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HT after 17 years

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I have finally decided it was time to go back and finish what I started 17 years ago. I went to Bosley 17 years ago at 27 and they gave me some barbie doll looking hair plugs, about 2 years later I went to Dr Peterson to have him do mini or micro graphs ( I cant even remember now) to soften the big plugs and work on my hair line ( it never looked like many of them ever grew). Luckily I had enough hair in the center front to last all these years but it now time to for more. I found your website last week and after researching the doctors in Southern California I have decided to go to Dr Siporin. I met with him today and I really liked how I was treated and what he had to say. He has a HT and it was nice being able to discuss his experiences from 17 years ago. I scheduled my HT for next Tuesday and I will be getting about 1500 to 1700 grafts. I will let everyone know how it goes. Thanks to everybody on the forum for all the great information.

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hey, after waiting 17 years you might consider doing more than one week of research (assuming this site was the only research you did). I know a forum member on here who goes by the handle HK500 went to Siporin. You should send him a private message and talk to him about the doc. I also live in Southern Caly, but after my research I thought (in my own personal opinion) there are better surgeons outside of this state. I did always find this strange as we are the plastic surgery mecca for the entire planet...Anyway, Im glad your going to repair your previously unfavorable results and that you found this site. But, if I were you I would wait a little bit longer and do some more research. I mean, you waited 17 years, don't you want to take your time, do some more research and find the absolute #1 doc you are comfterable with for this, ESPECIALLY given your last results? Don't get me wrong Im not bashing Siporin in any way, on the contrary I think I have heard good reviews of him. But, I know if I were in your shoes I would take my time and most importantly do my home work before I go under the knife again. You only have so many donor hairs available and already have previous scarring in both the donor and recipient sites...my two cents anyway.



and one more thought: I would NOT let distance stop you from going to any doc. Im just wondering if you ONLY researched docs in Southern California?...

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I went to Dr. Siporin,and I was pleased with the entire process.

If you feel comfortable with your choice, go with it. HK500 and I are glad we did.

You have to temper some of the opinions on this site, as I have learned to do. Dr. Siporin knows what he is doing, has the approval of the founder of this site, and has outstanding credentials.

I often grow weary of the hair-obsessed people on this site who are in serious need of finding a life. Go with Siporin; I don't think you'll be disappointed!

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Uhhh, well, don't know if the statement was directed towards me..."I often grow weary of the hair-obsessed people on this site who are in serious need of finding a life. Go with Siporin"...


But, since I was the only other person on this posting I'll put in my two cents. Never said Dr.S wasn't a good doc. Never said socalguy would be dissapointed. Don't need a life...


What I DID say was that socalguy should: take his time in researching, not let distance be a factor, and find THE doc HE thought was absolutely #1 for HIM...ESPECIALLY given the fact that he has undergone two unfavorable surgeries in the past, has a lot more to lose (limited donor and previous scarring),has waited 17 years, AND to the best of my understanding his new research has been limited to not only docs in socal on this site alone, but further more for only the past seven DAYS...



Even said I heard great reviews of Dr.S. Im just here to learn as much as I can about ht, the docs, and the ENTIRE process and wouldn't mind sharing and passing a long some of that info with others while Im in the process. And in my PERSONAL opinion, I think the top docs are outside of California, and I was curious if Socalguy researched docs out of this state, as he mentioned only researching docs in So Cal on this site alone for 1 week...


I think that is both sound advice and sound reasoning and to say that you have..."grow(n) weary of the hair-obsessed people on this site who are in serious need of finding a life"... as a response to this, makes me wonder what YOU think this site is for? A ht is a serious surgery. It radically alters your appearance by performing surgery on the top of your head (that place every one will see for the rest of your life) and cannot be altered. Many guys lives have been "ruined" by having prior bad surgeries and that is precisely why a forum like this exists: to give objective advice based upon the experience of others in the same positon...


Were here to give objective advice regarding this life transforming surgery. Thought we all understood this, hence why we are here...


Did I go wrong somewhere in my response beachair? Please advise...



oh, and please don't respond with a typical..."oh boy, get a life"...type comment. Surely your creative.


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Hey SoCAl How much of your existing hair from your HT has stayed with you since your procedure? I would agree with Ng2gb, nothing against Dr. Siporin, but there are a lot of options out there now. Don't let travel limit your options.

You only live once...

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I've heard good things about this doctor. I also think its great to take the time to research but that if you are a coalition surgeon, you are in good hands. Doctor skill is no longer an issue. The only issue is getting the right type of results that you were expecting, not always guaranteed. Thats repair work though. I also realize a finite amount of resources exist, so all procedures have to be positively geared towards fixing it right with only a couple tries. I would guess that most surgeons in business today work see as many repairs as they see virgin scalps.


Also, from your post, it does not sound like you've done a whole lot of other research on other doctors, only found this site a week ago, only met with the doctor a day ago and decided to proceed with a HT in a week?


Again, not doubting the doctor, but what is your hurry?

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Originally posted by beachair:


I often grow weary of the hair-obsessed people on this site who are in serious need of finding a life. Go with Siporin; I don't think you'll be disappointed!


beachair if you are happy with your ht,why are you still here and not getting on with your life ,are you obsessed with hair.

everyone is entitled to an opinion as you are but there is no need to try and put people down.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I agree with ng2gb, that you should take your time and maybe consult with other docs, Hasson and Wong, Shapiro, etc. 1500-1700 grafts is a small session today; I originally had a session around that size and my loss was quite minimal compared to most on this site and I was not happy with the density; If you had a HT 17 years ago, I'm assuming you have enough hair loss where you will need much more than 1500 grafts to be satisfied; the down time, healing and waiting sucks, so it is better to do a larger session if it is possible; if you have most of your hair and just want to soften the hairline and camoflage the old grafts, than 1500 might work. It sucks waiting a year for the results than realizing the density and styling options are not what you hoped to achieve.

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Thanks for all the feedback and I appreciate everyone's opinions and I do feel very comfortable with Siporin. I have looked over a lot of the hair blogs and all the different work and I don't see much difference in the work of the top doctors. I also don't personally feel I need to travel when there are very capable doctors in So Cal. Dr Siporin also have very good credentials including he was plastic surgeon and has worked at some major hospitals before becoming a HT doctor.( I looked over the certificates in his office) I am doing this quickly because I have the next 3 weeks off and I work face to face ( in sales) with my customers. I want to make sure the swelling has subsided and the incisions have healed. Also the sports I play are off for the holidays so I have time to heel and I will be ready in January to start playing again. I did PM HK500 and he was very happy with Doctor Siporin also.

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I had my HT yesterday by Dr Siporin and so far so good, he did exactly what he told me would be done. The whole experience was good and the staff was a pleasure. They made me very comfortable and I really like the fact that he only does one person per day so all the attention was focused on me. He was also able to remove the old scar from Bosley and work with that area to clean it up on the back of my head. He also filled in around the old plugs and said the y should look much more natural when my hair does grow in. I feel great today, just some stiffness at the back of the head and a little sore also. I would definitely recommend interviewing them when you are looking for someone to go to. I will post pictures as soon as I get a chance.

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