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Life Changing Decision...Looking to get into the business...Please forward to Top Docs or Clinics

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As most of you know me, "Bobman" is world renown for an amazing hair transplant transformation and documentation of the journey. And with so many wonderful people I've had the privilege of emailing, talking with over the phone and making time to meet in person, I have come to the decision that I want to get involved in the hair transplant industry.


My goal is to help a clinic gain more business through my experience and results as a hair transplant consultant. I want to affiliate myself with the right clinic and create relationships for life.


Please forward to any clinic or doctor you know in the business that wants to put their best foot forward in helping educate and facilitate more clients. Serious inquiries can email me here on a 'private message'.


Thank you all for the support and to HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK for everything it did for me and does for the men and women everywhere.


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  • Senior Member

As most of you know me, "Bobman" is world renown for an amazing hair transplant transformation and documentation of the journey. And with so many wonderful people I've had the privilege of emailing, talking with over the phone and making time to meet in person, I have come to the decision that I want to get involved in the hair transplant industry.


My goal is to help a clinic gain more business through my experience and results as a hair transplant consultant. I want to affiliate myself with the right clinic and create relationships for life.


Please forward to any clinic or doctor you know in the business that wants to put their best foot forward in helping educate and facilitate more clients. Serious inquiries can email me here on a 'private message'.


Thank you all for the support and to HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK for everything it did for me and does for the men and women everywhere.


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Hi Bobman


This is my first post ever. I've been reading a lot on different forums for the last year.

I had a mega-session with dr Wong about a month ago. Before that, multiple mini-micros that left me with an subpar scar, decent work but a sense of dissatisfaction that came and went along the last ten years. I'm in the ugly phase right now but quite optimistic (who wouldn't be with 5576 new little friends waiting to come out? Yes, grafts! And if I wouldn't have had this nasty 3-6 mm scar times 28 cm in the middle, I guess I would have been in the 6500ish zone)(thank you, agressive scalp exercising!)

I chose H+W for a number of reasons. One of them was the consistent results and the incredible transformations (you, Nocnitro, Joetronic, and the understated Shuffle).

I will tell you what I think. HT is such an emotional issue that if I knew you would have had your work done anywhere else then the clinic you are working for, I would be suspicious. Automatically. Of course I would be open to the rationale of all this, but the little worm of doubt would always creep in. I would end up going to H+W because your results speak for THEM, not for HT in general.

I'm not into the "I want exactly this!" frame of mind, but still. Hairs are about emotions. Suspicion is event greater when it comes to repair patients. Hairloss makes people paranoid. These websites and forums are great for "empowerment". You know what to look for. You know the right questions to ask. Everything that COULD (please note the capital letters...) sound like BS is almost automatically assimilated as such. It's even more then a buyer beware kind of thing, IMO.

I know you all know this.

Hopefully H+W would have a great job for you, but another clinic? Not sure.

Have you thought about writing? An honest story with the pictures and so on. That would be a great idea. I would have bought that book (thanslated in my langage even more, don't forget your world known!) You could advertise it on the forum sites (I guess you could deal something since you were such a great contributor to their success over the years! icon_rolleyes.gif)


Anyway you look at all this, I wish you the best. Thanks for the inspiration, by the way.



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Guest wanthairs



I am actually looking to do the exact same thing, being a patient and a history of sales management and marketing....

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Your hair restoration transformation is among one of the best I've ever seen.


And though personally I wish you well in whatever career you endeavor, our official position has been to discourage physicians from hiring patient forum members as online representatives because it gives some clinics an unfair advantage while it undermines the voluntary educational nature of the patient forums.


This came to a head when B Spot was hired by Shapiro Medical Group as an online representative. You can view B Spot's announcement and everyone's input by clicking here.


This is clearly not cut and dry since clinical involvement is wanted. But patient forums need to remain dominated and run by patients, not overrun by too many paid members.


Best of luck to you,



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This is clearly not cut and dry since clinical involvement is wanted. But patient forums need to remain dominated and run by patients, not overrun by too many paid members.


I agree with Bill. My intention is not to criticize rep from many clinics. Actually rep like Jotronic, Spex, B Spot among others, had been amazing in informing patients about HT. They certainly helped me a great deal in my research.


On the other hand, we all know what happen when a forum (like HLH) is overrun by too many paid members. For instance, reps from dr. Armani's office primary objective is to steer patients toward the clinic, not about informing patients. They act like pushy salesmen, posting deceptive pictures and generally attract many negative comments.


