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Hi, I have questions and such.

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I'm 17 years old, I'll be 18 at the end of the month. I've had a widows peek/receding hairline/what I consider to be a genetic deformity since I was 15. It's always bothered me a good amount, but I wear my hair long so it's been covered. It used to be, just that my hair line came to a point and went back slightly. It started going back further and further around a year ago, when my doctor said it was no big deal and it wouldn't get any worse. Uhm, yeah... It did. Significantly. Now, it's gone back about 2 inches, and it's gotten wider. I have a terrible, terrible receding hair line, my hair is about 6 inches long and it's still blatant. It's not falling out at all anywhere else, it's perfectly fine except the forehead line deal. I'm not one of those people who can just cope with it, or shave my head or something like that. I'm not joining the KKK, and I'm not 70. I'm a 17 year old child, and I need to fix my hair. Keeping it how it is isn't really good enough, either. I want a full head of hair. I'm a child. My doctor prescribed Propescia, or whatever it's called. I have to purchase it soon, but I'm not even sure if that works. According to the website, it isn't proven to fix receding hairlines. I've read things saying that surgeons don't like to perform on people under 25 because additional hair might fall out, but my doctor says propescia will stop it from falling out, so wouldn't that mean that I could get the surgery and not have to worry about more falling out? This is a really big deal to me, I'm a really positive and happy person and this is honestly just about the only thing in my life that makes me completely miserable. I can't stress enough that it's a huge, huge deal to me. My hair is important to me, I guess I'm a fashionable kid and my hair has always been my best physical attribute. I need to fix this.


Edit: I initially forgot to mention that I've dyed my hair a lot. I dyed it black for about a year and a half. I've also bleached it, dyed it dark, bleached it again, like twice. I blow dry and straighten it every day. I'm not dying it anymore, but I continue to blowdry/straighten it. My hair color right now is fairly close to my natural light brown/dirty blonde, I need to blow dry it or it always looks greasy and I straighten it because it flips out on the ends. I'm not sure if any of this is/was affecting the loss of hair.

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  • Regular Member

I'm 17 years old, I'll be 18 at the end of the month. I've had a widows peek/receding hairline/what I consider to be a genetic deformity since I was 15. It's always bothered me a good amount, but I wear my hair long so it's been covered. It used to be, just that my hair line came to a point and went back slightly. It started going back further and further around a year ago, when my doctor said it was no big deal and it wouldn't get any worse. Uhm, yeah... It did. Significantly. Now, it's gone back about 2 inches, and it's gotten wider. I have a terrible, terrible receding hair line, my hair is about 6 inches long and it's still blatant. It's not falling out at all anywhere else, it's perfectly fine except the forehead line deal. I'm not one of those people who can just cope with it, or shave my head or something like that. I'm not joining the KKK, and I'm not 70. I'm a 17 year old child, and I need to fix my hair. Keeping it how it is isn't really good enough, either. I want a full head of hair. I'm a child. My doctor prescribed Propescia, or whatever it's called. I have to purchase it soon, but I'm not even sure if that works. According to the website, it isn't proven to fix receding hairlines. I've read things saying that surgeons don't like to perform on people under 25 because additional hair might fall out, but my doctor says propescia will stop it from falling out, so wouldn't that mean that I could get the surgery and not have to worry about more falling out? This is a really big deal to me, I'm a really positive and happy person and this is honestly just about the only thing in my life that makes me completely miserable. I can't stress enough that it's a huge, huge deal to me. My hair is important to me, I guess I'm a fashionable kid and my hair has always been my best physical attribute. I need to fix this.


Edit: I initially forgot to mention that I've dyed my hair a lot. I dyed it black for about a year and a half. I've also bleached it, dyed it dark, bleached it again, like twice. I blow dry and straighten it every day. I'm not dying it anymore, but I continue to blowdry/straighten it. My hair color right now is fairly close to my natural light brown/dirty blonde, I need to blow dry it or it always looks greasy and I straighten it because it flips out on the ends. I'm not sure if any of this is/was affecting the loss of hair.

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First off,dying your hair will not affect hair loss! Unless you bleached it so much you burnt it off at the roots. Propecia may stop you from loosing some hair but it's not that effective on the hailrine. It may also klll your boner,drain your wallet,or do nothing at all. So talk to a doctor before you start using any meds. 17 is very young to start losing your hair. Unfortunately most ht doctors will not consider you ready for a transplant. They will say to wait. I understand how stressed out and depressed this shit can make you. I started thinning at 22. Read all the info on this and other ht sites and i'm sure some guys here will give you some decent advice...

