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Question for doctors, physicians, and anyone else with info.

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Hi there. I found this site a few months ago and am very glad I did. I'm happy for all of the people on here with success stories and pictures of their hair transplant surgeries, not to mention all of the info on other hair loss options...most of which I've tried with no success.

Here is what I want to know from the doctors of this forum. I know every doctor goes through years of school, med school, etc... At some point they decide which area they want to specialize in. And there are those that decide on plastic surgery, and furthermore, their specialty being in hair loss and transplant surgery. Now, I know at some point, all of these doctors are students, and have to learn from the more experienced doctors how the hair transplant procedures are done. The students have to be taught, meaning there has to be some hands-on experience and surgery involved. What I want to know is--are there universities or schools that teach this, that need volunteers for the advanced students to try and perfect their techniques on. I ask this, as I am pretty much at the point where I'd be more than happy to be a guinea pig in exchange for transplant surgery. My desperation and depression, my quality of life, or there lack of, has pushed me to the point where I'd almost rather have a bad transplant job than the continuation of losing my hair and being in the bald state I am now. Seeing how because of my condition, I've managed to shut out many facets of my life, and have taken on lesser paying jobs, just so I don't have to face people or the embarrassment of showing the world how bad and diseased I look by going bald. Because of this, I know I'd never be able to pay for transplantion surgery, even though I've consulted with a major transplant organization. Apparently, I have a superb donor area. The only thing I lack is the financial means for the procedure. I live in Texas. So, if there are any physicians that moderate, visit, or contribute to this site that has any advice or outlets for me in this area, your information would be greatly appreciated. At this point, life as I pretty much know it is over. So, to be someone's subject or guinea pig, at this point, would be a risk worth taking where everyone comes out a winner. Thanks for your time. I can even be contacted personally at texasbillyaustin@yahoo.com.




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Hi there. I found this site a few months ago and am very glad I did. I'm happy for all of the people on here with success stories and pictures of their hair transplant surgeries, not to mention all of the info on other hair loss options...most of which I've tried with no success.

Here is what I want to know from the doctors of this forum. I know every doctor goes through years of school, med school, etc... At some point they decide which area they want to specialize in. And there are those that decide on plastic surgery, and furthermore, their specialty being in hair loss and transplant surgery. Now, I know at some point, all of these doctors are students, and have to learn from the more experienced doctors how the hair transplant procedures are done. The students have to be taught, meaning there has to be some hands-on experience and surgery involved. What I want to know is--are there universities or schools that teach this, that need volunteers for the advanced students to try and perfect their techniques on. I ask this, as I am pretty much at the point where I'd be more than happy to be a guinea pig in exchange for transplant surgery. My desperation and depression, my quality of life, or there lack of, has pushed me to the point where I'd almost rather have a bad transplant job than the continuation of losing my hair and being in the bald state I am now. Seeing how because of my condition, I've managed to shut out many facets of my life, and have taken on lesser paying jobs, just so I don't have to face people or the embarrassment of showing the world how bad and diseased I look by going bald. Because of this, I know I'd never be able to pay for transplantion surgery, even though I've consulted with a major transplant organization. Apparently, I have a superb donor area. The only thing I lack is the financial means for the procedure. I live in Texas. So, if there are any physicians that moderate, visit, or contribute to this site that has any advice or outlets for me in this area, your information would be greatly appreciated. At this point, life as I pretty much know it is over. So, to be someone's subject or guinea pig, at this point, would be a risk worth taking where everyone comes out a winner. Thanks for your time. I can even be contacted personally at texasbillyaustin@yahoo.com.




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First many medical schools teach HT in the Dermatology departments. Second, I would not subject myself to experiments? Sorry, your depress, but your better off bald than have a butcher job from an inexperience med student supervised by a surgeon--- get a credit card or borrow money if you want a HT that bad but dont have a lot of $$. Also, this site has a monthly free HT contest-- sign up for it.

Second, the best surgeon that has the lowest price, I would say is Dr. Lehr- I think he is in OK and trained under Dr. NOrwood for years. He isnt the best in the industry but is a young up and coming doctor from my research.

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oh man... let's play that violin together!!


Dude, I've been there and maybe still am. I got depressed, and went through the stages you describe. I was so desperate, that I was willing to take anything that was offered to me.


I was laid off of work, and took my severance to MHR. I regreted that!!


I didn't wallow in my own self pitty, I was at my low point. I was bald, single and unemployed living in Michigan.


I did interviews looking like a freak to myself. Couldn't land a job for the life of me....


But then it changed. I got a JOB!! WOW!! A job!

That can be said trivially, but it wasn't.


After being hired, within in 9 months was promoted..


Well, this is not a good for you story. I worked very hard. Balding and crappy HT work. But still promoted because I kept my focus on my career and not my hair.


So after my promotion, guess what? I did another HT!! And you know what... CRAP!!


So 2 HT's later... I have crap hair, but a great job!! Everything other than my hair is great!! But I still feel your pain. Literally!!


