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minoxidil side effects - dizziness


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I have been experiencing dizziness after a month of using minoxidil 5%. I woke a few times from it and felt my heart beat race for a few seconds.


Anyone know about this type of side effect? Should i discontinue use?

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  • Senior Member

If you are having dizziness and palpitations on Minoxidil I would advise you to stop it right away.

Minoxidil is a vasodilator which means it relaxes the veins and arteries in the body. It was first used as an oral medication to lower blood pressure. The fact that Minoxidil stimulates hair growth was an accidental finding. In fact, it is no longer used to lower blood pressure, partly due to this side effect.

When used topically (applied directly to the skin) usually the amount absorbed into the blood stream is minimal. In most people it does not cause systemic (affecting the body ) side effects.

Dizzy spells and palpitations are known side affect of Minoxidil and you may just be extra sensitive to the medication. But there also may be a medical reason why the minute amount of Minoxidil absorbed into your blood system cased palpitations. I would see your primary care physician and/or a cardiologist to do some simple testing to evaluate your heart. Another possibility is that you have a skin condition on your scalp which allows more Minoxidil to be absorbed into your body,(i.e. bad psoriasis) but I think you would know of such a condition.

I hope this is helpful

Dr. Paul

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  • Senior Member

weird, i haven't had like the slighest side effect from rogaine foam at all yet, i think it made my hairline shed bad around 2 months but now that im closing in on 5 it seems all the hair is growing back and curling again.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • Senior Member

Minoxidil is a potasium chanel openner and vasodilator. It was initially approved for use as an antihypertensive agent. There are many side effects associated with minoxidil, but the most common ones are irritation, itching, palpitation, dizziness and in females hypertrichosis(facial hair growth). If a patient experiences any of these side effects we recommend to discontinue the treatment.

Dr. Meshkin is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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I had the same problems with it long ago on the 2% and stopped using it. It would make my heart beat really fast and made me feel like I was going to faint. I would have to lie in bed for 15 to 20 minutes until the effects went away. I would get those side effects about 45 minutes after applying it, so it took me a little while to realize it was from the Rogaine.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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