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Guest wanthairs

soft core....


I understand your pain. I am 35 and started losing hair at 14 years old....I recomend , after talking to a doctor to gte on propecia, 5% rogaine foam and use nizoral shampoo.


Stop dying your hair. Eat healthy dont drink or smoke.


When i partied alot and did drugs i lost muhc more hair. When I cleaned up, my loss almost came to a stop. I just wish I got on the meds earlier to save what I had.


Its no garantee that you will regrow your hair but using those three things and living a healthy life is your best chance ever. Dont even think of a hairtransplant unless you have substantial loss. In another ten years there may be new developments in this field which will make it all much cheaper and more effective.....


Wishing you luck !!

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Soft Core,


Welcome to our community.


You have already received some excellent advice from the members of our community.


I can certainly empathize with you...losing hair especially at an early age is hard to go through.


Though dying your hair will not cause hair loss - being gentle with your hair will help keep it a bit longer. Medications such as finasteride and minoxodil are proven entities that might help slow down or prevent future loss. Talk to a doctor about both of these medications and research them so you are familiar with both the benefits and risks (possible side effects).


Best wishes,



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I was under the impression that rogaine was only for the crown and such... I only have an issue at the frontal hair line. I'm curious as to whether the other medications mentioned do anything different than Propecia. Also I'm curious about shampoos, and laser comb things... And, why can't I get a transplant, my doctor told me propecia will at the very least keep my hair as it is, and possibly stimulate regrowth. If my hair will stay how it is on the medicine, why not get a transplant to fill in the retarded areas?


edit: I forgot to mention, I also don't drink, smoke, or do any drugs. I eat healthy and I'm in good shape.

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Soft Core,


Regarding hair transplantation, I recommend you read the following Hair Loss Q&A Blog: Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?


Rogaine has been tested for the crown however, many hair loss sufferers have sworn by it's efficacy in the hairline as well. I personally did not have any success with it in the long run however.


Regarding laser therapy I recommend reading the following thread.


There is also no shampoo proven to regrow hair. However there have been studies that both Nizoral and Revita shampoo which contain ingredient ketoconazole may have some anti-DHT effects which may help combat hair loss. This is not FDA approved for hair loss however.





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Thanks, I read both links. So then, I should wait until I'm on propecia for a year, and if it halts my hair loss, then consider a transplant to fill in the hair line issue? And it's pretty disappointing that the laser therapy doesn't seem to be an actual solution. Would you reccomend using the shampoo in addition to Propecia, or will propecia alone be enough? Also, I purchased rogaine a while ago, before I knew it was only meant for the crown. I'm unsure as to how it works, I have like 5 bottles and they all have little liquid dropper deals, but I'm not sure where to apply it. It's like water, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to apply it to my whole head, or what.

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  • Senior Member

hmmmmm ? I am not sure about all of this . It sounds like the classic questions we all have heard . No offense . this is a good place to get info . Did you pay for the Propecia or was it covered by a health insurance plan for use by a minor in the US . Be sure your doctor fully informs you of any possible effects this medication may have on your development .

Again I am sorry if I sound mean . I must read too much .


DO NOT GET A TRANSPLANT AT 17 or even 18 . Research and be sure you can halt most future hairloss first . I did and it was the worst move I ever made bro .

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You have been given some good advise. I understand what you are saying about looking fashionable and needing the hair, but a HT will likely not give you what you need for your age and styles.


Try to do the short hair or shaved look. You are fortunate that it is a cool thing right now. When I started to lose my hair, no one shaved their heads. Give it a try and see what transpires. What have you got to lose?? If you don't like it you can let it grow. If you get a HT and don't like it, you are screwed. Just my 2 cents.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Shaving my head isn't really in style, hah. I wear my hair like this.

Except, mine is about 2 inches shorter right now. it looks terrible because it doesn't cover my whole forehead. it comes up on the sides and I look like an asshole. It won't really be noticeable when it's a bit longer but if my hair line gets any worse it will be. I really need to keep my hair, hah. It will completely downgrade the quality of my life, all I do is play in my band. If I lose my hair any more than I am already to the point where it's noticable I won't fit the look, I'll look like a 90 yea rold douche bag playing in a band with teenagers. I'll never get laid again. I really don't see why I can't go on propecia to make it stop, and take it forever. Idon't care. So it'll stop forever. And then get the transplant thing.

