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Alvi Armani FUE

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It's been a few years since I was surfing these boards as prospective Hair Transplant client. After obsessively researching for over a year, I decided to go with Dr. Armani for a FUSS procedure. Now 4 years later, I have taken a job with Dr. Armani as a part time consultant and I'm back looking into the forums again. All of the negativity disturbed me 4 years ago, and it still does today. There are a lot of people in these forums that put out strong, negative feedback regarding his clinic and it made researching Dr. Armani as a viable option more difficult than it should have been. I have heard all of the arguments about being unethical, too aggressive, taking advantage of young men's insecurities, ect. I can say first hand, as it is my job to council patients, that this is untrue. I typically spend a few hours on the phone (and in person if possible) going over everything from expectations/reality, medication, future hairloss, general HT questions, and I would like to think that all of my clients have a VERY good understanding of their reality before they book a surgery. When I was a client, I worked through Shane and it was a very informative, thorough process. I knew what to expect going in and I didnt feel like I was being preyed on by some quack plastic surgeon. The surgery changed my life for the better, and that is the primary reason that I am now working part time for his Beverly Hills clinic. I was in the Marine Corps for 6 years and I am a Pepperdine University grad. I can tell everyone that I will deal with clients honestly and ethically.

Pat, I hope that we can leave this thread open for some dialogue.


3000 FUSS 04'

1500 FUE feb 08'

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Can i ask you Adam why the patients from Armani very rarely post their results on here.

Judging by your leading post has there been conflict on here before regarding you or any other Armani patient posting results.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I think that Armani patients run into a lot of hostility when they post here. I know that it kept me from posting on certain sites after I had my HT done years ago. I simply didn't want to deal with all the negativity. Now that I'm almost 30 and no longer care about keeping the surgery a personal secret, I have no issues posting pics or answering questions. If you have any questions that you want to send directly to me, you can reach me at (contact information removed)


- Adam

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WONDERFUL! Glad you came aboard and have no problem posting pics. Since you now work for Armani could you please post at least 5 -10 grown out fue before and after pics.

I dont care about fuss since he no longer uses that method. Hes been doing all fue for awhile now so Im sure you have some fantastic grown out pics .

Ive been searching on every forum but havent seen any. If you could post at least 5 pics of patients with over 3000 grownout Armani fue so I could compare them with other similar strip cases to compare yeild that would be great.

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Welcome to our open discussion forum. You are welcome to post here and offer your input however, because you now work for Dr. Armani, please add a disclaimer that you work for Dr. Armani into your signature as per our terms of service. I see you've aded something into your signature, but you didn't mention Dr. Armani at all.


Feel free to follow the example of other consultants such as "JoTronic", "Spex", "Janna", or "theHairLossCure".


You can add this into your signature by going to "Go", "Personal Zone", then "Profile". Click "View/Edit Complete Profile" and add the disclaimer into your signature line, and click "submit".


Please also do not post your contact information or any other promotional content. I have removed your contact email address from your last post. This privilege is reserved for our recommended and Coalition physicians. Besides, since you asked for open dialogue, there is no reason for our patient members to contact you privately about these matters.


Regarding the input of Dr. Armani on this forum: you have to remember that every physician is open to public scrutiny and every patient is entitled to voice their opinions and concerns.


In my opinion, many of the concerns posed by patient members about Dr. Armani, ethics, aggression, FUE megasessions are viable and worth discussing.


You are welcome to debate and defend Dr. Armani here, but I encourage you also to listen to the concerns and address them accordingly. I also trust that you will keep the Armani discussion to one thread (or current relevant topics) and not revive a bunch of OLD threads to bring Armani's name up to the top, which will be seem as promotional.


Thanks for cooperating and I look forward to seeing how this discussion goes.



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Please grow please- I will try to be a regular poster and keep my pictures updated. Keep in mind that it hasnt even been 3 weeks for me yet, so there really isnt too much to post that I havent already put on. Also, I don't work directly out of their Beverly Hills clinic, I am in San Diego so I'm not tapped into their database. I know that they are working on a new website that will launch in a few months and that will be loaded with FUE results. In the meantime check out YouTube.com and put in "alvi armani". You will be able to see some good videos of his work, and theres a 2 minute video of me as well. It was taken last year, so obviously before my FUE procedure.


