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Variance among Recommended Physicians

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This is my first post on the forum, although I've spent a lot of time in the last few weeks/months researching hair transplants, including reading through this forum in depth.

I've taken Propecia for more than a year now (minoxidil for 2 years) yet my recession continues, and I'm close to biting the bullet and booking a procedure.


I have several questions;


1) Is the US still streets ahead of everywhere else?


I live in the UK, and from what I can gather there's not many great options over here. The one physician that this site recommended was pretty poor in helping me sort out a consultation, and after months of emails back and forth, all I was offered was a concultation in 7 months (after which they stopped replying to my emails).


Anyway, based on many posts on this forum the US seems streets ahead, although as many key posts are now several years old I wanted to confirm this


2) Is there a big variance in quality among this site's list of recommended physicians?


I understand there are some cowboys out there, and this list aims to show only the best ones, but within that list, is there significant difference in quality?

I understand I could go through the results sections and look at photos for each physician, but I find it hard to tell the difference in quality, even with this information.

Also, the list shows some physicians who are scarcely mentioned on some key sections of this site (e.g.the Results sections). How are they getting on the list when (for example) Dr Cole and Dr Epstein aren't on there?


My current plan is to use a (listed) physician in Florida as I could then take a nice holiday with the girlfriend afterwards in Miami and surrounding areas. However if there's much variance in quality on the list I may choose to go to NY.


3) Negating the chances of work colleagues noticing is a priority for me, but I can only take 2 weeks off - is this enough?

I'm thinking of an unshaven FUE procedure as being my best bet for this going un-noticed. However I have very fair skin and only 2 weeks off. This is a hard question to answer I know, but is this normally enough time (for scabs to fall off / redness to die-down enough to be hidden by hair-styling etc)?


Apologies if I'm repeating questions already answered on the site.


Thanks for any and all opinions offered.




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Yes, an abundance of top HT docs are here in the states as well as Canada and a handful in Europe. The only UK clinic I've seen good results from is Farjo.


Regarding the variance in US-recommended clinics, it really comes down mostly to a matter of personal preference (hairline design) and needs (session size, FUE vs. strip). For example, H&W are known for very large session sizes but they do strip only and do require shaving. Honestly, you must do your own homework on finding the right doc for you and that will take much research and consultations.


You also should do your homework on FUE vs. Strip. If you need a large session, strip is generally the way to go. There are plenty of discussions on this forum regarding the subject.


Regarding recovery time, etc.: I wouldn't suggest planning a vacation with the girlfriend immediately post-op. There usually is a fair amount of frontal swelling that could have you looking a bit freakish and not wanting to go out in public (it lasts approximately 3-4 days). Also, while there isn't really much pain involved with HT recovery, there is discomfort (it is surgery after all) and you will have sutures or staples in your head.


Post-op redness can last up 6 months (mine did). I covered mine with native hair and dermatch.


So, post some pics. We can probably give you a more accurate assessment of what your situation calls for. Take care!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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There are several very good hair restoration physicians in Europe, S. America, and many other countries. There is also number of excellent clinics in the United States especially here in South Florida. The recommended list of physicians is just a list, and does not mean that any doctor that is not on the list doed not get good results. Do your research and due diligence and narrow it down to a few and then do some more research. At some point you will need to follow your gut feeling and the recommendation of other patients. With 2 weeks off that should be plenty of time for complete healing to occur whether you have FUT or FUE. You would want to schedule the procedure at the beginning of your vacation to allow as many days as possible to recover.

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The recommended list of physicians is just a list, and does not mean that any doctor that is not on the list doed not get good results


Dr. Charles,


While I doubt you were trying to minimize the credibility of recommendations being a member of the Coalition yourself, your above post incorrectly implies that our recommendations have no meaning. Our recommendations are much more than just a list.


Our prescreening process is quite thorough and only those who meet prove to consistently meet our high standards are approved for recommendation.


It's true that our recommendations are not a all encompassing list of all quality physicians in the world. However, those we do recommend have gone through a vigorous prescreening process and have proven to deliver excellent results.


