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Would love input please...ready to take action!

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Hi all,


I've been a longtime lurker and its not until this year that I realized I've moved to that point were I gotta either shave it all off or do something.


I don't think I have the face to pull off the shaved look. I'm now 35..been on rogaine since 20 and have been taking 1/4 fin for the last two years. I feel its worked to prevent the inevitable but now its here.


Can I get your guys honest opinion around how many graphs I would need? And what would be the typical cost for my situation?


I'm thinking of going with Keene here in Tucson.


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  • Regular Member

Hey Srod,


i am only 23 and have less hair than you do and theres i havent even had a HT.


It looks like you have only lost some hair in the temple area and assuming the rest of your hair is pretty thick.


There is absolutely not need for a HT.


There are some brothers on this forum that could spend as much money as they could and get as many grafts as possible and they still wont have as much as hair as you do.


If i had that much hair when i am 35 i would be over the moon.

I am only 23 and have less than you do.


Check out my temple area


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If you're 35, and have the hair you seem to have in this pic, with hairline rescission only, thick everywhere else...........I'd say do what you want. Your old enough to have seen how aggressive you're loss will be, if you want to lower the hairline a little...........go for it icon_cool.gif!


That being said, I agree, your loss doesn't look bad. To me, your temples still look good, you may just want to lower the hairline a tad and I'm guessing 2500 grafts would be more than enough.............depends on how low you go, and that question is better answered by a surgeon or HT consultant.


Best of luck!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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it is hard to tell from just that one pic; it does appear you have a lot of hair--most posters on here 30 and over would love to have that much hair; at 35 I would say your hairloss is more likely stabalized; so in conclusion, I feel you don't need one, but due to your age and minimal loss, I think you would be a good candidate to refine/slightly lower your hairline

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Wow you guys are really good for my ego. The density I have is only because of the regular use of nizoral, rogaine and fin. My forehead hairs seem to be the most sensitive to DHT because my already big forehead has creeped back little by little each year. I even notice when talking to girls that they look at my big shiny forehead (ok its probably in my head).


I gueess I'm thinking of going after that more refined and slightly lower hairline.


Does anyone have any experiences with forehead reduction? Would someone in my situation (high forehead) go for a strip or FUE? I'm thinking FUE because I usually keep my hair relatively short on the sides and back. I would prefer to wait for a strip surgery perhaps in my 40's if needed.


Here is a shot from the back of my head. Do I have enough density to go FUE or strip?


Thanks all for your help. You guys are awesome...honest and forward but very practical in your advice.


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I wouldn't consider forehead reduction.........if you do anything go the HT route.


As for STRIP for FUE, you probably realize that FUE will cost twice as much already. How close do you cut your hair? I can go to 1/2, or a little closer with no scar issue after STRIP. With tricho closure the hair grows through the scar which helps conceal it.


As for donor hair density, that really is a Q for a Doc or consultant.........very difficult to determine without some VERY detailed, close up, high-resolution pics.


Best of luck!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I read that Dr. Keene uses that trico closure method and she generally stay away from FUE. I really like here work and my next step is to set up a consolation with her in person.


I guess the only thing I'm seriously considering is going FUE. Yes I realize it is more expensive but I'm thinking of the following benefits it might offer me.


1. Recovery time will shorten. This is important because I don't really get the option to take an extended vacation.


2. Can't wear hats to work. I work in an office pro environment so I'm sure people will notice the scar right away.


3. FUE can be an option to go after in smaller sessions. I figure since I'm just trying to bring the hairline down a bit maybe I can have a few mini sessions of FUE to slowly bring it down. My chief concern here is whether this would have a negative effect on my existing hair. I read about shock loss and how HT can sometimes cause the hair around the area to shed.


Are there any folks here who have had or read of experiences involving smaller FUE sessions that were primarily focused on the hairline area?


Thanks again.


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Everyone struggles with their own hair loss condition, but in my opinion, you have a nice head of hair and do not need a hair transplant.


However, at your age and level of hair loss (assuming your hair loss is under control), I'd say it's pretty safe to get a smaller strip or FUE session (you wouldn't need a large one). Physician selection of course is vital to ensuring a quality hair transplant.


Dr. Keene is an excellent consideration if you are considering hair transplantation.


Best wishes,



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