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2nd procedure - New scar?


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I have already undergone one procedure and the donor area was 20cm long and 1cm wide.


I will be undergoing another procedure soon and the donor area will be of similar size. Is it better to go in though the original scar or to start a new one?


Also, my scar is about 1.5mm wide in most areas, however it has stretched to approximately 6mm in one small spot. Does anyone know if this can be reduced if I were to have this area cut out during my second procedure (whereby the surgeon would go back in through the original scar)?

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  • Regular Member

I have already undergone one procedure and the donor area was 20cm long and 1cm wide.


I will be undergoing another procedure soon and the donor area will be of similar size. Is it better to go in though the original scar or to start a new one?


Also, my scar is about 1.5mm wide in most areas, however it has stretched to approximately 6mm in one small spot. Does anyone know if this can be reduced if I were to have this area cut out during my second procedure (whereby the surgeon would go back in through the original scar)?

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  • Senior Member

Your second HT donor removal will depend when you had your first HT and how much elastic you have in your scalp to extract the 2nd donor from the orginal scar area--- if not then you will have a second scar probably a quarter of inch below your first in order to have denser donor coverage when your hair grows back--- talk to your doc about it.

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I agree - talk to a doc. But, it seems crazy to me to have another scar line. I've seen photos of guys not happy with it, and it doesn't make sense for the most part. The only reason would be if you didn't mind the second scar and were super-super tight on elasticity, and couldn't afford the 1mm loss from the old scar line.


Click for - My Pix, and Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling, and healing.


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The fact of the matter is not everybody can achieve a 1mm scar. Most can get close though.


I had an approximately 1" area stretch to about 5mm. I had it revised down to about 2-3mm. I can FUE it if I want it to look better. I've cut down to #4 and it doesn't seem to be a problem at that link. We'll see in my case.


I think most top docs will try to harvest using the same line and reduce your scar when the new wound is closed. You have to have a little luck, but in general, you should get very good results.


I have heard, however, that the odds of a scar widening, or at least being larger than before, does increase with the number of HTs you have using the same area. Other people will proabably be able to comment better on this than I.



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I think it depends on the person's healing (scarring) tendencies and the doctor's skill. If your previous scar happens to be too low (like mine), they'll have to make a new scar line. Some others have been able to take from the same area and still only leave one thin scar. I'd definitely ask the doctor what the risk is before hand.

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  • Regular Member

My scar is about 1.5 mm in most of the area, but about 6 mm in one part.


One doctor has told me that he could reduce the size of the scar by going in through the same scar, however, I'm a little worried that he might widen the part that's only 1.5 mm.


Has anyone had their scar reduced by going in through the same scar?


Is there any other way to reduce scars?


How many ht's can you have through the same scar?


Does starting a new scar drastically reduce the amount of hair that you can use in a later transplant?

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In my opinion it's better cosmetically if you only have one scar.


It is possible if your doctor is really good, that he can make your first scar better. Although I wonder if your original doctor left you with a 1.5 mm scar, if the same doc would be able to improve it on the second time. That's already probably the best he can do, in your case... logic would say that the second time wouldn't be any smaller, unless your doctor had improved his technique, or had a better approach. The first scar is your best chance at a small scar, unless the doctor has made a mistake the first time (which is certainly possible). 1.5mm is not the best, nor is it the worst I have heard of. Is the larger part of the scar near your ear? I've heard that area is typically where scars can be worse.


You will get a slightly smaller number of grafts by going through the same scar, but in my opinion that is much better than having multiple scars. Guys with multiple scars often seem to wish they only had one.


Who is your doctor?

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Arfy hit it right on the nose. I wouldn't risk it on a 1.5mm scar. That's pretty damn good.


I had my scar reduced by Dr Rose when an ear near my right ear expanded to about 5mm. He cut the area out and resewed it and the result is a 2-3mm scar. Based on the dermatologist's reaction to the work, there is no doubt in my mind that Dr Rose did his usual excellent work and I just have some problems in that area. And after all, 2-3mm isn't something I really should bitch too much about.


One option Dr Rose offered me is that he'd cut a new, very small strip out and put all the harvested grafts in the old, expanded scar region, but we decided against that in the end for a variety of reasons. It is a feasible alternative to what we actually did.


Those experiences hopefully help answer a couple of your questions. BTW, Dr Rose offered to work on the scar again if I wanted. I declined because I don't think that really there is anything we can do better. That is just the way that area wants to heal, then so be it.


BTW, the rest of my scar is 1-2mm.



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