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36 yo female 4 weeks post op

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Fuzzy -


Thank you very much. I hope you take the credit that you well deserve for having courage and grace under fire. As well as being a catalyst that inspired something that will benefit others.

I can also say without hesitation that this is a good group of people that will stand by you. We do disagree and get heated at times , but at the end of the day it's ,if dare say , functional.

I hope noone starts a "best of Aquarius" thread because the sequal will be the "worst of Aquarius"

I am working on some clips that you might like.

I will work my mojo and have good hair vibes sent your way.


Stay cool sister - Aquarius

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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For what its worth, if you are considering a second procedure in the future the doc I used claims to have great success with women and can provide references. I already referred a woman to him who is a Dr, and she checked references and said he indeed was excellent. His name is Jeffrey Epstein of Miami....

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Thanks to everyone for providing fuzzywuzzy with honest and thoughtful support. I expect that ultimately fuzzywuzzy will see some nice improvements. But in my opinion there are easier ways to get to this ultimate result.


To Dr. Bushwach's credit he does not over sell his procedure and his prices are reasonable. I know he has many happy patients. But this community emphasizes and promotes OPTIMAL techniques and results - not adequate techniques and results.


fuzzywuzzy, I apologize to you for not being more aware of the current techniques of Dr. Bushwach prior to your posting. I will be visiting leading clinics throughout North America this summer and reviewing their work and recommendations. To see prior visits to leading clinics, click here .


No recommended physicians will maintain their recommendation if they rest on their laurels.

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I think Acquarius deserves some props here for calling the situation spot on. (Mabe his crazy humour masks the brilliance?).


Sometimes the truth really hurts and fuzzywuzzy hopefully will get a decent result. But like Acq. stated she deserves better. Another mediocre doctor exposed for his work.

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We still have no proof that this doctor used mini-grafts.


We have all agreed that the grafts are all spaced far apart and that larger blades were most likely used.


Whether or not mini-grafts were used...I doubt he'd go from FUT back to Mini-grafts...it's just obvious he is behind the times with FUT.


As Pat said...whereas that may have been state of the art work 3 years ago, it doesn't meet the standards of today's advancements.


But yes...Aquarius has recognized that something wasn't right...and he is indeed correct about that.


We, of course, continue to wish the best for fuzzywuzzy, and I do believe that she will have some cosmetic improvement. As far as what she decides to do in a year from now, that is for her to decide and she has choices in front of her.



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I hate to nitpick Bill but. Read Pat's post again .. "pare 10 years ago" regardless if they were technicly mini-grafts it really doesn't matter . Same crap different marketing.


Would it make you feel better if they where the finest stereo mic'd,trimmed with respect to grouping intact fu's, chilled in ringers?

Now let's have them stuffed int a 1.5 mm slit's peppered at different angles throughout existing hair over a large area without rhyme, reason or forsite.Let alone respect for existing hair.

Well there was foresite = Future surgeries.

That's not the philosophy or application of standard FUT and certainly 1,000 miles away from ulra-refined FUT.


I will keep up the off- forum correspondance with Fuzzy and support her as best I can without condition.That's my obligation. She is a cool kid and deserved better is an understatement. We did , "All of us " prevented an unfortunate event from being compounded.

So I don't deserve any props for anything other than having a sharp tounge and a predisposition to fight.

I defere the props to Pat. At the end of the day it was his ass, money and concern for us and he hit like lightning.

For that I will always be loyal.


Thanks to everyone for the kind words. It made me feel good and a bit humble.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Karma and Everyone,


Karma...Feel free to post your pictures.


I have noticed that the term "micro-grafting" has been used differently by different people, so one must be careful.


MINI-GRAFTS, however CONTAIN follicular units but are not the same as follicular unit grafting.


A mini-graft typically contains 5-8 hair bundles (though sometimes combining 2 two hair FUs can be considered a mini-graft. Please don't confuse this with a 4 haired naturally occuring FU) whereas a follicular unit graft (sometimes called follicular unit micro-graft) are hair follicles as they occur naturally in 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s.


So the answer to this question about Buchwach can be answered if he can provide hair count breakdowns. How many 1, 2, 3, and 4 hair FUs are in the bunch? How many 5, 6, 7, 8 hair bundles (mini-grafts) were used?


Now let's be careful...


What is the difference between FUT and Ultra-refined FUT?


The difference can be answered in two different ways...


1. Ultra-refined FUT typically uses skinny grafts as opposed to chubby grafts. This refers to how the FUs are cut from the donor strip - either by leaving a larger or smaller amount of skin around each graft.


2. Smaller (refined) instruments are used to make recipient incisions using ultra-refined FUT whereas even clinics that do solid FUT can use larger cutting instruments. Is one better than the other? Absolutely! But the use of larger instrumentation does not conclude with certainty that the doctor is using mini-grafts - though providing detailed hair counts would.


Though this is only my take on this, one could suggest that the term "ultra-refined" came from the fact that "ultra" skinny grafts are being cut - and "refined" instrumentation is being used to cut the ultra skinny grafts and make recipient sites.




All I'm arguing is that we do not have conclusive evidence that Dr. Buchwach uses mini-grafts. The only conclusion we can make is that the grafts are spaced far apart and larger incisions have been made.


One CAN make a case that it MIGHT be mini-grafts (hence what I said in the beginning of this thread), however conclusive evidence is not there.



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Hello Karma,

Welcome to the forum.

Do you think it might be possible for you to start another thread. I don't know , something like.

My wonderful experience with Dr. Buchwald, Recently proactive first time poster or I wanted a chevette and I got it.

This thread should not be jacked.

Bill - I agree with you but I won't debate on this thread, it has taken to many turns.

Gotta respect Fuzzy bro.

This has nothing to do with a 36 yo female and as far as I'm concerned Bu****** is a persona non grata.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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I agree that it would be wise to start your own thread so we can focus more on you...however, simply put:


1296 grafts on that level of hairloss will hardly give you a cosmetic difference. The incisions are large and the grafts are spaced far apart - similar conclusion as made with Fuzzywuzzy. Once again, this doesn't mean that you didn't recieve FUT - however, this is hardly ultra-refined work.


How far out of surgery are you? Do you have any after pics at this point?


Canceling your next session with this doctor was a good move. I recommend researching and selecting one of our coalition doctors for the next round.



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All I suggest is this---spend the time to research and if it means heading back to Dr. Buchwach then all be it, atleast you researched things. Then you can rest assured that you diligently spent the time to research the best possible surgeon for your procedure.


Don't just take our word for it that there are better surgeons available. You need to make up your own mind.


Don't sweat your recent HT. Things in your photo look pretty decent. Besides most top notched physicians could always make changes to correct previous poor work so your covered. Best of luck with things.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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