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The deed is finally done!


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  • Senior Member

Thanks for mentioning that Shed. I always seem to forget about the donor area in my progress reports, but that may well be because there's little to report. It's really inconsequential. I've had zero stretchback, and at this point the scar is truly almost indetectable. I've been buzzing my hair down to a #3 blade, but I think once it gets warmer, I'll go down to a #2, which is what I used pre-HT.


My biggest concern with cutting it short was not so much the scar showing, but rather than I had some degree of shock loss and so the hair looked somewhat thin in the donor area. Thankfully, that is pretty much all gone now, and all that hair is back to its original fullness.



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  • Regular Member

Very impressive. It's amazing how much change there was during the 3 to 5 month period. It also seems as though your scalp has pretty much lost its pinkish color and has pretty much returned to its normal pigmentation.

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Look's great Teddw2ds.

It's nice to see what I thought was shadow or lighting in your 3 month 10 day pic. was really hair.

Now at 5 month's your front hairline look's wider then I thought it was going to be, It really look's great, you must be very happy with that.


Also next time you see your brother, wear 2"inch lift's..LOL..that will really mess him up...LOL

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My friends' names are also Tedd and Todd. That was my guess on the extra D in your name. Too funny!


I live next door to a town called Twinsburg that hosts an annual festival for twins (and triplets, etc.). You may know of it given you are from OH. I think they had more than 1,000 set of twins attend this year. If you and your brother ever attend, let me know and maybe we can hook up to see each other's HT in person.


Best wishes,


Mr. T


Mr. T's 8 month post-op photos

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Yes, I've definitely heard of the festival, and I was even up near there over the Christmas holidays, but my brother and I never went to it. My parents always talked about taking us, but it never seemed to happen. I don't think it ever would now, but of course if we did go, people would never think we're twins because he's bald and I'm not!! LOL

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member

Hey all


It's beena while since I've posted, but there hasn't been much to tell lately. If you've followed this thread, you know that I started experiencing regrowth very early on (after only 5 weeks). I hoped that meant that I had a good long year of steady improvement ahead, but that didn't happen.


I think I've pretty much peaked out here at around the 6 month mark. I still see a few tiny new starts of hair, but I think I've already reached my maximum density. I'm hoping there's still more to come, but if not, I'm happy with what I've got.


Good news on another front, though. I got my hair cut just a couple of days ago, and for the first time, I dared to cut my hair down to a #2 blade, fearful that my donor area would be obvious. I decided to go ahead even despite my fears. Even at a #2, the donor area was completely indetectable! I was so stoked!!


I should have new photos up in the next few days, and then you guys can decide if I look like I've made any progress since the end of December.



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Here are the photos I promised.

You guys give me your opinion... does it look to you as if I've made any gains since the end of December, at my last update? I really can't see much. I think the bad lighting in the last picture may make it difficult to judge, though.


Give me your thoughts.

Either way, I'm very happy with the results.




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Here's where the difference is most noticeable.

Check out how different my front view looks with only 1500 grafts. I'm just thrilled.


Sorry that the first one is a bit washed out, but I enhanced the brightness so that you could better see the contrast between my skin and hair. There's a lot less skin in the after picture!




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That is a big change...Very easy to see the difference with the last two pictures you posted.

That's alot of change for 1500graft's, you should be very happy...look's great.

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Thanks so much. I'm pretty excited myself.

The funny thing is, I didn't even fully realize myself just how much my appearance has changed until I looked at the two front-view photos side by side. It's just been so gradual, but now the improvement is obvious!



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  • Senior Member

That looks pretty damned good to me.

I cant believe its only 1500 grafts, especially considering your hair is black and you are fairly white skinned.

I mean youve gone from a balding guy to

a guy with a bit of recession which

I personally think looks pretty good.

You appear to look a lot younger.


I have similar hairloss to what you had and I am getting 1500-2000 FUE's this summer an

I am only hoping to get a result like yours.


Im impressed.

What do the people around you say?

Have you had any comments?

-Good ar bad.


Don Guapo

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Teddw2ds, how did the scar turn out ?

I'm thinking no news is good news. So it must be a good donor scar...? Right...?


You're exactly right, but I actually did mention that in my Feb. 19th post. For the first time since the HT, I finally cut my hair down to a #2 blade (which is REALLY short), and I was a little nervous about it at first. After I looked at it, no sign whatsoever of the scar. I even have a hard time finding it when I look for it, much less someone seeing it inadvertantly.



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I mean youve gone from a balding guy to

a guy with a bit of recession which

I personally think looks pretty good.

You appear to look a lot younger.


Thanks!! People I meet for the first time are now guessing me to be about 5 years younger than I actually am. Before, they always guessed either right on or a few years older.


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I have similar hairloss to what you had and I am getting 1500-2000 FUE's this summer an

I am only hoping to get a result like yours.


Who are you going to? Obviously, I would recommend Dr. Rose. I think you'll be very happy once you've done it. I know I sure am. It completely changes your whole outlook on life.


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Im impressed.

What do the people around you say?

Have you had any comments?

-Good ar bad.


Thanks again. It's funny, for a long time, no one said anything, but here recently, it seems like people are really starting to notice, and they are commenting. One guy that I used to work with, but who I haven't seen in a while, told a friend of mine that he thought I got the best toupee he's even seen! UGH!


Another friend who I only see occasionally asked if it was just his imagination or if my hair really was getting thicker lately.


Another time, a friend who knows all about the HT was closely examining my hairline in front of another person I had just met and this guy was obviously curious as to why my friend was staring so intently at my hair. I told him the story and he flipped out. He just couldn't believe it was not my natural hairline.


So without exception... the comments have been very positive.



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Okay, I finally remembered to get a shot of my donor scar area, but it took a while to find it.


Truly, it's almost non-existant, and it takes me a while to find it. Even with a friend helping, and in good lighting, he had trouble discerning where the dang thing was! That's good news though.


Here it is. It's not much to look at, but if you examine it closely, you can see it. To help out, I've drown lines on either side of where the scar is, so you have an idea of where to look.




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Teddw2ds, I see or don't see really,your scar.

It would be nice if everyone got a scar like that after strip.


Look's like Dr.Rose gave you the best of eveything that a hair transplant can give. Good growth and a very small, hard to find scar.


I'm Happy for you.

Hope when I have work done it's this good.

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I had a procedure with Dr. Rose on the 18th of February and my experience was identical to yours thuse far. Hopefully my results are as promising as yours have been, especially at the 5 month mark. Did you use Minoxidil for increased growth after your surgery? I am just curious because many have talked about the rapid gains with it's use. I have been using it since the 5 day mark and was just wondering what to expect.

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Yes, I used Rogaine for about 60 days following my procedure, and I think that's part of why I saw such immediate improvement. Although the downside to that is my gains seem to have peaked at about 6 months, whereas I was hoping to see continued improvement for the full year, as Dr. Rose predicted. Perhaps I'll still continue seeing more progress, but I can't tell any difference for several weeks now. But I guess as long as it all comes in, it's okay, and better sooner than later, huh?



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