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Some Advice on HT Clinics and Surgeons


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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


After many years of going thin, now I have the courage to do something about it.


I have done some research and would appreciate any advice, recommendations, good or bad reports on the clinics below...



Clinic 1: BHR Clinic, Dr.Bisanga,

Brussels, Belgium,

I have read some really good reports about this clinic and surgeon.

Does anyone have some advice on this clinic?


Clinic 2: Solihull clinic, Birmingham, Dr. Vernikos

I have found it difficult to find reports about this clinic and surgeon.

Does anyone have some advice on this clinic?


Clinic 3: Dr. Devroye, Belgium

I have read really good reports about this clinic and surgeon, He seems to be

a real good guy with real good results.

Does anyone have some advice on this clinic or surgeon?


Clinic 4: Norton Clinic, Homestead Drive, Wakefield, West Yorkshire,

I have read some reports about this clinic and surgeon, I can't find a surgeons name on their website, which is rather unusual.

Does anyone have some advice on this clinic?


Clinic 5: Dr. Feriduni, Belgium

I have read some really good reports about this clinic and surgeon.

Does anyone have some advice on this clinic or surgeon?


Clinic 6: Dr. Bessam Farjo and Dr. Nilofer Farjo, London, Manchester

I have read great reports about this team.

However.. I have also read that the UK is not the place to have a HT. Is Dr. Farjo a good choice?


Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Guys,



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Hi Bill,


No, not really, I didn't fully think through how the notifications are listed.


Therefore I posted a the same question, just in-case the notifications were listed by array of date.


Maybe my question is too large or too wide a category, since I have received only one response, from a question that has, through research on this site, listed many doctors of a high standard.


I just expected more reply's.


I understand from your reponse that the notifications may be listed by category, not date, therefore, I won't re-post similar questions in-the-future..



Kind Regards,



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Some advice. CLINIC 4 avoid(terrible rep),just do a search anywhere to see why!!. Clinic 2 I would avoid also as I havent heard of them and fact you cant find anything about their doctors or results is a warning signal to you and would be a shot in the dark HT.All the best clinics have an online prescence. The other 4 clinics are all excellent and have good reps,just depends on who you prefer after you have spoken with them.Hope this helps some.

HT 2006/7

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It's extraordinarily difficult to give you any information on the clinics you're inquiring about for the simple reasons that nobody has visited all of them, nobody has had a transplant with all of them, and nobody has any "inside" information on all of them. That being said, based upon what I've seen on this and other forums, I have seen the best results from Dr. Devroye and Dr. Feriduni. I know Dr. Bisanga is quite popular, but I'm not a big fan of his hairline designs, and he never responded to some concerns about a result that a patient of his posted on this forum.


Do a ton of research, and then do a ton more. Find the doctor that you like best, because ultimately, that's all that matters.

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for the reply; I will try to post more specific questions in the future.


I'm just new to a forum-type discussion arena, and finding my feet at the moment.


Again thanks to: TC17, T.C. and Bill, for your responses.


I will continue my research.


Do you guy's know-of, any other forums that have a good rep similar to this site,

with relation to: up-to-date and reliable information such as this site?


I have contacted Dr. Devroye, and will have a consultation in August.


This will give me some time for more research.


I am considering the FUT method because I will probably require a minimum of 3000 grafts.


My crown and the frontal area, are 'a wee bit' on-the-light-side of hair at the moment.


Just on a side issue, the costs on Dr. Devroye's site state...


Amount of grafts Price/graft ?‚¬(euros)

0-500: 6 ?‚¬

500-1000: 3 ?‚¬

1000-2000: 2.5 ?‚¬

2000-2500: 2 ?‚¬

2500-3000: 0 ?‚¬

3000: 2 ?‚¬


Does this mean that it will cost: 6000 ?‚¬(euros) for 3000 grafts,


Its 2?‚¬ per graft, therefore: (3000 * 2) = 6000 ?‚¬(euros)


Or is it a gradual price increase structure!


I am only in the initial stage of booking a consultation, therefore, thought it

a little impolite to ask for the cost, since I do not know how many grafts I

will require.


Any info on the price structure, from somebody who has actually been to Dr. Devroye's clinic

would be appreciated.


Many Thanks, Kind Regards,


I do ask many questions, apologies...



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Hi TC17


I am not looking for information on a person who has been to all of these clinics.


My question is very open, I only want to know if a person has been to any of the clinics I had listed, and have some information, if anybody would be so kind s to post information to help me in my quest for a better future.


I did state:

"I have done some research and would appreciate any advice, recommendations, good or bad reports on the clinics below..."


This could be read as: 'Info on 1 or all clinics from 1 to 'x-number-of-people'.'


Maybe I should have stated:

"I have done some research and would appreciate any advice, recommendations, good or bad reports, concerning any of the clinics below..."


I realize that you have understood that I required info from a person, who has been to all the clinics, maybe I should have made my question more direct.




Any comments from you would be greatly appreciated.