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That sequence of posts seemed kind of non sensual,maybe you should compress your whole thought into one post, that'd be easier.


Basically I'd still like the following questions to be adressed.


1. why is it not a good solution that, when I get on propecia which my doctor prescribed to stop any future hair loss at the very least and potentially regrow hair also, why can't I just fill in the gross spots with a transplant, seeing as my doctor told me that the propecia would at least keep my hair how it is? I don't need to worry about losing any more hair.


2. Should I use one of those shampoo's in addition to propecia, or would there be no point?


3.) if so, which one is the best?


4.) Should I use rogaine in addition to the propecia, and possibly the shampoo as well, and if so, seeing as I already have it in a little dropper bottle in liquid form, where do I apply it/how much, considering my crown isn't an issue and it's just receeding?


5.) Once I'm on the propecia, will I be able to dye my hair again, seeing as the propecia is supposed to make it not flal out like normal human being hair does?


6.) Will straightening/blow drying my hair have any effect on keeping it?


thanks for putting up with my being a n00b to losing my hair before I'm old enough to smoke, vote, etc. I appreciate everyone's feedback, I really only need answers to the questions I asked, not to be rude. Any other info you'd like to give, I'd be glad to hear it once my questions are adressed.

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non sensual? do you mean sequential. anyway heres some anwsers.


1. First of all dont take propecia too lightly. Watch out for sexual side-effects. Your too young for a transplant. A doctor would refuse to operate on you. They would just tell you to come back when your older. No doctor in America would operate on a 17 year old.


2. IF you do use a shampoo use nizoral 1% or 2%. Its active ingredent kills DHT.




4. I would get on rogaine as well. The rogaine foam is much easier to use and can be bought at rite-aid. Apply half- of a cap to the areas which are receeding.


5. Dying your hair will have no effect on anythin exept you mabye should stop using rogaine for a few days after dying your hair.


6. Blow drying your hair will have no effect on propecia but it will on rogaine.

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"Why can't I transplant the receded areas since Propecia will stop the future hair loss?"



Because unfortunately Propecia WON'T stop the future loss. It will only slow down the future hair loss at best, and in a large number of cases the effects really begin to diminish within 5-8 years. There is often a small amount of regrowth from the drug at first, but make no mistake -- this drug WILL NOT PERMANENTLY STOP HAIR LOSS.


Propecia (Finasteride) is basically a method of knocking down a certain male hormone in your body because this is the hormone that happens to cause hair loss. The manufacturer (and most doctors) will say that sexual side effects are extremely rare and will resolve if you quit the drug, but there are users of the drug who have reported otherwise. The sexual side effects seem to be much more common than the "2% of men" that the company reports it to be.



The age at which a guy first gets HTs is an issue that has been hotly debated for a long time. But even most of the guys who favor younger ages would tell you that 17/18 is WAY too young. I know you're saying that you're not actually going bald right now, but in terms of HTs the doctor has to basically treat your case the same way. He still has to be concerned with whether you'll have more baldness than you can cover later on.




I also had receded temple areas when I was in later high school. It sucks, but it's also not the worst than MPB can be. I guarantee you that you know at least one or two guys right now who will be looking visibly bald (not just receding, but full-blown old-geezer-type BALDING all over their head) before they are 26 years old.



Unfortunately there really aren't any realistic options for you to "fix" this situation for at least several years from now. You can probably find an unethical doctor who will do a transplant on you if you look hard enough, but it is NOT in your best interests to do this. There are A LOT of doctors in the transplant industry who have made a career out of ruining guys' lives by preying on their insecurities when they first begin to see some hair loss. (The number of mediocre-to-terrible HT doctors far outweighs the number of decent ones. Don't think it won't happen to you.)




I've also been wanting to transplant my temples for more than a decade now. I still haven't done it because I had to wait to find out how bad my eventual hair loss situation will be in the future. This becomes much clearer as you get into your later 20's. In my case, it turned out that I'm in for worse hair loss than any of the men directly related to me. I'm VERY glad I waited now.




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why does it matter if I get it transplanted now? if medical breakthroughs have allowed doctors to manufacture hearts, surely they can manufacture hair. why does it matter if it's my hair, or someone elses hair, or fake hair that I get implanted in my head? I don't know abything about this stuff but I'm sure that if doctors are able to make fake limbs and shit they can make fake hair that looks/feels/grows like real hair, which would leave everyone with an unlimited supply.

