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Dr. Rajput - dont give excuses for substandard ht


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Originally posted by Dr Rajesh Rajput:

Dear Members here are the patient's pictures taken on 10th day when he came for suture removal. Hope you will see more grafts in here. PLus there are grafts on the sides as well. Some thin single hair grafts are implanted two together for better density. The charge of 1,20,000 is a package for 2000 grafts, additional grafts were offered free. Charges can be verified from my website www.hairlossindia.com. The procedure was done in 1st week of april, hair growth begins in August and I would love to see the pictures by November. Hold on all of you until then.


Dr.Rajesh Rajput,

If it is FUT then why it is not looking like other pictures on this forum? Why the scabs look that big? FUT using Bigger incisions produce bigger scabs.


When doctors count grafts they really count grafts. They don't just estimate.

You know.. they even maintain hair count.


Regarding the package of 1,20,000 for 2000 grafts, It is HUGE. You don't compare your Fees with US packages. Don't look at the currency exchange rate. Look at the difference between average incomes. It is not so difficult to spend $10,000 for an average American but it is impossible to invest Rs.1,20,000 for an average Indian. I can feel how much time and pain it took for Sahil to save that money. I will pay that much amount only for a bigger session with ultra refined work not for a small bad session with poor coverage/density.


My first HT doctor Dr.Ashok Reddy, though I don't like him, I like his honesty. He knows that people can not afford huge amounts, so he performs micro and mini grafts procedure and charges very less. Unbelievably Rs.25,000-Rs.30,000. He is very famous here in Hyderabad and he is considered as HT GOD for poor people. I suggest you to go to an experienced doctor and learn how to do an Ultra Refined HT. If you can't do that atleast try to become HT GOD for poor people.

Ravi Vide

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In a previous post Dr. Rajesh stated that FU were placed in frontal region also yet never any photos of that area? Very skeptical. Does not look like 2400?






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Dr Rajesh,


Now compare those pictures to the following:


These are from my third HT with Dr. Hasson in Vancouver, BC Canada


Picture 1: This is a picture of my crown 2 days post op




Picture 2: This is a picture of my crown 6 days post op





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Sorry doc--no comparison. If you feel that our statements are not accurate please provide qualtiy photos that depict the great work that you do.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Dear Members,

the picture posted was a great help to me in knowing who this patient is. I have attached picture taken on 10th day after the transplant. Patients pics are taken few days later when many of the scabs have fallen off giving the impression of less number of grafts. I could not attach 3 picturs in the same reply so I have posted two more replise. See the picture from rt and lt showing many more grafts. Patient was charged for 2000 grafts only, any additional grafts are offered as free. The scabs fall early in my patients because I remove the epidermis which allows a faster healing. Number of grafts is much more. Growth will start only in August, 1-1.5cm per month. A good result is expected in October. I hope patient posts his happy pictures in October.


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Dear Members,

we have been too fast to comment and find mistakes in a doctor without confirming when the transplant was done and the pictures sent are how many days after the procrdure, ask if the patient had some scabs falling off already. I am posting some better size pictures of rt and lt occipital areas. These definetly show more number of grafts. Patient has been under the impression that growth will start immediately. But in all transplant cases growth srarts only after 3-4 months. Your friend is as dear to me as all of you. He will get a good result by October. He will post a satisfied picture in October. Doctors on the network will now sopport my work without any hitch.


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Dear Members,

unless I could identify who this patient was it was very difficult for me to reply. I am doing 100-120 transplants a year. I see over 200 patients a month. 60 -70% of these grow back 40% of their lost hair with Cyclical Medicine program. The pcs posted by the patient allowed me to compare and find out who this is. Now I can state my sode of the story. See the other views posted in other two of my replies and then pass a judgement on my sicerity, honesty and the care I give to my patients. Wihtout knowing the truth you all have bashed me freely, even criticised my technique? PLease bare with me till October when this patient is sure to show you excellent results and will be satisfied with the work done.


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Dear Member,

agreed that hassan and yong are a great team and they are leaders in the field. I am not claiming to be as good as Hassan and Wong. I am not charging like Hassan and Wong as well. But I stand that i have done 2400 grafts. Hassan and Wong use costom made blades to implant the grafts. I use stick and place technique. My picture quality may not match the professional approach of Hassan and Wong. I do not have professionas photographers to click every patient. But do let me know if Hassan and Wong get a hair growth before 3 months, this would be against the natural growth cycle in the bodt which is 3 -4 months. Is it not rational to ask the patient to wait for 3-4 months before complaining that here is poor growth? Wait till October, the hair growth has started by now and will grow 1-1.5cm per month, then we will see what we have achived and you may like to appriciate that such good growth comes from only 1400 grafts as you beleive it to be.

