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Crown 1126 grafts


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  • Senior Member
can you comment on what you think off my results so far and what an additional 600 will do (keeping in mind i got 1100) and also the amount off time ive had to heal is 8 months do you think this is adequate time


You asked, and basically every answer given by basically every poster has said your doctor is in the wrong on basically every count.


You don't have to like the answers to your inquiries, but don't reflexively decry the very people who have taken the time to give you honest advice....advice that happens to be in YOUR best interest.....


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Guest wanthairs

i give compliments where they are due---im sorry the ressult looks awful, no difference at all.


shoot the doctor

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Guest josh - b

"overall i think Dr Jen is a great doctor which takes care off her patients best interests"



I remember dr martinick used to have a blatent shill called damo roaming all the boards extolling the virtues of 'dr jen'


I sincerely hope charlie that you're not accepting free grafts in exchange for positive comments like above.



I'll reiterate what everybody else has said....


*** there is no noticeable difference in your preop and 8 month pics

*** A futher 600 grafts is going to make very little difference.


...but if you're genuinely happy then good for you. icon_smile.gif

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josh b iam actually quite happy that i am getting the 600 grafts for free, and dr jen doesnt really have to offer them for me without me even asking for and you really just show how immature and suspicous mind you are by even suggesting i would comment on her to get free grafts , or maybe it makes you feel better to point out the bad points and not really see the good points. let me tell you im in this operation for my best interests and at 32 years off age and having been losing my hair since 21, trying all different things i think i know what works and what doesnt.


at the end of the day im happy that this is happening...ive had comments from my frens and family who actually said i have more hair and they dont know ive had the procedure done, i know for a fact that i look much better now and as you so sarcasticly pointed out thats all that matters.


so your opinion may count to some extent , but it is ultimately the patient that determines if they are happy with the work or not , would you guys agree? ...so let me ask you have there been any people that has actually complained about this doctor and backed it up ? i think not...and how long has this website been running...? are you guys telling me that dr jen has been in the industry for 15 plus years and all this time her reputation has come from doing dodgy work ? come on guys i really expect a panel off ''experts'' to think more laterally and open their minds abit.


first off you slam her for spacing out the follicles in ''corn rows'' but as you can see from the results, that is no longer an issue.


so really the only thing that you can critque now is density, which she is going to top up with 600 grafts


someone said i give credit where it is due so please give her credit that she is going to do this for free..she could off just sent me on my merry way at the 8 month post op cos there is clearly hair growing there.


I stand by the fact that Dr Jen looks after her patients cos ive seen it in my case, from the time ive signed up till now.


I thank you guys for your opinions ill take it under advisement, i admit that HnW do some amazing work as ive seen the pictures as well, but i think the end results after this 600 grafts give me good coverage...examining myself in the mirror , ive work it out if 1100 has given me this much coverage than 600 would surely fill in the gaps.

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so far you have been unanimously told that the ht work you had done looked suspect (NOT ONE PERSON SAID IT LOOK S GOOD). we didn't expect you to grow actual "cornrows" from it (btw, cornrows was the wrong term which is a braided hairstyle), but it was obvious from the spacing of grafts and placement that you wouldn't get enough density to make a significant cosmetic difference.


Now that the results are coming in it is obvious, to everyone posting here, that we were correct in our suspicions. Judging from your PICS there is very little cosmetic difference. Another 600 grafts might help, but not enough to fill in your entire crown.


Now, if you don't want honest critiques of the work you should never have posted here. No one on this forum has an agenda against you (we don't know you personally). In fact I think we all would rather see nothing but satisfied customers from every doctor. Sadly, that's not always the case. I do not know much about Dr.Martinick except that she is no longer reccomended on this site. And judging from your HT results there is no way I would ever consider her even if she was.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Can I ask you from 1126 grafts how many hairs should I expect?


and from 600 grafts how many hairs ?


let say you are doing the graft procedure above at the place you got your done and saying it was for the crown what would a procedure with those figures give you in hair count?


