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FUE & other questions

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  • Regular Member

guys, this FUE thingy! it seems so perfect, why don't more people get it done? How does a doc determine whether someone is FUE feasible?


also, lets take the hair present in the horse shoe pattern part of the scalp. it pretty much does not aid in any kind of styling so why cant ALL the hairs from the horseshoe pattern be extracted using FUE & implanted somewhere on top? it would also yield a significant number of grafts...


I have read a lot of posts on FUE but none of them give a concrete answer as to whether its effective or not. help me out guys!

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  • Regular Member

guys, this FUE thingy! it seems so perfect, why don't more people get it done? How does a doc determine whether someone is FUE feasible?


also, lets take the hair present in the horse shoe pattern part of the scalp. it pretty much does not aid in any kind of styling so why cant ALL the hairs from the horseshoe pattern be extracted using FUE & implanted somewhere on top? it would also yield a significant number of grafts...


I have read a lot of posts on FUE but none of them give a concrete answer as to whether its effective or not. help me out guys!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by whymewhy:

guys, this FUE thingy! it seems so perfect, why don't more people get it done? How does a doc determine whether someone is FUE feasible?


also, lets take the hair present in the horse shoe pattern part of the scalp. it pretty much does not aid in any kind of styling so why cant ALL the hairs from the horseshoe pattern be extracted using FUE & implanted somewhere on top? it would also yield a significant number of grafts...


I have read a lot of posts on FUE but none of them give a concrete answer as to whether its effective or not. help me out guys!



FUE has evolved tremendously in the last couple of years. In Belgium and Holland at least 50 percent of all procedures are done by FUE nowadays. I do admit we have a unique situation here because we have an extremely high number of very skilled surgeons.


FUE is as effective as strip and IMHO it offers a lot more advantages over any other type of procedure.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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When i first started to research for my h/t i was fully sold on F.U.E.


However, after looking into it quite extensively, i formed the opinion that F.U.E was not all i thought.


The main downsides that i discovered were the lower growth % of grafts, even in skilled hands, due to the extra stress/damage risk, to the grafts.

The "Scarless" procedure was not in fact scarless, and is still visible on a close buzz, no less so than a well executed strip scar.

The cost is almost double that of a strip procedure, and the grafts available in a single procedure seems to be a lot lower than with strip.

So after a lot of thought i went for strip surgery with Dr Feller.


However it must be said that F.U.E has a place alongside strip, for smaller procedures, for those lucky enough to just require temple work, or for the repair of poorly executed strip scars.


Do your research thoroughly, and consult with some top docs, then draw your own conclusions.


All the best



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Little if not invisible scarring, and a faster recovery time are certaintly enticing. My greatest concern, yield aside, especially on sessions 2500+ is that it seems if you want to utlimately "max" yourself out (squeak out as many possible grafts as you can from your donor), it is optimal to go strip(s) followed by FUE(s). I'm not 100% certain on this, but I've seen it mentioned by some reputable people.


That said, I've certaintly seem some very impressive FUE results, and I expect (and really do hope) to see quite a few more by the years end.


whymewhy -- I would certaintly do some consults with notable clinics that perform FUE, and inquire further. Bverotti's, Feller, Rose, even Armani. There are some pretty juicy past threads on here where FUE is discussed in fair depth, also. icon_smile.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I would like to see some photos of the donor region after the maximum amount of FUE procedures with the hair grown back and not cut with a grade 1 or 2 to see if there is a patchy effect.

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