Originally posted by Bill:

Dr Rajesh,


Now compare those pictures to the following:


These are from my third HT with Dr. Hasson in Vancouver, BC Canada


Picture 1: This is a picture of my crown 2 days post op




Picture 2: This is a picture of my crown 6 days post op





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Dear members,

in the prevoius post I was not knowing who this patient is and had no way to analyse or reply. I suggested that here must be grafts in other areas if these do not look like 2400 and I have done 2400 then they must be in other areas as well. Also suggested that some scabs may have fallen off making the grafts look less. Now I know who this person is. I said it may be Shahid and this patient said yes doctor is talking about my case, but he is not the shahid i presumed. With no dates no names false alligations it is difficult to get into my shoes. \

Originally posted by NervousNelly:

In a previous post Dr. Rajesh stated that FU were placed in frontal region also yet never any photos of that area? Very skeptical. Does not look like 2400?




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  • 1 month later...

Dear All,


First and fore most Dr.Rajput u have covered only the crown area and not the front area.


Secondly its 6 months now and nothing has grown over my head.


For God sake accept that u promised me that 2400 grafts are more than enough for to get a very good result for my Crown area while other doctors I had visited clearly told me that its not sufficient, thats why I choose to have HT done from you.


Another point is that u have given me a invoice of only Rs 60000 of Hiranandani Hospital.


The other Rs60000, You asked me to deposit in your account for which you never give any Invoice.


Look Dr.Rajput I have nothing against you , Its a lesson for other patients to be more careful while deciding a doctor.


Do you know your false promise has costed me a lot , both in terms of Money and emotional loss.


My friends, relatives and Collegues make fun of me that nothing happened even after undergoing surgery and spending so much of money.


For you I was another patientwith a huge chunk of money , But for me it was something beyond this.


Sorry folks I hardly vist this website now.

It hurts me , i just want to forget this and move on with my life .Accepting this as Gods Will.

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I'm sorry to hear that you aren't experiencing any growth at this point.


I agree that at 6 months that you should be seeing at least some new growth though it is possible that you are a late starter. Do you have some updated pictures to share with us?


I do recommend waiting at least 12 months before making a full evaluation of your HT but as stated in this thread, if all the grafts do grow, there will not be a lot of density and you will most likely need a second hair transplant to add the density required to create any illusion of density.


Keep us posted.



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Hi Bill,


Thank you for the support and advise.

I am presently in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on a project from my company.

I would be in Calgary for 6 months till Feb 2008.

So thinking of meeting some HT specilist as per Hairtransplant network.


I have scheduled a appointment next week

with Dr. John Gillespie 5116 ??“ Elbow Drive SW ,Calgary,

His website is http://www.gillespieclinic.com/


I have heard that there is another doctor Dr. Nakatsui in Edmonton , if time permits then I shall also meet him.

His website is http://www.drnakatsui.com/


Hope I am not offending the site by pasteing the websites addresses of these doctors.This was only for qick refrence for other members.


looking forward for next week.Once again thank you Bill.




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Dr. Nakatsui and Dr. Gillespie are both fine selections. Dr. Natatsui does top notch ultra refined follicular unit grafting and is a member of our coalition. Dr. Gillespie is also recommended on our network. I have not seen a lot of information about Dr. Gillespie's on our forum so if you do select him, I hope you'll share your experience and post photos for us.


Please keep in mind that 6 months is too early to consider your next hair transplant. Do yourself a favor and wait another 6 months.



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broadway shows with dancing girls and Dr. Feller


I didn't know Dr. Feller did broadway :P




There are a number of Canadian doctors that perform high quality state of the art hair transplantation. There are also several in Europe. At this time however, we don't recommend anyone in India.



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Originally posted by Bill:
broadway shows with dancing girls and Dr. Feller


I didn't know Dr. Feller did broadway :P




There are a number of Canadian doctors that perform high quality state of the art hair transplantation. There are also several in Europe. At this time however, we don't recommend anyone in India.




Sure; Feller sings songs "Aquarius" while doing the HT !


Come on CANADA ? Oh please ! With the Mounties and the Taffy? I wouldn't go there.

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Sorry to hear about your lack of progress.

People like Rajput deserve to be exposed for the greedy butchers they are.


If you are in canada, try to meet the HT doctors there. Hasson and wong, Jones, armani etc.