Bobman: apart from HW, i don't see you representing any other clinic. However, writing a book or starting a patient advocate site or a radio show would be good options as well.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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nevermind--I don't know why I am brought into this thread that should be supportive of Bobman


However, Bob, my recommendation is that you start with patient advocate sites, radio hosts and product pushers---they seem to be doing very well for themselves.


All while discouraging doctors from hiring others.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Bobman your transformation is amazing as well as the time you have taken to document your results.

Please do not take this the wrong way what I am going to say as it is only my opinion. After reading your comments I first thought somebody had hacked your account and wrote those comments. I myself am also enthusiastic about assisting people after recieving my results. In my opinion you results only a few doctors in the world are able to give you the type of transformation you have achieved. Having said that only small majority of patients have the hair characteristics to achieve your type of transformation.

You mentioned that your goal is help a clinic gain more business when I believe that showing a person a transplant from a different doctor while assisting another clinic in my opinion makes no business sense to a doctor. The few clinics that are able to do such a transformation are the elite. In my opinion are already busy and do not need more business let alone have a staff assisting patients that has recieved work from another clinic. That would leave the doctor that needs to boost their business, in my opinion they are looking for more business because they are unable to achieve great results not to mention a result like yours.

I have been posted since 2001 on most of the top forum of hairloss. At one time I was more active and posted much more regularly as I do know. I have met 100's of patients and seen some transformation as good as your and other even better. Because of my knowledge and my frequent posting in the past I have been offered two job working for clinics because they felt that I would be able to assist their business. I thankfully refused without even asking what the conditions were because in my opinion H&W honestly, integity and results can't be equalled and working for another clinic these would be scarificed, for me this is morally wrong. I understand that everybody has different opinions but I agree with B Spot you should consider start with patient advocate sites, radio hosts and product pushers.


IntoThinHair;Excellent first post!! I personally have seen many amazing transformations (many do not post nor wish to share there pictures) with H&W as well as many repair patients from europe that I have assisted during translations. Hairloss affected people lives so just imagine what state somebody is in when they have an unnatural results. I keep in contact with many of them and for them it becomes a life changing procedure. I feel if H&W wanted I am sure they have had many opportunities in the past to hire many different ex patients in some capacity if that is the direction they wanted to take.


Bobman good luck and please do not take what I said personally. This is my opinion..........

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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You've always seemed like a good guy, and very enthusiastic; your transformation is certaintly profound. I wish you the best and it certaintly seems sound for you to "get into the business", but I honestly couldn't see you working for anyone but H&W. Well, I could, but I don't see anything nearly as fitting as w/ H&W.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I see your point, but my goal would be to find a clinic or doctor that wants to or already does the kind of work that I've had the privilege of getting. I think it's silly to think Dr.Hasson and Dr.Wong are the ONLY doctors able to get the results they do. I mean, many doctors are very talented but lazy or just don't have their business set up to see just what they could offer people. And if some of these doctors would get over themselves and be open to learn from other amazing doctors like Hasson & Wong...not just techniques but the whole way in which they operate their business, I think we would see a major paradigm shift in the industry. The rule has always been...90% of the sales are made by 10% of the salesmen. In this case, it's clinics that produce outstanding results. My goal is to help that new clinic or doctor (or even established clinic or doc) recognize their hidden potential and help as many people as possible.


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Bobman, I just don't think it will work. Well...maybe for H&W! I mean, think about it. If you work for another clinic and a prospective patient asks you if you had your fantastic work done by the physician that you are representing, what are you going to tell them? Either you could lie and say "yes" (which, of course, would be unethical), or you are going to tell them that H&W did your HT and they are going to immediately book a flight straight up to Canada!



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Keene


3700+ Grafts with Dr. Keene 8/26/08 & 8/27/08

9600+ Total Hairs

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Bobman once again I wish you the best and hope you find what you are looking for.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Sir Fivehead: If I were to find New Docs that want to enlarge or start a clinic, and those Docs had it in them to raise the bar (like Dr.Hasson and Dr.Wong) and continue to learn and grow their business and techniques...there is no way on earth that with the "documented results" of these doctors I would have a hard time in any way, shape or form booking a surgery with them. There are SO MANY people out there getting work done by sub-par docs, even after a consultation with H&W and viewing the results. So, my response is that it's not rocket science...but rather good results. And if you were to come in and ask me where I had MY work done...and then after that, meeting and seeing the patients of THAT clinic in which I was employed by...then I believe that with the right education, time and commitment to the Doctors I represent...there is no reason that the clinic I will work for couldn't do the kind of volume or more so than other clinics in the business. All I need is an opportunity to get in there and build it!


lornezo: Thank you...and all the best to you sir.


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