I have recently received a 3rd HT. So I can't post how that has worked out yet, because I am in the early stages.


But, I took my hairloss anger, after the HT hacks worked on me, and thought of my self and how I could make something else better... The environment of living!


You can do that too, if you set your mind in the right direction...


GOOD LUCK.. And I hope this helps you!

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Originally posted by HairBeThere:



But, I took my hairloss anger, after the HT hacks worked on me, and thought of my self and how I could make something else better... The environment of living!


You can do that too, if you set your mind in the right direction...




You know, I don't think that my grades in college would be half as good, my socials skills would be half as sharp, and my inner drive for success half as persistant if I had never gone through hair loss. I think that once you lose something that you always took for granted you see the world in a different light. It has certainly made me appreciate what I do have and what it takes to accomplish what I want to.


HBT, as always you are right on mark with this post. The inner turmoil that hair loss creates sucks. It sucks hard. However, if you find a way to fight back - any way you see fit, mind you - I think it helps your general outlook. For you, it was getting that awesome career. For me, it was going back to school with my hat turned around backwards and getting A's. Everyone has their own inner burn to exploit for their own sanity.


It's an awesome feeling when you find it. Kinda Zen, ya know? icon_cool.gif





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Some good advice provided guys! I just wanted to add that I have seen a good deal of the "guniea pig" patient especially military personnel who had the work done at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Since I live in the area, I probably have seen more patients from there than elsewhere, and most of them, if not all of them are desperately seeking repair work. None of them had to pay for their work because they agreed to be the so-called guinea pig.


Also, it is a common practice by some clinics, especially the hair mills to offer the patient a reduction in price IF they consider having their intern do the procedure. DON"T DO IT!!!


I can hardly tell you the many patients who bit on that bait only to end up needing corrective work, some with hideous scarring. Oh sure, there are always exceptions, but I would personally NEVER risk it. If a doctor needs to offer a patient the "blue light special", run for your life!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hey guys. I appreciate all of your input. When I first came around in December, the contest for the free transplant had just ended. And I noticed there hasn't been another one since. I've never won anything in my life, but I told myself that there was nothing I wanted to win more than the next contest. Well...winning the lottery wouldn't hurt a bit either.

HTB, thanks for your contribution. You are all right. There is an inner strength that can be built to get beyond and past hair loss. We all know that looks don't make up the person. As cliched as it sounds, it really is what's on the inside that matters. There is a lot of this that I'm still getting used to, and just trying to cope with. Plus, things I worry about that I never thought I would worry about, nor did I think something such as hair loss could consume my every thought and make me change my life the way it has. And I think a lot of it has to do with how I grew up, what I did for a living, how I helped people in my spare time, and how people used to look at me and treat me. I can say that since my baldness has progressed, I can tell the way I get approached or addressed by some people. And when it comes to old friends and family, if I don't get the look of pity, I just get made fun of. I went through a bad divorce a few years back. And I pretty much got raked over the coals by my ex-wife. But at the same time, I kind of let her, as I wanted to make sure that my daughters had what they needed, since they were going to be living with her. Due to illness, a surgery, and a burglarly that robbed me of just about every valid possession I had, I had no choice but to file for bankruptcy. So, at this point, I couldn't get a decent credit card or financed if I wanted to. And I wouldn't mind going into debt for the sake of something I feel is worth the money. I know transplant surgery can't fix all my problems, but I know it would give me back some of the self-esteem and self-confidence I once had, that I just can't be able to find these days. And maybe a part of me has stopped looking. At least the transplant work would be a kick in the ass to work on those other areas. And yeah, we do take a lot of these things for granted, until we lose them. I can definitely see how I would be a better person down the line, as I know how it feels to be treated with a full head of hair, and how it feels to be treated now. I've worked all my life with people in on form or another. So, it's hard to imagine that the social phobias I've developed from this have led me to a point of downright seclusion. I have a job where I can go and work by myself most times. I don't have to talk to people, or be paranoid or over-conscious of them looking at me. And, I do enjoy the job. But I know I've limited myself.

I guess you can understand the desperation as to why I'd stoop to the point of putting myself in the role of a guinea pig. Just shear desperation. I've always pretty much worked for the things I've gotten, and I'm not real big on asking for handouts. Hell, I'd rather be the guy helping someone else out. But, it's times like this I wish a rich relative would show up out of the blue. lol Well, my hat collection has gotten to a decent size, and you'll never see me in public without one on. And you'll never see me take it off either...for anyone.

Thanks again for you kind advice and words. Guess I'll keep pushing on, hoping some kind of break or something comes along. Anything that offers just a little bit of hope. And should things change for me for the better, I DO know that this time spent would certainly NOT be taken for granted. I've already learned a lot from it. Hopefully someday, I can share a little experience, strength, and hope with someone in the same position I am. Thanks again, guys.

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ElectraGlide71- You story is not unusual, You are not Donald trump, are you? ; bad hair, nasty divorce, bankrupcy etc

You are in good company, hang in there, take control, Your success is within you!


Put the money together, let them experiment on rats.

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