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3 weeks after procedure, need help!!

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Hi, I am at 3 weeks post-op and didn't realize Bosley has so many bad reviews pre-op. I feel so stupid that I trusted Bosley's ad and traveled all the way from China to SF to receive the treatment. I have received 1800 grafts (although I suspect the nurses didn't make it 1800!!). Now, I find many of the transplanted hair also fell out!!! It is really heart breaking to see them fall !!!! I am wondering if this is normal? Did anybody here experience the samething while end up with a at least okay result?


Please help me..... forgive my poor English writting.


Thanks a lot.

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Hi, I am at 3 weeks post-op and didn't realize Bosley has so many bad reviews pre-op. I feel so stupid that I trusted Bosley's ad and traveled all the way from China to SF to receive the treatment. I have received 1800 grafts (although I suspect the nurses didn't make it 1800!!). Now, I find many of the transplanted hair also fell out!!! It is really heart breaking to see them fall !!!! I am wondering if this is normal? Did anybody here experience the samething while end up with a at least okay result?


Please help me..... forgive my poor English writting.


Thanks a lot.

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  • Senior Member

Hi there.


Dont beat yourself up about going to Bosley, some people come out with half decent results.


In regards to the grafts falling out, thats normal, its part of the procedure. They fall out then they start to grow back around the 3 month mark. Maybe post some pics so some of the guys on here can see what your situation is.


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

Hi as spursman says the hair will always fall out initially and then re grow from month 2-3 onwards, what is done is done try not to stress out too much as this will only make matters worse.

Good luck


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • Senior Member

Hey Davis, I'm nearly 3 weeks into this myself, and I look like 10 miles of muddy road, which is to say I look much as I did before the surgery, although slightly balder.


What did you get, an add to your hairline? Was it an Ultra fine FU procedure? What is the haircount?


If you're not sure of the answers, ask Bosley to provide details.


Meanwhile it will take months to show results...3-4 on average, and that is apparently just the break even point.


China eh? I've done a fair bit of work in China, and when my hair grows in, I might just be back.




mark h

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  • Regular Member

Dear Davis,


We are on the same boat. Brother. I did my procedure with Bosley (1,553 grafts) in San Francisco 10 days ago.


I also found out bad stuff about Bosley AFTER the procedure. However, like people say HERE - cheer up, Bosley does some good procedures, as weel.


Wait up to 1 year and go from there. Even if the 1st procedure was bad, You always have room to fix it with a good Doc.


However, again, I hope that You might come up wiht some good results from Bosley, as weel.


About falling grafts - it is perfectly normal. Wait 3-6 months till the REAL hair will sturt groging.



Take care,



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Dear everyone above:


Thanks for cheering and comforting me. I feel much better now and look forward to seeing results in the coming year. In the meantime, I will keep documenting the growth of my hair onward. Hopefully, I will be able to compile and post some pics here after I finish my current business travel.


Quote a fellow's comment "long life for our follicles"


Thanks and wish you all have the best result.



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