Best wishes,



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Olly, Also, while Dr. Charles is correct in saying you will physically be able to go back to work, be aware that the redness can last for quite some time, especially if you have fair skin.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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It would be necessary to see photographs showing what sort of area you want to have worked on, as well as how you wear your hair, before commenting on how well you could hide the transplant. If you only want a small procedure then it might be possible to hide it quite well if you can comb your hair down over the recipient zone.

Two weeks isn't long enough for all signs of surgery to fully disappear, and you must remember that it will be longer yet before the transplanted hairs, once they start to grow, start looking normal.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Thanks for suggesting I should read up more on the FUE vs FUT issue - I thought I had read enough, but realise now that I made the

rookie error of reaching a decision too early! Taking into account the pros and cons (possible lower yield of FUE / suitability of FUT for larger areas etc etc), I believe FUE is the right option for me. I'm looking for a relatively low number of grafts, maybe ~1000, and am very keen on avoiding a noticeable change in appearance, so FUE seems to make sense. Also, I view this procedure as part of a long term plan - I want the option to either 1) let myself go bald later on in life and still look natural despite having the FUE or 2) get further procedures (either FUE or FUT) as my recession progresses.


On the holiday idea - thanks again for the advice, I'll definitely take things easy. With a low graft-number FUE procedure (I believe) there'll be no sutures and possibly less discomfort.


On the redness, I plan to do the same as you (i.e. don't want to shave before the procedure).



To both Dr Charles and Bill,


Thanks for the info on both recovery times and background on how the list of physicians is produced.



Finally, I've attached a photo of the front of my scalp(only area I currently have hair loss in), would be grateful for anyone's thoughts!


Thanks to all for your help,



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Hey Olly, Looking at your pic I can tell you 1,000 grafts will not be enough. 1k might restore the hairline (conservatively) but you're going to have to fill in the area all around your forelock for it to look natural. I would suggest, especially if you are set on going the FUE route, you contact Dr. Feller first and foremost. One of the posters on here named Spex reps his clinic and also lives in the UK, and has had FUE himself. I have seen plenty of examples of patients with similar loss to yours that Dr. Feller has worked on, so just do a search here.


Also, one thing to keep in mind regarding healing time with FUE: your donor area will heal up quicker, but the recovery time on the recipient site will be the same.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Olly, i would agree with hairthere that 1000 graphs would not be enough. Now i am no professional on this and there are many on this site that are definitely more knowledgable than myself, but i have been researching on this site and others for years and have gained much information! these guys have great reconmondations and they were very important with my decision to go to Dr. Pual Shapiro.I would advise you to look at many more pictures with numerous Drs.that resemble your hair loss pattern. This site is an essential tool if you choose to use it!

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"I live in the UK, and from what I can gather there's not many great options over here. The one physician that this site recommended was pretty poor in helping me sort out a consultation, and after months of emails back and forth, all I was offered was a concultation in 7 months (after which they stopped replying to my emails)."


This is so true. Im guessing you are talking about www.farjo.net. I had the same problem. It is no wonder so many fly to the states. The farjo hospital might be good but their customer service and consultation waiting times are a complete joke. It took me around a month to get a reply and when i did i was passed around and then the earliest date i was offered for a consultation was almost 5 months away. Not for a operation date just a consult. I know people will try and defend the hospital i have been watching this site for a long time. But i can tell you this i have emailed every hospital on this sites coalition doctors page and so far I have received around 20 replies and most hospitals could see me within a week the longest waiting time was 3 weeks. How can every other hospital see me with in 1 day - 3 weeks while the farjo hospital takes almost 5 month.


If anyone thinks I'm making any of this up I have every email saved.

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This may be a silly question, but did you try calling the clinic or sending a private message on this forum to Mick McHugh? I know that leading clinics tend to get very busy and booked up months in advance from time to time. But in my experience, Mick has been very responsive and thorough with prospective patients as have the Farjos.