Bill - Thanks for the reply. I thought that I made it pretty clear that I was an employee of Dr. Armani, but just incase let me offcially say I AM A PAID CLIENT CONSULTANT WITH DR. ARMANI icon_smile.gif

I think that it's kind of ridiculous to remove my personal contact information, but your site your rules. I am mainly here to share my exp and hopefully bring a positive image to the work Dr. Armani produces.

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Hi Adam

Will you be posting results from the other doctors who work for Dr Armani and could you tell me why there is a higher price charged when Dr Armani does the surgery as this would indicate he is a better doctor and therefor thats why he charges more.



2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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that's rather odd that your "an employee of Dr. Armani---A PAID CLIENT CONSULTANT WITH DR.ARMANI"

and yet;

you DON'T have access to his database of patient photos?

that's a first.

He pays you and allows you to REPRESENT him,

but won't allow you access to his photo database?

Is it representation by word only?


Spex, Jotronic, and Janna post photos


I guess we will all have to be swayed and woon over by your charm.





I would consider going to Armani

as he does do EXCELLENT WORLD CLASS work



I never get answers to SERIOUS questions raised, such as I asked in this thread you revived:



I would greatly appreciate your input/consultation on these issues (i.e. average available donor grafts, young patients getting 4,500 grafts moved; etc.)

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I searched youtube for Armani Fue results. Don't look good at all IMO. Strong hairline designs with no density behind it. I am going to take a guess and say that your 1500 fue process was all up front and that you are a relatively young guy.While you are searching for pics from the Armani files, see if you can find some from diffuse thinners that required a mega session of 4000 plus grafts. I would love to see the final product.

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Many people, myself included, are fascinated by this topic, procedure, and its viability as an improvement (?) in the HT process in the near or distant future. With that being said as the main topic of my post, let me remind everyone of how we might accomplish some of this on the forum or otherwise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE set your EGOs aside for the benefit of all involved. We cannot have literate, meaningful, and respectful debate in OUR hunt for sound, knowledgeable information on this issue we're all so concerned with if we let our EGO's get in the way. Many of you may agree with me that the male ego is one the saddest, most destructive forces in human nature. It stifles meaningful communication, ruptures the common bonds all humans should feel with one another, and often precludes matters being resolved in the most mutually respectful, courteous, and appropriate manner. We know this is true from even a cursory review of history or a simple review of our own daily lives. So PLEASE , I remind you, the important things here are the facts, the tangibles, the real world impact of the information we can glean from each other during these discussions and debates.


HERE'S A FEW TIPS: ( i learned these since becoming a dad)


1. Don't take criticism personally. Use it, learn from it, or ignore it; your choice. Just don't take it as a personal insult that excites your anger/annoyance to the point of "striking back".


2. When you need to dispense some criticism, do so courteously, professionally, and with the mind set that it IS another human you're speaking to with all the same feelings, emotions, fears, concerns, stresses, etc that you face also. Just another human; that's all.


3. If you DO become angry because someone ignored #2 above, step back for a while, relax, and DO NOT respond until your anger has subsided. You'll think more clearly and be better able to express yourself without that "striking back" mentality.


4. Sarcasm is one of the true human abilities that can provide some of the most hilarious and entertaining experiences in life. If there really were a God, his one gift to humans would have been the ability to expertly use sarcasm thought a lifetime. However, sarcasm VERY RARELY comes across well in written word because much of the sarcastic magic is held in voice inflection, tone, facial expression, timing, etc. So often, it may be best to avoid it in written from because it often falls flat on its face and doesn't convey the way you had hoped.


I REALLY WANT this FUE dialog to continue on this forum so we may learn more and more about it, regardless of each persons opinion on it. I for one am glad to have Adam here considering his history with all this. Knowledge is power guys, remember? So let's try to put our ego away here and persevere for the sake of knowledge.