I just want to see if the number i got a in line with you guys

For 1126 grafts i got about 4000 hairs and from 600 grafts im expecting about 2000 hairs ....is this sounding about rite ? can you try and estimate as accurately as you can based on your experiences.

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bobc, those last pics are his 8 months results. you are probably confusd because they look exactly like his pre-op pics (as we've been trying to tell him!).



you can take the graft count and double it to get a rough estimate on the # of hairs. however, you must keep in mind that some of the grafts will contain 2-3 follicles and the crown usually gets 2-3 follicle grafts. btw, my crown loss was nowhere near what yours was and i had 1200 grafts put in. search for my name and you'll see the difference in the placement of grafts. i am also at 8 months and you can barely tell my crown is thinning.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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here you go (scroll down in the link to see immediate post-op pics):




btw charlie,

and i say this in all sincerity, no one here is trying to attack you personally or make you feel badly about yourself. losing hair is traumatizing enough: we don't need fellow sufferers attacking us needlessly! especially after going through an expensive surgery that i know has consumed a good part of your life.


after my first ht surgery i wanted to believe i was going to get great results but the reality was my doc used too few grafts as well as mini's and micros in my hairline. he offered me more FREE surgery but i declined and opted to go to a doc who i knew would satisfy my needs. the end result has been amazing so far. you shouldn't just accept your ht as a minor cosmetic improvment or be happy just to have hair growing there. the ht result done by a great doc should give the appearance of no balding.


at any rate, i really do wish the best for you in whatever you decide and keep in mind the other posters here have your best interest at heart, too.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks for your comment Hairthere, Ive added some better pictures off 8 mths ...the angle of the camera really matters when taking pictures...as you can see when the camera is directly next near the forehead i have a very unflattering bald spot....this is the area the doctor said she would fill in with the 600 grafts ...as i tilt back abit to reveal the widows peak area the view looks better.

If you look at the before and after pics you will notice only one before pic was taken without a flash.


Anyway looking forward to having more hair soon !

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I don't believe anyone is being negative for the sake of being negative. Instead, they are offering their honest feedback for your own benefit.


It's not that your result looks horrible, it's just that there isn't much of a cosmetic difference, which is what we suspected given the low graft count for such a large balding area. Do you have some hair where there once wasn't any? Yes. But it's very thin looking and will take a lot more than 600 grafts to achieve any level of fullness or density.


In my opinion, the initial call to concern about the placement of the grafts (in groups and spaced far apart) was appropriate since the most of the leading surgeons work toward re-creating the natural crown swirl. Using such a few number of grafts to such a balding area had no chance of giving you the density and coverage that most patients would be satisfied with.


However, if you are happy, that's what's important.


Regarding your question about the number of hairs per graft - the average is about 2.1 or 2.2. The reason why yours is higher is because Dr. Martinick combined a number of the smaller grafts to create larger ones (DFUs).


How you proceed moving forward is your choice and yours alone.


Best wishes,



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For the record, the issue of whether or not "Damo" was/is receiving compensation from Dr. Martinick in any way was addressed some time ago, and Dr. Martinick claims that he was/is not.


If a member of this community has proof that Damo was other than just an over-zealous patient who allowed Dr. Martinick to use his photos for her ad, please come forward with it. Otherwise, let's not spread rumors and stick with the topic at hand of Charlie's procedure.





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The reason you don't have a cornrow look is because your yield was very poor and the caliber of the surviving grafts was thin.


Ironically, had your yield been better, the unnatural distribution of your hair would have been far more noticable upon casual inspection. You were lucky.


What you have to understand is that for every area of skin there is a critical number of grafts required to obtain a cosmetically signficiant improvement.


For the life of me I cannot understand the logic behind the approach to your procedure. I have seen nothing like it either in textbooks or on the internet.


Again, I think you were very lucky you had a poor showing from that transplant.