Best wishes,



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I have just seen this thread so i hope the following will clear this up.

Every e mail regarding general inquiries is responded to within 48 hours and we aim to reply within the same length of time for online consultation information.It is true though that sometimes e mails go astray due to errors but these are few and far between.

Regarding waiting times,all our consultations are carried out by our doctors;therefore we have to limit the amounts we can do in any particular day.We feel that it is important to have a face to face with the doctor beforehand.We have consultation facilities in both London and Manchester and in London there is a waiting time of a few months but if patients wish to come to Manchester it is about 10 weeks.A successful clinic is a busy clinic and i would prefer to be busy rather than not.That said i can completely understand the frustration that greenhair mentioned but re a month for a reply obviously something went wrong there and if it was actually our fault please accept my apology.Maybe those who can be seen at the drop of a hat are not having an actual consultation with a doctor, i dont know We do have a stand by list for appointments and most people who wish to visit earlier are accomodated.

One of the main reasons we are so busy is that thankfully we get things right most of the time.So if any one on the site has any issues re times etc please e mail me personally and i will do my very best to accomodate.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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"I know that leading clinics tend to get very busy and booked up months in advance from time to time."


Olly was offered a consultation 7 month away and i was ofered 1 almost 5 month away I have emails from atleast 20 other hospitals listed on your coalition page most could see me with in a week the longest waiting time was 3 weeks. it might be true that hospitals get vry busy from time to time but the farjo hospital is the only one that i has found who want u to wait 5 and 7 month for a consult.


I was not responded to with in 48 hours and either was olly but ok mistakes can happen.



"Regarding waiting times,all our consultations are carried out by our doctors;therefore we have to limit the amounts we can do in any particular day.We feel that it is important to have a face to face with the doctor beforehand.We have consultation facilities in both London and Manchester and in London there is a waiting time of a few months but if patients wish to come to Manchester it is about 10 weeks.A successful clinic is a busy clinic and i would prefer to be busy rather than not.That said i can completely understand the frustration that greenhair mentioned but re a month for a reply obviously something went wrong there and if it was actually our fault please accept my apology."


This just is not true..... i dont know which hospital olly wanted 2 be seen at but I wanted to vistit the manchester one and i was told i would have to wait almost 5 month and again i have the emails to proof this.


"Maybe those who can be seen at the drop of a hat are not having an actual consultation with a doctor, i dont know We do have a stand by list for appointments and most people who wish to visit earlier are accomodated."


So hospitals on the coalition webpage of this site are actually inviting people in for a consultation and they are not even seeing the doctor....how can this be? These the best hospitals in the world are willing to let me fly all the way from the uk and be advised on things like estimated numbers...future loss...hair design...donor....scalp looseness without even seeing a doctor? If this true its very very wrong. If its not true then again farjo are the only ones listed on this sites coalition page who expect you to wait 5 and 7 month for a consult.

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I can only assume you were given incorrect information.We do have some availibility in both Manchester and London in March.Due to rescheduled appointments we often have appointments that become availible.People let us know when they make their appointment that they can come in earlier and in most cases we are able to accomodate.It is true we are very busy but we always try to help where ever possible.



Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Quick update;

I met Spex recently and would definitely recommend it to anyone in the UK looking for good, impartial advice.

I'm now in the process of arranging a procedure in the US.


Greenhair - It was indeed the Farjo clinic that I had communications issues with. Just to clarify what happened - I emailed with photos, they replied suggesting a non surgical approach, I responded saying I'd tried that. I had no reply to this.


After maybe a month, I tried again. This time to a different email address for the same clinic. I got a different person but equally poor service - they sent a very short email saying that the next available appointment for a consultation was seven months down the road. When I replied, asking about a waiting list for cancellations, I had no response.


Maybe this experience was unusual, as they claim, but given I made multiple attempts the service seems pretty poor to me.


I hate to say anything negative about anyone or any clinic, but the success of this forum seems to be built on honest feedback, so thought I'd clarify things.

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