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I'm 22, really depressed, and thinking about getting a transplant... need feedback.


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Hello all,


I'm in general, a very self-conscious person, but nothing has upset me more than when I started losing my hair a year and a half ago. I've been on propecia for about a year now and the hair line continues to recede and I continue to get more depressed.


It's to the point where I just don't want to go outside. Beyond that, I'm going gray and I have the scaly-type of dandruff, which certainly doesn't make the whole self-esteem issues surrounding my head any easier to handle.


Here's a picture that was taken last week, I have more pics I can put up if anyone wants to see...





Now, seeing as I'm still young and that I have no idea how far my hair loss will progress, what do you think I should do? Will it be a problem if I get a transplant in the near future and then I end up losing a lot more hair in the next couple years?


I've been thinking of just shaving my head but I think that would only make matters worse. But I've become so obsessed over my hair loss that it's all I think about. Whenever anyone touches my head I almost cringe and check to see if I lost any hair. I always look at my hands while shampooing and conditioning, I never comb my hair, and I relentlessly inspect myslef in the mirror or any reflective surface I pass by.


Anyway, what do you think I should do? I know the transplant is expensive but if it allows me to be happy again, the money issue is not a problem. Are there other things I can use in conjunction with propecia that could help my hair grow back?


Anyway, thanks for reading,



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Granted I went the other direction (I've now had 2 HTs), but I suggest that you do what you are doing now (it appears). Try keeping your hair short. Being younger, its still an athletic look. Is your issue that it is receeding or thinning all over?


If I had it to do all over again, I would have seriously considered keeping my hair very short or shaving it rather than having a transplant. Before my second HT, I shaved my head and shockingly, I was VERY ok with it. If I didn't have the big scar, I would have been completely comfortable that way. Once you have an HT, you lose that option. So you should at least try it.


I was initially satisfied with the results of my first HT, but what I failed to consider (and my doctor did not counsel me on) was that your "solution" might very well be be like bailing water from a leaky boat. Its also very expensive. Consider your family history in figuring how bald you likely to become over time and ABOVE ALL, remember that this is a long term decision. I remember, its very easy to get overly focused on your hairloss when you are so young.


You have found a great site with LOTS of very supportive people that will do their best to educate you and offer candid opinions.


If you can, post more pictures that show a bit more detail.


I hope this gives you some perspective. If you have more questions, dont hesitate to ask.


Best of luck,

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I am 20 and like yourself, I have a receding hairline. I am also finding a few gray hairs. I have been researching HT's for over a year and had a consultation with Dr Cooley in Charlotte, NC this past May. I have an appointment 2 weeks from today for 1200 grafts. It all starts with a consultation. Research all the docs, stay on the meds, talk to ppl on this forum, and schedule a consultation with the doctor of your choice.

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Your pic doesn't really show much, but it looks like you still have a lot of hair. I think a hair transplant surgery is probably premature at this point.


I agree with Bruin Hair that if you're remotely interested in shaving your head, then you should give it a try. Start with the simplest, cheapest, and most reversible options first. A hair transplant is not reversible, and it's a big commitment. If you keep losing hair you'll need to keep getting more surgeries.


Having a realistic long term plan is important, if you decide to get a transplant. So one of the problems with getting a hair transplant when you are only in the beginning stages of hairloss, is that you start off with a hair transplant 'master plan' for a guy with minimal hair loss, but you can end up with extensive hair loss, and it turns out your initial master plan doesn't actually fit your characteristics. You've started out by going in the wrong direction.


I usually tell guys not to get any surgery if you are only in the beginning stages. It's jumping the gun. Hopefully you will start responding to Propecia and you can stablize your hair loss.


You mentioned that you are self conscious about your hair. Well there is no guarantee that you wouldn't also feel self-conscious about your hair transplant! Getting a hair transplant doesn't mean "no more hair worries". You may be trading one set of worries in for another.


This doesn't mean you can never get a transplant, I just think at your age and level of hair loss, it seems premature at this point.


I would read up on transplants in the meantime. Not that many doctors can do a good job, and a novice usually can't tell which doctors are good and which doctors aren't. There are plenty of doctors out there who just want to make a buck and will give a guy a hair transplant, even if it isn't in the patient's best interests. Be careful, there are a lot of sharks in the water.