Many Thanks, the Kindest Regards,



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  • 7 months later...
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Just a bit of advice: It is better to chose the surgeon rather than a clinic. Most HT surgeons at some point have worked for many other clinics and im quite sure some of the clinics above have exhchanged staff as the UK is a small market and all know each other quite well. Hence, it is important you look at the reputation of your surgeon. Some clinics perform thousands of procedures and if one goes not as planned then usually one surgeon ends up taking the hit..even if he did hundreds others that year that went great. Beware of marketing keywords...painless, scar free, etc etc..there is no type of hair transplant surgery that is painless and scar free.


All of the surgeons (please note im not saying clinics mentioned) are reputable. Bassam is the president of the ISHRS, Feriduni, Vernikos, Bisanga and Devroye are also very experienced. Some of them have different methods and philosophies and you may like one more than the other for that reason...

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Vernikos isn't reputable at all, he is one of the worst HT butcher's in the world! The way he extracts fue is disgraceful! He used to work for the infamous butcher Thomas Norton and now he works for Jeremy Isherwood, another lowlife of the HT industry. Strike him off your list m8.


To answer your question, I think you should choose the surgeon, not the clinic.

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@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Hi Sparky,

I realize that Norton Clinic has had a bad name however, many new surgeons coming to this country are not familiar with this. Some of the top names in the country have been through Norton Clinic in the past as its been around for a long time and in the past there wasn't much else. However, it's some of their policies that upsets me even and though i may not recommend them I would like to bring some facts to light here regarding Vernikos who I’ve seen working personally... I have discussed with him his name being mentioned here and have advised him to come here and address some of the concerns brought about...and hopefully he should do this soon. In the meantime I would say a few things.

1. TV was working for Norton a few days a month and quit that a year or so ago..bascially took some of their load for a very small price. He never had any managerial control over the company nor its policies. Nor does he have any interest in the share holding of that clinic...it was pure work which he did well for his patients..can't say much about the others at the clinic…however, he did get referrals from many clinics for complications asking him to rectify it…most were cases like bulletnut unfortunately as well as many in which grafts were not placed at the right angle as well as patients who ended up having wide scars….


2. Regarding his technique I would like to know why you think his extraction method is flawed…? There is somewhere on the web you can see a video i saw previously (if i find the link i'll put it)....Im not sure how it looks from the point of view from a layman but from a surgeons point of view all you're seeing is him pulling already punched hair out....which is exactly how an experienced surgeon does...or at least the 20 or so i've worked with…regardless that’s just pulling the hair out which is not really a standard to judge, most techs in the us are doing that once the surgeon has punched…anyway, his extraction was fine in that video. I have also been around the world in different centers observing and assisting in my training and can confidently say he has a safe pair of hands.


3. J. Isherwood is a businessman who started some other clinics....most of the surgeons don't know his or Norton's reputation and end up working there...im sure they will be well aware know! I do recommend in general to go for clinics who are owned/operated by surgeons rather than businessmen.....referral agencies (that look like clinics but are actually just webpages which charge surgeons for bringing in patients)......etc

4. Dr. V has also requested Norton/FUE clinics in the past many times to remove his pictures and associations from their website to which they haven't yet responded. The clinics in question continue to advertise him as the master FUE for lack finding better promotion material as Theo is good at FUE as he does them day in and out for many years ….in a month he did more than some surgeons do a year…..all patients were from different clincs, referrals, etc and I have seen wonderful results. Also, most of the before and after pictures are his cases……which they also refuse to take down as its their property now apparently.


Theo is a family man who is a great guy and should you ever meet him you will realize he is very genuine..seen him do consultations....not much of a talker but straight to the point, and almost 100% of the time he will give you expectations below what he thinks you will get...


The reason why I have written this lengthy comment is because I truely think it is very important to differentiate him from the reputation of Norton/FUE..etc. Its a good person's reputation and family income we are talking about here and I can associate with it and it scares me.

For example, if any of the 20 or so clinics i have worked/trained under with so far come into such a position as Norton and any case that goes wrong which i didn't perform would affect my reputation too. I have read the case of bulletnut which is very sad and unfortunate....but that was almost 10 years before Dr. V joined that clinic.....Maybe I think Theo’s misfortune happens to be that at the time when Bulletnt was publishing his post he happened to be the guy Norton Clinics were trying to capitalize on and they made him the clinic front….they still use his photo’s on their websites despite the fact he doesn’t work there…


Anyway, thought i had to stand up for him here...and I’ll let you decide based on what I’ve written for yourself . Thanks for reading!

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Sparky, just read your story too.....very unfortunate and whats even more unfortunate these cases are quite common. At some point i will be writing regarding what a properly trained HT surgeon is and how patients should approach surgeons....however, unfortunately most people having these procedures dont seek advice here till after the procedure naturally as they initially have trust in their practitioner..which im afraid people are starting to loose more and more.......I have noticed this has become even a bigger problem today with companies running clinics and employing doctors on a hire/fire basis.....I think it is time to introduce some laws from across the pond....ie Florida a cosmetic spa/clinic must be co-owned by a cosmetic surgeon or physician...etc...etc..some of those regulations may help

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