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Hah, not to sound rude but I don't see anything eccentric about my wanting a high school hair line, I'm a freshman in college and I finished high school a year early., so I should still BE in high school. I was saying that when it gets to such a point that it looks ridiculous, I could just shave my head, and it won't be a big deal because I'll be older. I don't see anything socially or aesthetically awkward about a 30 yea rold with a shaved head, but like I said it is awkward for an 18 year old to have a clearly noticable receeding hair line. I'm still not sure as to why this would make a doctor unethical, I'm fully aware of what you mean... the hair behind the transplants will gfall out and I'll look like a douche... But I'm saying by the time that happened I'd more than likely be in my mid-late twenties or early thirties, and I'm sure I could get another transplant and last another few years, and then after I'm out of hair I can use for transplants I'll just shave my head, and it won't be socially/aesthetically awkard in the least in my opinion.

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Soft Core,


Obviously you have a lot to learn about HT.


If you get strip surgery and you shave your head, you will be showing off a nice strip scar going from ear to ear while everyone asks "What happened?".


FUE might be an option for you but still creates scarring (though typically more appealing since they appear more like scattered dots than anything else and are hardly noticable with a short clip.


I don't know if you understood my point about the high school hairline...


Of COURSE it would be acceptable now - I'm just talking about later when it looks awkward.


Besides why not shave your head NOW? the look is in after all! Who knows if it will be by the time you are 30.




I have no reason to plead with you not to do something. It's your head after all! But try to remember that you came to us asking for advice. We could certainly tell you what you want to hear but it wouldn't be in your best interest.


I do wish you the best though...



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Besides why not shave your head NOW? the look is in after all! Who knows if it will be by the time you are 30.


I totally agree.




The idea that you "won't care so much when you're older" is one of the oldest rationalizations in the book for getting early HTs. Unfortunately, what really happens is that the guy rarely EVER loses the want for decent hair at some magic age. There are a lot of 50-60yo men who get HTs every single day of the year.


If you're the type of person who cares enough to want to get surgery over this hairline when you're young, then you're the type of person who is very unlikely to adjust very well to losing hair when you're older either. (I'm not saying it will be quite as hard as it is at 17, but I am saying that you won't exactly be fine with it. And you'll probably want to do ANYTHING to improve the situation then, just like now.)



Believe me, the ages of 30-35yo is not much "older" mentally-speaking. When to comes to our appearances, there isn't some magic age where everyone's thought processes will adjust to grownup-mode. (I'm sure there was once a time when you thought 17 sounded like a total grownup. But it doesn't seem all that grownup NOW, does it?)




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  • Senior Member

Dude im 17 i have the same problem. I have my head shaved and couln't be happier with the look. You look like ur the kinda the punk rock type so im not gonna argue with you on that. As strqange as it sounds I will also say that a recceeding it is more noticable with longer hair than a shaved head.


Also its not that easy to just say im going to fill in my hair with a transplant.

1. are yo aware of the cost of a HT?

2. That there may be side effects.

3. Not all Ht run smoothly and it takes alot of time and effort finding a good one.

4. Also a high qualified on would not operate on you so you really cant continue arguing it.

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Giants: good call. Goes to show everyone who is is 17 or 18 is not as naive and idealistic as Soft Core Seizures.

Soft Core Seizures: hmmm...how do I put this without sounding like the proverbial older guy. There was a time that I thought 24 was old, and I would surely be married by this point. I noticed my hair loss around 19 or 20, it was merely a slight widows peak but it began bothering me at age 21, I also thought I wouldn't care about hair loss when I was out of my thirties and almost had a ht when I was about 22. Guess what? Im 28, not married, and I care just as much about my hair loss now as I did then. Im SO glad I didn't get a ht years ago. TRUST ME, your going to care just as much when your 28 or even 38. If you do go get a ht now to fully restore your hairline and you end up having extensive hair loss by the time your 35 (which is likely given your age) imagine what youll look like then? You wont have enough donor hair to match the hairline you get now. So youll have this really low hair line and bald areas or SUPER THIN hair covering the rest of your head. Everyone will no that you had a ht and youll look and feel like a fucking idiot!!! Trust me. Your going to care just as much in ten years time. Everyone here is just trying to look out for you because alot of guys here have been in your shoes and lost hair at a young age. The older you get the faster time goes by. Right now 5-10 years may sound like a really long time, but its really not. The decision is yours (that is if you can find a doc who is willing to do such a ridiculous thing and Im sure theres plenty of quacks out there) but maybe you should step back and realize that everyone here has been in your shoes and is merely trying to help you learn from their experience and knowledge...