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Actually, his pattern is very similar to what I got in 1991; except I had a pretty good yield. If you look at my crown from my one month pre-op pics you can see the 'rows'. When Dr. Cooley took them out, he commented that "it looked like I had three hairlines in my crown."


Funny thing is, for 10 years I thought I had a pretty good transplant. When you don't know any better, I guess that's what you get.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by charlieb:

Doc Feller and others

How many more grafts do you think I would need to have good density ? and how much hair count do you think that is so we are talking in the correct numbers.?


Personally, I think it does look better than it did preop. But, like Dr. Feller said, you didn't have a great yield.


IMO, 2500 grafts (about 6-7k hairs) would look good for you. Like the others have said, save up some money until you can go to Feller, Wong, Cooley, Lindsey, Carmen, et al.


You still look ok and you say you're happy. Don't take her up on the free 600, because that session will further limit what you'll be able to do in the future.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I read the comments by yourself and others and then I went and looked at the photos with a very open mind.


I don't honestly see any difference between the pre and post-op and certainly if 1200 grafts in such a large area produce limited visible difference, do you honestly believe that another 600 will?


My question to you is this: What were your goals with the surgery? Was it to still look bald but with a slightly minimally less bald look? If so, perhaps you are happy. But if your goal and the doctors goal was to reduce the illusion of baldness then to do only 1100 grafts over such a large area is gravely wrong to begin with.


To put it into perspective, I received 1662 grafts in the first few centimeters of my hairline to thicken things up.


Anyway, trust me, nobody is being harsh or rude. We are saying what we believe to be true and honestly care. It's why we are all here in the first place. I would strongly suggest you at least get a 2nd opinion, even if online with Dr. Feller, Dr. Hasson or Dr. Wong, Dr. Shapiro, Dr. Rahal, etc. What do you have to lose by getting a second opinion?


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Hi Dr Feller,


looking forward to seeing your patient photos...


just wondering how much a procedure off about 2000-3000 grafts would cost?..you can send me a personal message if you dont like to discuss on the internet.

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Guest wanthairs

charlie b


almost everyones comments here have been negative about your results. This is very rare on this forum because typically the Dr's here are very high standard and always scrutinised.


Even the renouned Dr. Feller said another 600 grafts will do nothing.


Take note. Come and see a US doc instead of wasting another procedure and more surgery and trauma on nothing. I wouldnt go to Martinick if she paid me, after seeing this result.


Remember we are on your side. This forum is for the beenfit of the public, often at the expense of a Dr's reputation. You are very lucky to have this forum as a resource and would be crazy to ignore the advice you are getting here.

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Hi everyone,


thanks for your comments and i do understand why you are saying some off these things now. the results you are getting with surgeons in the US are just amazing, its what i would describe as a full head off hair.


my problem is time and money, which i have very little off now since ive done my last procedure and took 10 days off work, but the idea is appealing more and more to take another 10 days and come to New York for that transplant you cant get here.


My question is a few and if someone can help answer them before my free procedure on wednesday i can decide if i will go ahead with the free one.


1. what type off results will i expect to get if i go say 3500-3700 grafts with Dr Feller...as you can see it says there 13000$, can i expect a full head off hair, with no patchy spots etc ?


2. what will happen to the existing hair at my 1/3 front crown region where i have alot off existing hair (im not going bald here) will it blend in nicely?


3. With 3500 grafts bear in mind Ive had now 2 procedures done will I be able to shave my hair down to number 3 (18mm) as this is my prefered haircut.


4. What is the healing time before i can go to work and the scabs and scars cant be seen (i can proby get 10 days off around xmas time) does this seem like an adequate timeframe


4. Hi Doc Feller this question is for you...what is your schedule like ? and if i can discuss prices with you personally via email or something.


5. and finally what is accomdation in newyork like for a cheap but private room, never been to the states before.


thanks guys , im really comtemplating this as your work/pictures speaks for itself

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