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If I were you, I would keep my hair short and don't go for a transplant until you have significant hairloss. Trust me, I had a hair transplant in my hairline when i was in my mid twentys and I regret it now. Im going this year to finally get myself straight but the last few years have been hell. You think you are stressed now. Wait until you get a transplant and than start to lose alot more hair. You won't be able to walk around without a hat. Don't go through what alot of us here have already. Keep your hair short. Get a good dht blocker, some proscar (cheap propecia) and use some rogaine. Wait until your hair has gone into the Norwood 5 and above stage and than check options on a hairtransplant. Another plus about waiting until you have Maximum loss is you never know what breakthrough in hairloss will be around the corner. Techniques keep getting better. Heck theres already a doctor in Mexico that is talking about doing hair multiplication in September. Bide your time, you will be glad you did. Good luck.

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Thanks for all the comments, this is just a quick reply, but I'll be back with answers to your questiosn and some more pictures in a day or two.


I forgot to mention that I am also using nioxin every day. However, I rarely see that mentioned here, is it worthless or should I keep using it?

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Your condition and its current status seems like it alomst mirrors mine at 22 (Im 25). My best advice...Get on Proscar, Minox 5%, and Nizoral 2% and DO NOT STOP TAKING THEM. That was my biggest pitfall. I stopped and all hell broke loose. Try applying the Minoxidil to your hairline also. Though its touted only for the crown, each person is different and you can get the stuff so cheap now, using it at twice the rate isnt a big deal (by this I mean using a dropper full for the crown per the directions, and using another dropper-full for the front)


Also, DO NOT shave your head. My hairloss wasnt so muych a shedding process as it was a not-growing-back-in-after-shaving-my-head process. I was losing hair in the crown and hairline, sure, but after shaving (by this I mean to the skin) my head, the amount that never showed back up that was there in the first place was horrifying.


Due diligence is due with these drugs. You must commit yourself to them or a HT will only set yourself up for failure.


Also, about the Nioxin, I asked Dr. Cooley about the same thing because I was using it. He told me that hed rather see me save my money for the Nizoral 2%. If you cant get your hands on the 2% (you need a prescript or have to buy it online) use the 1%, anything helps. I still use the "Scalp Therapy" by Nioxin, though. Basically as a conditioner.


Good luck, and if you have any questions Id be glad to help.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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My advice:


F*ck as much p*ssy as you can now, boy, because it's going to dry up real quick when your hair goes. That's a fact.


Hey, I was in your boat--but at a younger age. By the way, you got a purty mouth.


Save your money up going forward. Depending on how much you lose, it can cost you a fortune to get it back. Please state your family history of hairloss. Father, grandfathers, etc. You need to get an idea of how much hair you stand to lose. You could be just someone who has a real high hairline. Hard to tell from your pic if you are thinning overall.


Lots of people around here in your boat. A lot have already had transplants. So there's a wealth of information to be found. Just don't look in my direction.


A friend of mine has hair like yours. He looks just like you. Actually, I thought you were him for a second. His hairline receeded, but not too far back, and his hair thinned. So what he did was cut it real short. Not quite a buzz cut, but pretty damn close. Then he uses gel in his hair, too. He still gets lots of p*ssy. Sometimes, I get jealous.


I'm going to Walmart next week to get a set of steak knives. I'm thinking about starting my own low-cost, back alley hair transplantation clinic. Would you like to schedule an appointment? Heeheehee. By the way, it's BYOA--bring your own anesthesia. A bottle of vodka and a mallet works wonders.

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Your condition and its current status seems like it alomst mirrors mine at 22 (Im 25). My best advice...Get on Proscar, Minox 5%, and Nizoral 2% and DO NOT STOP TAKING THEM. That was my biggest pitfall. I stopped and all hell broke loose. Try applying the Minoxidil to your hairline also. Though its touted only for the crown, each person is different and you can get the stuff so cheap now, using it at twice the rate isnt a big deal (by this I mean using a dropper full for the crown per the directions, and using another dropper-full for the front)


Also, DO NOT shave your head. My hairloss wasnt so muych a shedding process as it was a not-growing-back-in-after-shaving-my-head process. I was losing hair in the crown and hairline, sure, but after shaving (by this I mean to the skin) my head, the amount that never showed back up that was there in the first place was horrifying.


Due diligence is due with these drugs. You must commit yourself to them or a HT will only set yourself up for failure.


Also, about the Nioxin, I asked Dr. Cooley about the same thing because I was using it. He told me that hed rather see me save my money for the Nizoral 2%. If you cant get your hands on the 2% (you need a prescript or have to buy it online) use the 1%, anything helps. I still use the "Scalp Therapy" by Nioxin, though. Basically as a conditioner.


Good luck, and if you have any questions Id be glad to help.



