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pre and post-op photos

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Here are some pre-op, immediate post-op and current pics as I mentioned in a previous post, I am worried I am not yet seeing any growth.

about six years ago I had a first procedure done about 1500 grafts. At the time I had mostly notable front hairline balding so those were concerntrated in that area and a little on the top.

last year I had a second procedure of 2600 grafts. Most were placed in the hairline and top, less going back to the apex. I am tall and figured the front area people see most so I targeted that heavily. I asked him to use my original hairline, so there was no grafts really used to build a lower hairline.

My hair is fine and straight which certainly does not help me in regards to looking fuller, but at a little over 8 months post-op am am worried the procedure did not work? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!


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yeah, I know. thanks for your input. Thats what I was worried about.

I would rather not say who did the procedure, as I'm not out to burn anyone by posting these. I am aware that in rare occasions procedures don't work well.

The question is, what is the usual next step in these cases? Do I approach the surgeon about it, and is the routine manner in which docs handle this? Do they offer to do it again for free, as a lot of money was spent really in my mind for nothing.

I guess, the other question is do I really want to have yet a third procedure?

BTW...the first procedure I had was done by another surgeon. I moved, so I could not use him again.

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Sorry, that you're not having the most positive experience. I know it takes a lot just to have a procedure. so its very discouraging when you don't get the results you expect. If you chose a forum doc, they have pretty good track records, and I would suggest that you at least approach him to see what he thinks about why this wasn't as successful as expected.

I don't think you're worse off but I don't see much improvement. I guess its possible you lost some of your native hair, while the transplanted hair came in. Contact your clinic and see what they have to say. Good luck! For what its worth, we're all here to help you take the next step.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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Thanks to all for your kind input.

It is disheartening that after this amount of time and money spent the procedure did not work.

I guess in perspective things could be a lot worse. I have my health and my family is healthy. Its not like this is a failed treatment for some more serious medical condition.

Yes, it stinks that I paid a lot of money and have nothing to show for it.

I do ok, but would not consider myself wealthy, so eight grand or so wasted stinks. However,the money is an after thought at this point as I paid for it up front, so I guess I would be a lot more irritated if I took out a loan and had to stare at monthly payments!

I will talk to the surgeon although am not expecting much in retribution as I imagine the most he would do is offer to do it again for maybe modest discount.

And to be honest I don't know if I want a third procedure either. As I mentioned in the other post under Q&A, I still have scalp numbness on the right posterior scalp. So maybe I should just leave things alone at this point.

The issue now is I can't even shave my head because I have two scars.

Perhaps if I do it again, I might think about an FUE rather than a third strip excision, so I don't get a third scar? I need to read up more on it again.

I am in the Philadelphia area now, does anyone know of someone reputable here?

thanks again!

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Looking at the photos you had the grafts placed over a fairly large area so that can lead to a less impressive looking result, particularly if you did lose more hair.


Originally posted by Radioheads:

The issue now is I can't even shave my head because I have two scars.



Did you go to the same surgeon for both procedures? Did they tell you before hand you'd end up with two scars and why?


Not wanting to jump to conclusions (and I don't think you mentioned your surgeon's name), but this is generally a bad sign. Top quality surgeons should always try to excise the old scar, so you only ever have one scar no matter how many times you go under the knife.

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  • 3 months later...
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an update on follow-up visit with surgeon. I saw him in June about one month shy of a year. I asked him what his opinion of why the procedure failed. He looked at it and agreed it did not work well.

As expected he did not take the blame for it. He said I must have had a lot of shock loss. He knew this because he looked with his microscopic glasses at my scalp and said the hair in my head was mostly transplanted hair. I asked him how he knows that. He said he can indentify the transplanted hair by how it comes out of my scalp?? Not sure if this is true? does anyone have an opinion on that assessment? I find it hard to believe that I lost just as many hairs as was transplanted to get a net effect of no improvement ! Or that I could be that unlucky.

he suggested that hair there now is the transplated hair and is there to stay and that I need another procedure.

He did not have an answer for why my scalp was still numb other than it happens sometimes and there is no telling who it is going to happen too.

I think I may plan a trip up to Dr. Dorin sometime this fall for an opinion, especially if I get up the nerve to give this another try.


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Misterspex thanks for the reply.

To me, I can't tell if its transplanted hair or native hair. honestly it looks no different or feels no different than prior to the procedure. I could see if maybe I saw some growth in one area where there was none before, but I can' t even say that. I don't know if what he is saying is true that he can tell that the hair is really transplanted hair. He says he can tell by the angle it comes out of my scalp? I dont know?? it sounds like bollocks to me! at any rate, if there ever was some growth of transplanted hair it was a fraction of the work that was done.

thanks bro.

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I felt the same whay after my transplant. It took forever to grow and I know how you feel. My doctor told me to wait a while before doing anoher one to see if my native hair would grow in - some did, but I did feel I lost a lot. (So far I've waited 10 years:).


Sorry to hear about this. :(

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealth you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.


Jawaharal Nehru

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