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Interesting Info! (I hope!)

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Hello All,


I go to a number of different newsagents/convienance types of shops depending on what I need or where I am in my local area. Today, I went to one I hadn't been too in a fair while and I am on sort of friendly terms with the owner. The thing is, in the past, I have always seen him purely bald on top - hair on the sides and back but totally smooth bald on top. Today, however I was immediately struck on seeing him as he clearly had hair on his bald patch. It was thin and about 3-4cm long. It was not concentrated on any one area, but generally all over the bald patch but was quite sparse.


Well, I have been reading up on these forums and doing a lot of research lately for my own hair and immediately said to him had he had a transplant or been taking meds to which he clearly said no many times. I pushed him that he must have as there was no other way hair could grow. He is quite rich so my suspicions on the transplant/meds was I thought valid.


Upon asking how he then got the new hair growth, he told me he had been having regular once a week Indian Head Massage and been oiling his scalp with regular run of the mill coconut hair oil.


Now, Indian Head Massage is all the rage these days, no one seems to have any issue with it as it helps lots of things like tension, migraines, stress, circulation, etc. but hair growth? That's a new one me! I have read that coconut oil is supposed to be very healthy for maintaining strong and supple hair and some have even reported hair growth with it but in the main, it is seen as a nourishing & fortifying treatment.


The only thing is, this guy told me that the person who gives him the IHM would do the regular IHM and in addition slap his scalp quite hard in a certain manner and pattern fairly rapidly for quite some time! (gives a new meaning to the term slap-head I guess!).


The only thing I can assume is the this IHM was very good at creating better blood circulation around the scalp which is generally accepted to be very important for hair. In Ayurveda, it is also generally accepted that in order to maintain good hair and help growth, the scalp has to be kept cool which I am assuming the coconut oil does.


I would say that the hair growth covered about 80% of his scalp but it was very sparse and I would rate it in terms of amount of hair to be 5% to 10% of his scalp. He said he oils every night and has the IHM once a week and had been doing it for 4 months. Make of this what you will. Those of you considering a HT in a few months or a year down the line, may want to try it - nothing to lose I guess and if you do grow some hair, then you'll have less grafts to do and may be able save a fair bit of money and those of you on meds, it might help the hair growth process and save you money on less meds -in which case, you'll all owe me a pint!




Balding Indian!

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  • Regular Member

Hello All,


I go to a number of different newsagents/convienance types of shops depending on what I need or where I am in my local area. Today, I went to one I hadn't been too in a fair while and I am on sort of friendly terms with the owner. The thing is, in the past, I have always seen him purely bald on top - hair on the sides and back but totally smooth bald on top. Today, however I was immediately struck on seeing him as he clearly had hair on his bald patch. It was thin and about 3-4cm long. It was not concentrated on any one area, but generally all over the bald patch but was quite sparse.


Well, I have been reading up on these forums and doing a lot of research lately for my own hair and immediately said to him had he had a transplant or been taking meds to which he clearly said no many times. I pushed him that he must have as there was no other way hair could grow. He is quite rich so my suspicions on the transplant/meds was I thought valid.


Upon asking how he then got the new hair growth, he told me he had been having regular once a week Indian Head Massage and been oiling his scalp with regular run of the mill coconut hair oil.


Now, Indian Head Massage is all the rage these days, no one seems to have any issue with it as it helps lots of things like tension, migraines, stress, circulation, etc. but hair growth? That's a new one me! I have read that coconut oil is supposed to be very healthy for maintaining strong and supple hair and some have even reported hair growth with it but in the main, it is seen as a nourishing & fortifying treatment.


The only thing is, this guy told me that the person who gives him the IHM would do the regular IHM and in addition slap his scalp quite hard in a certain manner and pattern fairly rapidly for quite some time! (gives a new meaning to the term slap-head I guess!).


The only thing I can assume is the this IHM was very good at creating better blood circulation around the scalp which is generally accepted to be very important for hair. In Ayurveda, it is also generally accepted that in order to maintain good hair and help growth, the scalp has to be kept cool which I am assuming the coconut oil does.