Hmmm, alright....


So why proscar over propecia?


And why minox and nizoral? Isn't it a total pain in the ass to apply lotions to your scalp twice (or however many times) a day?


I've tried a scalp lotion and it was so hard to apply that I gave up on it.


And if I switch from propecia to proscar, would that screw up my hair now?

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My advice:


F*ck as much p*ssy as you can now, boy, because it's going to dry up real quick when your hair goes. That's a fact.


Hey, I was in your boat--but at a younger age. By the way, you got a purty mouth.


Save your money up going forward. Depending on how much you lose, it can cost you a fortune to get it back. Please state your family history of hairloss. Father, grandfathers, etc. You need to get an idea of how much hair you stand to lose. You could be just someone who has a real high hairline. Hard to tell from your pic if you are thinning overall.


Lots of people around here in your boat. A lot have already had transplants. So there's a wealth of information to be found. Just don't look in my direction.


A friend of mine has hair like yours. He looks just like you. Actually, I thought you were him for a second. His hairline receeded, but not too far back, and his hair thinned. So what he did was cut it real short. Not quite a buzz cut, but pretty damn close. Then he uses gel in his hair, too. He still gets lots of p*ssy. Sometimes, I get jealous.


I'm going to Walmart next week to get a set of steak knives. I'm thinking about starting my own low-cost, back alley hair transplantation clinic. Would you like to schedule an appointment? Heeheehee. By the way, it's BYOA--bring your own anesthesia. A bottle of vodka and a mallet works wonders.



Not to be rude, but thats BS, many guys look good bald when its cut short, I seriously doubt it will be THAT much harder to meet women. I have no trouble as it is, and as long as you are a nice guy with decent looks, hair or not, you shuoldn't have a problem.

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I only suggest Proscar over Propeia because its cheaper (Its the same, exact medicine only in different doses. You can cut the Proscar to suit your needs, many on this site do it with no problem.)


Minox isnt really a a lotion. Its basically the consistency of water so it dries 5 minutes after putting it on. Rubbing it in with your fingertips or with an applicator bought at SpencerForrest.com will speed up the drying time and keep it from being soaked up by your hair.


Nizoral isnt a lotion either. Its a prescription anti-dandruff shampoo. Its ingredients simply help your sclap maintain a healthier environment for regrowth.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I only suggest Proscar over Propeia because its cheaper (Its the same, exact medicine only in different doses. You can cut the Proscar to suit your needs, many on this site do it with no problem.)


Minox isnt really a a lotion. Its basically the consistency of water so it dries 5 minutes after putting it on. Rubbing it in with your fingertips or with an applicator bought at SpencerForrest.com will speed up the drying time and keep it from being soaked up by your hair.


Nizoral isnt a lotion either. Its a prescription anti-dandruff shampoo. Its ingredients simply help your sclap maintain a healthier environment for regrowth.



Ah okay. And is the minox used only in the areas where the hair is thinning? Or is it for your whole head?



By the way, my grandfather's on my mom and dad's side still have a good amount of hair. As does my dad, who only has a receding hair line (as do my other two brothers). Does this mean I won't go completely bald and the worst I'll have is a receding hair line? If so, then why did mine start much earlier than the rest of them?

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Hard to say. My brother is 31 and is easily a NW 5 if not a 6. He has never done anything to stave off his hairloss. My grandfather on my mothers side was the exact same way. My father, on the other hand, still has a full head of hair with no signs of recession at all.


The whole "it comes from your mothers side" myth is just that: a myth. It is passed down genetically, of course, but not strictly from the mothers genetic makeup. After that bit of knowledge, you are talking to the wrong person if you want ellaboration. Im a Finance and Accounting major looking at Law school; pretty far from pre-med.


As far as the Minox goes, though it has only been proven that it will maintain or regrow hair in the crown region, there has been evidence to suggest that it will help speed the progress or at least create a healthier environment for growth of graphs in newly transplanted hair at the hairline. After my own Ht, I have been applying it there as well. i figure that I get it so cheaply, doubling the rate wont hurt the wallet so much. By "doubling the rate" I mean using a dropper-full as per the directions on the crown and another dropper-full on my hairline recipient area. Everyone is different, so its worth it to me to try.


I use 5% morning and night unless Im going somewhere where I cannot wear my ballcap (its only been a month since my HT) and if that is the case I'll use 2% in the morning because its not as greasy. Most people use Nizoral 2% only 3 or 4 times a week, but Ive been using it every morning. I asked Dr. Cooley if it would hurt to and he said no, so Im going for it.