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Originally posted by Michaellovesnyc:

WAKE UP INDIAN PEOPLE ! Come to New York; we have bagels, broadway shows with dancing girls and Dr. Feller ! Can we send a hitman to India??


Now you are going to Canada? If you want a good transplant you have to go to an AMERICAN doctor !!! Not some foreign guy. What do they know?




U r so funny. Sadly, u are right too.

Maybe, you send the hitman for Rajput and I recruit some for the american butcher doctors. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Bad, as well as good, doctors exist everywhere. Lets expose them and get rid of them.

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Though I think we can all agree that even in the best of circumstances, Sahil will have very low density, it is highly unfair to evaluate the results of an HT at 6 months. Some patients only just start to see signs of visible growth at this time. Before making any final evaluation, let's give it another 6 months which will bring the HT to the approximate maturity age.




Give it time - but keep in mind, even in the best of circumstances, you will have low density. Continue your research and consult with first-rate hair restoration physicians about your case to see how they may be able to help you achieve more density from a second HT after waiting another 6 months.



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Originally posted by Bill:



Though I think we can all agree that even in the best of circumstances, Sahil will have very low density, it is highly unfair to evaluate the results of an HT at 6 months. Some patients only just start to see signs of visible growth at this time. Before making any final evaluation, let's give it another 6 months which will bring the HT to the approximate maturity age.




Bill, I have to disagree that with your statement that it is unfair to assess his HT at 6 months. His post-op pics were enough to show the poor work AND the ripoff in the number of grafts he payed for and what he got. After this HT matures, he will have still been taken for a ride in the numer of grafts paid for regardless if the tranplant grows out and looks OK.


I think the problem here is: the longer someone waits the less chance he has for reimbursment for not getting what he payed for. One of the issues is that he did not get the number of grafts he paid for. Not to mention the grafts look like mini graft plugs which is outdated technology. Sahil should pursue a refund while he can and not wait 12 months or more. This doc could be out of business or out of the country by then - who knows?





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I'm not arguing that the hair transplant results will be inferior to that of those who perform ultra refined follicular unit grafting (this is obvious from the immediately post op pictures). I am also not arguing in one way or another whether or not Sahil should talk to the doctor about getting his money back, ONLY about making a full evaluation of the hair transplant result itself.


But let's try to remain objective...


Would you be saying that it's fair to evaluate a 6 month hair transplant result if a patient of a coalition physician was dissatisfied with their results after 6 months?


I have seen such posts and most people make statements about faith, patience, and about the growth to come!


Knowing what we do about hair transplantation, there have been many patients that only just start seeing growth at 6 months. And though I believe Sahil has EVERY RIGHT to be concerned, we cannot conclude that he won't experience any growth.


Keep in mind that there is a HUGE difference between making an evaluation of the quality of the hair transplant that can be determined from immediately post op pictures, and whether or not the hair will grow (the results). As stated above, we can all see that at best, Sahil will have a very thin result (the quality), but we can't conclude whether or not all the transplanted hairs will grow at only 6 months.


That is the only point I'm trying to make. icon_smile.gif



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Bill, I agree with most all of what you say - I do think this patient was intentionally ripped off on the number of grafts planted vs what he paid. This has little to do with the quality (which is poor IMO), and it has to do with ethics. Ethics are a part of the assesment and my point is that waiting for a final result of the HT is not going to change the fact that he got overcharged.





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Originally posted by Sahil:

Hi Bill,


Thank you for the support and advise.

I am presently in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on a project from my company.

I would be in Calgary for 6 months till Feb 2008.

So thinking of meeting some HT specilist as per Hairtransplant network.


I have scheduled a appointment next week

with Dr. John Gillespie 5116 ??“ Elbow Drive SW ,Calgary,

His website is http://www.gillespieclinic.com/


I have heard that there is another doctor Dr. Nakatsui in Edmonton , if time permits then I shall also meet him.

His website is http://www.drnakatsui.com/


Hope I am not offending the site by pasteing the websites addresses of these doctors.This was only for qick refrence for other members.


looking forward for next week.Once again thank you Bill.





Hi Sahil,

I hope you are able to find the best doctor around and get a wornderful HT done. All the very best !!


I do not intend to remind you of the unfortunate thing that has happened to you, but would be very helful if you can post your most recent picture...(If you have already posted the most recent pic somehwere on this forum may I request for a link ?, I was not able to see it...)


Your experience and photos might help many of us to take the right decision...

Thanks again and all the very best..

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