As far as you.."being in a teenage band...(and)...never be able to get laid again..." goes, trust me, much will change in the next five years. Alot of the guys who are getting laid now are going to end up working as security guard at the local mall. Girl mature much faster than guys and by the time all the girls you want to fuck now turn 23-25 almost ALL of them will be looking for one thing: $$$; CHA-CHIIIING!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME!!! By the time these girls turn 25 they will be interested in someone who looks and is: established, mature, and good looking. You can fit the bill by having a ht later and having a slight widows peak at that time will give you a mature look that women will like.


By the way, my widows peak chilled way out by age 21. Its most likely just a slight hit your taking from all of the testosterone at your age and will probably chill out for a while. Take it easy.

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hi im 20 , i used finax for 12 days almost 2 mg a day ..and dude i am one of those 2 % men to suffer from its side effects...dunno how to deal with it..so i just stopped it .. neway ,..does ne1 know any other specific safe method to keep the hairfall in control


Im currently using minox 2 % once a day at nite.


Can ne1 also teme how effective is the Laser Comb?

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Sorry to hear you were having side effects with finasteride. Some men do seem to experience them.


You may want to consider upping 2% minoxodil to 5% minoxodil as it is stronger. The foam has been said to be less of a scalp irritant so consider that as well.


Regarding the lasercomb...


I'll let you decide for yourself. Click here for more information.


Best Wishes,



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I'm new to the board and have no experience activity fighting hairloss. But have you considered a concealer such a dermamatch or toppik? I myself am only 23 and have a receding hairline and light thinning on the top of my head. I'm strongly considering dermamatch along with proscar to help with my situtation.

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I used to play in a band and had to deal with the same hair loss issues at your age. It was devastating, but mostly because I wasnt very wise to the ways of the world or of women. I am in my mid 30s now.


Its true that most 17-19 year olds judge others based on looks, and even more specifically, hair. Hair is a major fashion statement and young adults use it to express what kind of person they are, what kind of music they like, their attitudes, etc. It helps you make friends and when you have friends and are confident, then you get the girls.


17 year olds are so insecure and they take their insecurities out on everyone else. So early hairloss will hurt. In fact, if you are not confident, this will just lead to more taunts and insults, so you better learn how to shake it off, and if that doesnt work, learn how to fight.


But by the time you reach 21, and then 25, it becomes less and less of an issue. The only people who judge you on your hair as you get older will seen immature.


Women will be more concerned with your emotional substance, personality, and ability to provide for them. In fact, I'd wager at 21, having a new car and a nice apartment will score you more babes than the same ammount you would pay for a hair transplant.


On a brighter ote, you will start t care more and more about your academics and career, will learn to appreciate other kinds of music and appreciate diversity in others, in fact you may find that one of your favorite musicians is bald. I know this seems unlikely, but it is true!


And most importantly, there are always some cute, well grounded young women who care more about relationships than they do about your hairline. If you are all about one night stands, then I cant help you, but then if you are REALLY about the one night stand, then hair loss shouldnt stand in your way. Alcohol fixes that!



Then when you are 23-25, you will find you can date womne much older than you. That will be fun for a while -- and women in their 30s are MUCH hotter (all around) than girls who are 18-19. Women get better with age. You have that to look forward to.


In other words, I know its painful, but things change fast. You fininished school a year early so you must be a smart kid, so Im sure you can figure this out.


This is a spiritual challenge that we all are faced with to varying degrees.


Good luck.

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I think I'm probably one of the few board members who actually wears their hair long. At Soft Core's age I didn't really have a problem with it thinning, etc, but having long hair and knowing what it's like to worry about it I can relate. Here are my thoughts:

1) If you decide to get a transplant now you will NEVER be able to shave your head, as Bill mentioned it will leave a long scar unless you do FUE. So that look will pretty much be out for you.

2) Post a picture of your receeding hairline. I think perhaps many people aren't really able to give you an accurate assessment without seeing what you're talking about.

3) The reason people are advising against a transplant now to fill in the missing areas is, that in 5 years it might be more than just a receeding hairline and if you've filled in the front you might end up with a patchy look elsewhere. Or worse, a fantastic hairline, 2" of baldness and then the rest of your hair.

4) I know people like to warn of the risks of Propecia, but give it a shot. I'd say it can't hurt, but well I'd be corrected. lol I never had any adverse effects on it and plan to get back on it ASAP.

5) Do your homework. Whatever you decide look ahead more than a couple months. Hell you might not be with the same band by next summer. And that hip, scruffy haircut you're rocking right now might be out of style in the near future, so don't do anything without being sure.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by sunny:

hi im 20 , i used finax for 12 days almost 2 mg a day ..and dude i am one of those 2 % men to suffer from its side effects...dunno how to deal with it..so i just stopped it ..


Hi Sunny, how long did it take for the side effects to subside?

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  • Senior Member

I also began losing my hair at 17. The pattern was such that I could only part on the left not the right because of a gap. But the process stopped and I was OK until it kicked in at 27 again, then at 35 it really kicked in. You might be one of those who experience recession at the end of puberty and it stops

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