I also finally picked up some MSM the other day to see if it really does speed up growth and help the skin, but its entirely too early to report on that. There are many others on the board that swear by it, however.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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"F*ck as much p*ssy as you can now, boy, because it's going to dry up real quick when your hair goes. That's a fact."


Sorry Hairboy, but thats not quite right. If you take a look at my pictures, Im pretty far along...a NW4 at least.


Lets just say that hair isnt on the minds of most young ladies ive met. Maybe if you acted like you were interested in more than getting into their pants you could get the same results?


My best advice to anyone out there that is young and single and suffering from hairloss: confidence is what turns a woman on, not the population of hair on your scalp. There are plenty of neurotic crybabies out there with a full head of hair. Women are tired of being mothers to these assholes. Let them know that you arent ashamed of your condition and youll be amazed at their reaction (or lack thereof). As im writing this right now, there is a very beautiful 23 year old lady in my bed still sleeping. She knows what Ive done (as far as the procedure) and knows I post on this board. Her reply is simply: "I dont even know why you care that much, noone else does."


Nuff said. Im going to lay back down. Heh heh heh.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>As im writing this right now, there is a very beautiful 23 year old lady in my bed still sleeping. Please provide pictorial proof.



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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Ill just let you rent the vid, Rugger.

ummm...only if you edit yourself out of it Social....icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Also, DO NOT shave your head. My hairloss wasnt so muych a shedding process as it was a not-growing-back-in-after-shaving-my-head process. I was losing hair in the crown and hairline, sure, but after shaving (by this I mean to the skin) my head, the amount that never showed back up that was there in the first place was horrifying.


socialdrinker, just out of curiousity... why would shaving your head prevent hairs from growing back?

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"F*ck as much p*ssy as you can now, boy, because it's going to dry up real quick when your hair goes. That's a fact."


Sorry Hairboy, but thats not quite right. If you take a look at my pictures, Im pretty far along...a NW4 at least.


Lets just say that hair isnt on the minds of most young ladies ive met. Maybe if you acted like you were interested in more than getting into their pants you could get the same results?


My best advice to anyone out there that is young and single and suffering from hairloss: confidence is what turns a woman on, not the population of hair on your scalp. There are plenty of neurotic crybabies out there with a full head of hair. Women are tired of being mothers to these assholes. Let them know that you arent ashamed of your condition and youll be amazed at their reaction (or lack thereof). As im writing this right now, there is a very beautiful 23 year old lady in my bed still sleeping. She knows what Ive done (as far as the procedure) and knows I post on this board. Her reply is simply: "I dont even know why you care that much, noone else does."


Nuff said. Im going to lay back down. Heh heh heh.



hmmm.. i dont know about that one. Most women do care. You can be as nice as you want, but if you are like me and refuse to shave your head (if I still shaved my head, I'd look like a gangster, and people seem afraid, and now with the scar it being impossible)women do not seem interested.



when you are going bald, it gets harder to date. You will sometimes run across a woman who doesnt care, but i definetly think that you have to try harder and wont be the one she is in love with first. i used to have admirers, not any more. lol.


see what hair loss does to confidence??? take a look at my photos. Do you see alyssa milano dating a guy with hair loss like this? Even if I was uber nice and understanding?



630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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It is my understanding that if there are hairs that are "doomed" already to shed away, upon shaving, they will not return. These hairs may have otherwise stuck around for a while had they not been shaved. Take this with a grain of salt, however, as this is, quite basically, my hypothesis. It would be interesting to hear a physicians thoughts on this. I just know that when it happens it can be rather shocking!



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Guys who shave their head can still use Propecia (and even Minoxidil) to try to maintain or regrow hair, while they do the shaved-head thing. I think shaving is a great option that guys should try. I think it's a myth that you have to be "built" or a tough guy to shave your head (look at Moby). I live in a big city, so maybe it is different here, but I constantly see good-looking girls out on the town with guys who have shaved heads (and hair loss). These are not Vin Diesel types, they are ordinary looking guys with hair loss who said "f" it and shave or buzz their heads.

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I also see guys on a regular basis that shave their heads and are not extremely muscular and/or "tough" looking. Certainly some can pull it off better than others, but I think the one thing that turns many guys off from shaving their head is the initial astonishment from friends, family, co-workers, etc. the first time they are seen since they had hair. I think many men will find that after about a month, the initial shock wears off and everyone becomes accustomed to the new bald head.


Also, great point about the ability to utilize Finastaride and Minoxidil while bald. I think this has been overlooked.




As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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