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Bill - Thanks for the reply. I thought that I made it pretty clear that I was an employee of Dr. Armani, but just incase let me offcially say I AM A PAID CLIENT CONSULTANT WITH DR. ARMANI




Clearly you don't understand. You made it clear...on this thread. But if you post on another thread, how is someone supposed to know that you are a paid consultant with Dr. Armani unless it is in your signature? But I do see that you've added it, so thank you. The rule is about transparency.


Best wishes,



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I'd really like to explore FUE further as well for my own future procedures if necessary and I'm sure several others feel the same.


As far as I can understand the gist of it is this:


FUE has the benefit of producing no scar, but has the drawbacks of higher cost and for the moment, a lesser degree of yield and density.


I hope to be enlightened further on the subject.

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I was quite surprised by some of Dr. Feller's comments on that other thread.

For example, I was under the assumption that FUE produced less scarring/trauma to the head


Feller said : "FUE will total 10 times as much "trauma" as a comparable sized strip surgery"


..."ultimately coalese together to form a "sheet of scaring". Further FUE in skin like this is very difficult and the number of successful attempts drops."


Previously I thought several FUE sessions in lieu of strip was a viable option, but in light of his responses it seems that this is not a very good route to go down...

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NG2GB, I beleive in the last live chat Jotronic stated something of similiar effect as to why I string of FUE sessions isn't sound to replace a large-sized strip...I forget his exact phrase/terminology for the scarring.


But ya, as you know, I too thought you could string together a series of ~1k's.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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So much for our strings....

We'll have to stick to our strips...


But, we still haven't heard an answer/response about after were stripped out, HOW much additional FUE could one expect to have?...

then we can have both strips and strings

and then have that MONDO-MOXY LUSCIOUS MOP WE BOTH WANT! icon_mad.gif

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A lot of questions, good to see the activity. For those of you that had responded to my post on the other thread, I'm sorry about not getting back to you. I thought that my post was deleted and I never checked it again until NG2BG brought it to my attention that I had "revived" it. Also, Bill had informed me that that's a no no as it can be viewed as promotional. So for the time being, I will only be monitoring this one thread.

Chucky, you had asked about why Dr. Armani charges more than his other doctors. Simpy put, you are buying his time, experience and expertise. With his track record of amazing results, many clients are comfortable paying the premium he charges. I personally had my FUE done by Dr. Edwards in his Beverly Hills clinic under Dr. Armani's supervision, and I think that my results look great.

NG2GB - Let me clarify my situation for you. I work from my own office in San Diego, not Beverly Hills. I am not tapped into his database from here. However, if I wanted to look at past clients pictures, they are not locked up in a steel vault. If I went to Beverly Hills, I could look them up. In order to share any of those pics on a forum, the past client has to have agreed to let us use their pictures for marketing purposes. I am a newer employee and have never asked for photos of a mega-session, but I will. The few times that I was in the clinic, there were clients doing FUE's that were a little over 3,000 in graft count so I know that can be done in a day. I will see what I can do about producing pictures.

Stratman - If you didnt like what you found on youtube, then I dont know what to tell you. I think that the results look great. I was 25 when I went through the FUSS and I will be 30 in April of this year.

Pushing40- Thanks for chiming in, I think the chatroom was just starting to warm up to me icon_smile.gif

Some questions regarding FUE and scarring. I read the post stating that FUE causes 10 times as much scarring...? Perhaps if it isn't done correctly. I think that I have 10 times more scarring from my FUSS than my FUE. There are quite a few advantages that the FUE provides.

- No strip scar.

- Double or triples the amount of available donor hair.

- Amazingly better recovery time, less invasive.

- Doesn't take away from the lasticity of the scalp.

Going through both procedures, I can say that it was a night and day difference between the two. FUE was much, much, much better across the board.

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"double or triple the amount of available donor hair" -- sexy implications.


Does it then logically follow that the average person can viably extract ~15k+ successful FUE grafts? Furthermore, since cases such LondonLad and NicNitro (to name but two) show what can be done to a ~NW6+s with ~10k grafts, would not a whopping 50% increase in grafts virtually solve the pivotal dilemma of finite donor supply that we all face, which HM/cloning strives to bypass?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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