I would say that the hair growth covered about 80% of his scalp but it was very sparse and I would rate it in terms of amount of hair to be 5% to 10% of his scalp. He said he oils every night and has the IHM once a week and had been doing it for 4 months. Make of this what you will. Those of you considering a HT in a few months or a year down the line, may want to try it - nothing to lose I guess and if you do grow some hair, then you'll have less grafts to do and may be able save a fair bit of money and those of you on meds, it might help the hair growth process and save you money on less meds -in which case, you'll all owe me a pint!




Balding Indian!

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No ones gonna stop you from trying it, and Im not gonna say this is completly out of the question but im sceptical.

If I had a guess id say he had a transplant and was embarresed by the fact that you reconized it. Just a theory.

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wouldn't even start to believe in this treatment



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my only thought on this is the head slapping bit.i have thought about this before and even practiced it.i remember watching something where a guy hung upside down for a period every day and he reckoned the blood reaching his follicles regrew his hair.so i thought if all they need is blood why not a good slapping every night after the rogain?i tried this and i definatly grew quite alot of hair back on my crown which was previously baron.

this was also months before i started fin.

it may have just been the minox working its magic,but it cant hurt to try for a couple of months(actually it can sting a bit,this was my signal to stop)

i stpped doing this when i had my ht as it was tender for couple of months after.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

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My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Hi all again,


Please note, I am not saying this is a treatment or anything - all I am doing was just reporting what I saw! Whether it has any credit - I do not know and cannot say. May it helps on some people and not on others. I can however honestly state that in the bald patch the hair was sparse and in the smooth patches there was no evidence at all of any surgical treatment - it was bald and smooth. Maybe it worked for him or maybe he was taking meds. I do not know.


Balding Indian.

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It is probably a hair transplant. I don't know about you but I don't want to start my day off every morning with a head slap. icon_eek.gif


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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I understand wear you are coming from BI, I agree with you that the increase in blood flow to the scalp via massage can benefit but I too am skeptical on the coconut oil, seems to me any oil can clog pores, not good for the skin in general.


Since Rogaine works by increasing blood flow to the scalp the massage could have the best effect. Fellow poster, Nervous Nelly, hangs upside down on his inversion table, good for the spine and probably helps the blood flow to the scalp. I believe stimulating the area is good, but not gonna buy any coconut oil, will save it for the microwave popcorn.





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Balding Indian,


Believe it or not, I have read something like this before - but it has nothing to do with coconut hair oil but with the massaging itself.


Whether or not it works is beyond me, but the problem I see with this is the time it takes for therapy. From what I remember reading (8 years ago I might add), is that hour+ long scalp massages are needed twice a day in order to acheive any level of success.


So if you have a lot of time on your hands and are very rich to afford a massage therapist for 2 hours a day, go for it icon_wink.gif.



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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I did say that coconut oil was in the main seen as a nourishing and fortifying treatment & not in any way as a hair growth solution and even expressed my surprise that this guy grew some hair with it (together with the IHM.I trust no one thought I was implying otherwise!


Balding Indian!

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  • Regular Member

Hey all,


I don't know whether it will be useful to fight hairloss by massaging your scalp to increase circulation of blood. It could have ofcourse some benefits. There is a website that describes an exercise for the scalp to halt hairloss. This exercise makes also use of the principle of increasing blood circulation to the scalp by means of muscle contraction in the scalp.


De url of this website is (link removed)


The exercise is described in words but to fully understand the exercise he recommends to purchase his demonstration CD.


Do any of you guys think that such an exercise could be helpful in fighting hairloss.

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I would much rather focus on real treatments than things that are highly doubtful at best.

It can just bring false hope to those looking for legit treatments.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I know that when I had my first couple of procedures people would recognize my strip scar because I kept my hair short. Whenever someone would ask me about it, I made up all kinds of stories just out of embarrassment. This could be the case, or maybe he's just found something that works for him. It's hard to say.

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