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8 Month Update Hair Transplant Results

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Yea bro;

Completely natural. After a few years of maturing and blending of the prior h/t's a density/touch up would be at you leasure.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Thanks Spex and Aquarius!


I am still going to wait to evaluate my "final" result, however, even if nothing changed at this point, I'd be ecstatic.


I haven't gone out with a hat for the past couple months, and I have been much more confident than I have been regarding the way I look.


Even the overhead view is starting to look pretty darn good. Sure there is some thinning, but considering the area was completely bald, this is still amazing to me. It's amazing even still to look in the mirror to see what I see instead of a bald(ing) head.



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Hey Bill


Good to see all is well ( and it is)! Has anyone commented toy you about your hair??

Also, I'm sure if you look at the early HT #3 pics you can get an idea of how dense it will be ..


How was your growth trend in the first 3 HT's?



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hey Bill,


You've gotten plently of kudos and well deserved support that you don't need me to chime in. However, I just had to let you know since you support so many (including little ole me)that you are coming along great.


I do have to agree with others that your hairline looks like it needs softening up, but you have that covered. You know I think you're awesome. All the best to you, always.

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no doubt in my mind it will soften as the hair matures. I had the same situation after my 2nd HT.. Hairs were coarse and wiry but smoothed out very nicely after 1 year



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Aww...thanks. I'm glad I can support many, including little ole you lol. Thanks for your encouragement and all you do.




I am ecstatic with my results.


The one thing that I have noticed recently is my hair is becoming really soft - must be from the conditioner I've been using and the maturation of the grafts. My wife has been LOVING playing with my hair as of late. I must admit, it feels strange because I haven't wanted someone to touch my BALD head for so long...especially becuse the few hairs that were left were fragile and could fall out. Now I don't have to worry about it....which is AWESOME!




Your words are also encouraging bro. I know there is more to come, and since I'm already ecstatic with the results, the next few months will prove to be exciting.



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I thought that I was the only quirky one that hated my head touched. I had an ex girlfriend that had to constantly have her hands all over my head while doing the wild thing and it was difficult to concentrate on the job at hand. Hopefully soon it won't be an issue for me as you have adapted. icon_smile.gif




P.S. Hair looks great as I've already told you.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Nice to see all of the little things we have missed out over the years come back..


I plan on getting my hair highlighted late this year.. What a difference 3 years will make..

I will have gone from a N5 to a full head of hair..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Bill --


I honestly think the results are decent by anyone's yardstick.


It looks a little thin on the front/top in the harsh ligthing shots to be honest. (But that's measuring it against a no-MPB yardstick, which is not exactly fair. It's amazing that I'm making those kinds of comparisons about a NW#6 guy's HT work, isn't it?)


I think the hairline is very well-placed & shaped for your head. IMHO the transplanted hair is definitely a major improvement in your appearance overall at this point.



I'm curious:

Any thoughts on what the density might be in the typical places in those pics? Like in the hairline and in the frontal third? I'm always trying to figure out what various densities look like, and you really take some honest pics.




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Nope, you are not the only weirdo...lol. In fact, I think it IS/WAS a legitimate concern. I know weaker hairs, once they fall out, probably come back. I was only trying to delay the inevitable...but why let go early what you can keep longer you know?


I am still getting used to girls wanting to play with my hair (yes...girls, even though I'm married). Of course, I have to limit how many girls touch my hair, since my wife may not like it :P.




Now that's something I haven't actually considered...highlighting my hair. My hair USED to be bleach blond...because I was out in the sun all the time and swam for sport. My hair has changed to a golden brownish or so...looks different in various lights. But I have seen some guys with the highlights...looks pretty cool! It's NICE to have options isn't it?




Thanks for your encouragement.


Yes, you are right...in harsh lighting, it does look a little thin in some areas...which is what I expected. But considering I would have pretty much a bald head without hair transplanation, WOW...I've come a long way. I have gone back to pre-wedding days in terms of looks, as my hair looks a little better than it did before my wedding 5 years ago. Seems like I lost a significant amount of hair after my wedding too...between 2002 and 2004. I lost more native hair after my first and second transplant (some may have been permanently shocked, but it was hair on the way out anyway). Anyway...I digress. All that to say...I'm thrilled with the results thus far.


So again...thanks for the compliments. I'll take "a little thin" compared to where I was ANY DAY!


Truth is, I am not sure about the density. I asked Hasson and Wong about the hairline at one point...but I can't remember their answer. I don't think they really measure it there, however, I know they gave me a guestimate...I'm sure I have the email somewhere. But if I had to guess, I'd say about 45-55 FU/sq cm in the hairline and the front third of my scalp. I'd probably guess about 40-20 FU/sq cm going from the middle of my scalp to the crown. That's a COMPLETE guess...but based on what I've seen others report as density and by visual look, I'd say it's a fair guess.


Cheers all,



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Looks good. Sounds like you've got a touch of that hair greed thing going on!


Yep, I'm a little guilty of hair greed.


But I'm going to be smart about it. Gonna wait for some time! But I'll be back...this time, I'll probably stay a few extra days in Vancouver and cruise the city. It's beautiful there.



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Bill on the loose in Vancouver could get ugly. Ya I know you are married but that is a city FULL of beautiful woman. Why do I picture you and Jotronic with hair slicked back, dressed like the dynamic duo on Saturday Night Live, at a club and scoping the scene. icon_smile.gif





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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