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Hi im a 19 year old male. About a year ago i could grow the thickest curly white man afro you could get and now at 19, you can visibly see my balding pattern throughout my vertex and my crown is a bald spot(NOT BALD, there is hair but very thin it mimicks a bald spot but with hair). Im pretty sure im around a Norwood 5 or so its just i still have hair but its thin you can see the shape of the balding pattern that it will be. in that regard i feel like im a good canidate for hair transplantation. i know everyone says your so young, but i mean truthfully whats the difference if you can see the pattern? is it possible to get a full head of nautral looking hair back if i get a hair transplant now and then get back on propecia.( propecia seemed to have stopped my balding at the very least, MAYBE MAYBE some slight regrowth on the crown but who was i kidding im still a bald man. i stopped taking it after 6 months because i wasnt happy with the results and the side effects scare me. ALSO WITH CURLY hair, does the transplanted hair come in curly and not in just stands but like a curl block, like natural curls

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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also, my concerin is more with my crown than my frontal, would it be possible to cover up the thinning at all? in a realistic world. money is not a problem for me.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • Senior Member

Jupiter, Because your so young you will more than likely get some opposition to asking about wanting to have an HT so early. If you don't already know, you only have a limited amount of donor hair, and looking many years into the future you will want to use it wisely. I hope you're able to go slowly and plan.

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See a doc and inquire about Propecia and Rogaine. These are the only items proven to assist with stopping loss and mild regrowth.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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  • Senior Member

i was on propecia for 6 months i alraedy know about it. it prretty much halted my crown i think, but due to some incidents quit taking it, might have been overreacting. eitherway is it possible to transfer natural curly hair i mean does anyone know

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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I would get on rogaine foam 5% ASAP, and also order some revita shampoo.


If the sides from propecia outweight the benefits, then remain off it. But, don't let a lack of blockbuster results after 6 months sway you. It often takes 12+ months for full effects to take place; as well, when combined w/ rogaine there can be a synergistic effect for max potency. Finally, even if you don't get great regrowth, stabalizing and strengthening your hair is KEY...especially if you happen to be young and looking into an HT.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Welcome to our forum community.


Going bald at a young age is a hard thing. When I first saw that I was developing a bald spot, I was very upset.


Hair loss is progressive. Without hair loss medication, you will most likely lose a lot more hair.


A level 5 on the norwood scale is quite high and goes beyond just a thinning crown. Read more about the norwood scale.


I recommend considering using Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine 5% (minoxidil) to help fight against your hair loss. You might even regrow some hair.


If indeed you only have a thinning crown and based on your age, in my opinion, you are not a candidate for a hair transplant. See Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?.


The greater the level of hair loss, the less likely you will be able to restore a "full head of hair". Though in most cases, an illusion of hair density can be achieved.


In my opinion, try non surgical treatments first.


Best wishes,



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Good for you for adding rogaine to your regimen and that it's working for you.



Curly hair can indeed be transplanted into hairline, top, crown, and look very natural. Good luck!

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im not a norwood 5 yet thats just the pattern that you can OBVIOUSLY see which is why i dont see im why im not a good candidate whether im 19 or if im 80 u can still see where im balding its not gonna change, atleast to my knowledge. Janna if i still have some coverage on my crown is it possible i could get transplanted into my crown, im more worried about the god damn bald spot more than my thinning front.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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I understand what you are saying.


But don't be deceived in thinking that at only 19 that certain areas that haven't thinned yet won't. I'm not suggesting that it definately will, but hair loss is unpredictable and progressive, especially at very young ages.


Non surgical treatments are your best option at this point in my opinion.



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  • Senior Member

You`ve been given great advice Jupiter and its all stating give the meds a try before taking the plunge with a ht.

Good luck

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Jupiter it sounds like you have some knowledge of the whole ht process, but it does sound that you can do a bit of more research. Trust me I was and still am a young thinner, but take your time and research everything you can on this site, it invaluable!!! Research research my friend and be patient!

You only live once...

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Bill, no man i really am not trying to plunge into anything thats just it. its just like man, this shit wouldnt bother me if i was 30+. its just like, its the worst feeling going from a cute guy, to like a bald guy. and im not even fucking bald i just see the norwood 5-7 pattern coming in and the only thing you can really notice as of right now is the big ass bald spot forming in my crown lol. and its not BALD its just thinned so much into a light blonde. and i had SO much curly hair like a year ago its just like how did this happen to me and why? and like it depresses me, and i can laugh about it and shit but when i think about it too myself it just sucks, you know to realize that teh only hairstyle im able to grow for the rest of my life sucks ass haha, idk as of this point my sides and back are still thick as a sheeps coat of fur. i just really would like to cover up the most noticable thing(MY CROWN) and at the same time fix the whole top of my head.. this balding shit causes too much stress for a 19 year old, i should never be confiding in a website at this age. thank you all for your input and i seriously appreciate you all for turning me off hair transplants, i guess its better to go bald than to hate your newly grown hair even more. and Bill your hair looks good. icon_smile.gif

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Try mastering the concealer (dermmatch and/or toppik) -- could allay much of your aesthetic nightmare and buy you some sanity while you wait for treatments to kick in and time to pass as you become a potentially solid candidate for a HT. It isn't as good as real hair, of course, but many (myself included) have had remarkable results that really soothed the follicular soul.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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i mean dude, when i think about it, i shouldn't even give a shit. if one of my friends were sad and talking to me about how there emberrased about it id just tell them to shut up and live life. i mean in reality were going bald were not losing our eyes or something . idk i just need to grow a pair of balls and face it i guess, not wear makeup on my head.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Trust me my friend, I know how you feel. Though I feel that I have a good sense of humor, my baldness was really getting to me. Back in the days when I knew nothing about hair loss, I tried a number of "snake oil" type products that didn't work. The more hair I lost, the more confidence left me. Wearing a hat went from an occasional thing to an every day affair. And I was only a few years older than you.



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Losing your hair is twofold problem


1 - obviously it hurts your confidence ( if you let it ).People can say it doesnt bother them , but I would surmise 90% of them are really just trying to convince themselves ( there is a reason why many people with hairloss wear hats)

2 - it changes the way some other people treat you. We can deny this all you want but trust me , as I have been to hell and back.No doubt the opposite sex and professionals generally favor someone who looks better ( I dont agree with it but that's reality). In business you are selling yourself


So it is not like we can just forget it and things will magically go away. Yes, some of it is our own pereption howver society rewards beauty today.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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