almost completly undetectable a minimal number of fue grafts will acomplish that

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I'll be interested to see what Dr. Shapiro thinks of performing FUE. He is clearly a talented surgeon with strip, but like anything else, it takes time to learn to be proficient at something new.


I hope that Dr. Shapiro will share some of his FUE findings and work with us as he develops more experience with it.


Best wishes,



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