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Cloning hair has been "just a few years away from the commercial market" for at least 20 years now. I think the first hair follicle was cloned in a lab something like 30+ years ago.


They MIGHT be closer now than in the past, but don't bet your looks on it. There were guys getting aggressive HTs back in the 1980s & 1990s because hair loss was about to be "cured" according to plenty of respected news sources. And now those poor guys are really screwed over despite making an informed decision to the best of their abilities at the time. They're often stuck trying to cover increasingly large bald heads with more & more surgeries, sometimes even running out of donor hair & having to resort to hairpieces, etc. It's not pretty.



The hair loss/cloning researchers always throw out estimates for their new advances that are, uh, "optimistic" so that the money-lenders will keep funding their work. If they came right out & said "we won't have jack squat on the market for another couple of decades" then they couldn't ever raise the money to do it at all. (That's just the nature of most medical research these days, hair loss or otherwise.)




Transplanting synthetic hair & other people's hair have been tried already. Doesn't work, looks like crap, gets infected, the body rejects it, etc. The whole baldness problem is happening in the first place because your body tries to reject your own hair follicles once the DHT has hit them. Transplanting anything other than a patient's own hair follicles has proved to be a losing game.




Men have been wanting a cure for baldness for thousands of years. It's EXTREMELY frustrating that it's 2007 and we still don't have it, but that's the situation. Just like we still don't have a cure for the common cold. And we still don't have a vaccine for the AIDS virus. And we still can't wipe out cancer. And on, and on, and on.


There have been literally billions of dollars invested in preventing/treating/reversing hair loss over the last several decades. Most of us do believe that we will eventually get a real option for treating this problem within another couple of decades, but we're simply not close enough to know yet.


It absolutely sucks donkey sh*t and it's hard to believe that this problem could possibly be so hard for science to solve, but that really is the situation that we're still in. There are still a hell of a lot of millionaires & billionaires walking around with bald heads & bad hairpieces every day. If hair loss could really be dealt with that easily, they wouldn't look like that.




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I'm honestly not too concerned about being bald in my 30's. It's a pretty normal thing, it wouldn't bother me all that much. I'd rather get a transplant now and end up having to shave my whole head if I lsoe the hair in other places, I just want to have a full head of hair until my late twenties. After that I'm going to start to wrinkle and gain weight anyways, plus I'll probably be married. I think it'd be my decision to have a transplant done when I'm 18 in less than a month, I'd be a legal adult and if I was willing to deal with the fact that I would moer than likely end up losing other hair in the future at a lter time I don't see why it'd make a doctor "unethical" to operate on me.

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Soft Core Seizures,


I'm honestly not too concerned about being bald in my 30's. It's a pretty normal thing, it wouldn't bother me all that much.


This is a common misconception that many young people use as a reason to plan for the short term rather than the long term.


Trust me...you will care! You will care about your appearance just as much in your 30s as in your 20s. I just turned 30 this past year and I care just as much as I did if not more!


If I didn't hit you with this link before, please read it: Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?


This is a link to a thread and there are member comments below.


Obviously it comes down to your decision. There ARE doctors out there that will be happy to take the money of an 18 year old just to get business but it will NOT be in your best interest.


Best wishes,



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Soft Core,


As I said...it's your decision.


We can only advise you based on what we believe to be true. There CAN be cases made for young people having HTs, but I do not believe you are one of them. Any HT doctor that performs an HT on you at this age with your minimal amount of hair loss is highly unethnical IMO.


Consider the possibility that you get a hair tranplant now to lower your hairline. They use about 2500 grafts to give you the look you desire. You look GREAT for a couple years enjoying life.


But it becomes noticable over time that your MPB is getting worse. You are thinning all over your head and Propecia may be slowing down your loss but has not stopped it (this is very possible). By the time you are 30 you now have a LINE OF HAIR creating a nice low hairline with large amount of balding areas behind it.


You see...


You are not just going to be balding in your 30s...but you could very well look completely unnatural drawing a lot of attention to yourself.


Clearly you could continue to get HTs to try to "stay ahead of your loss" but eventually you will run out of donor hair.


That is why it's best to plan wisely for the LONG term to ensure the most natural hair transplant possible (which may end up meaning a more conservative hairline rather than a liberal low high school hairline).


Things to think about...





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