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I've always wondered about guys who do the "comb over". When were in a group and see a guy with it we really get a group kick out of it. It really makes me wonder if the person has a distorted image of himself. As long as some hair covers his head does he feel he doesnt look bald?


Now here is the question: how many of you guys have or have had a comb over and what the hell are you or were you thinking?

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  • Senior Member

I've always wondered about guys who do the "comb over". When were in a group and see a guy with it we really get a group kick out of it. It really makes me wonder if the person has a distorted image of himself. As long as some hair covers his head does he feel he doesnt look bald?


Now here is the question: how many of you guys have or have had a comb over and what the hell are you or were you thinking?

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Guest wanthairs

Hey Finnari....

Great question.......

When I was 14 years old I lost the hair in my frontal forelock and retained the rest for the next ten years. I have very very thick, dense hair so I combed over to hide it. Noone ever could tell the difference but then the habit stayed with me. I started losing the rest but kept up the comb over thanks to the encouragement of many barbers and really not wanting to face facts until it got ridiculous which is when I went to Jeffrey Epstein for a permenant cure. By that time I avoided the mirror like the plague. Funnily enough I always had great success with women. After my HT I eneded up keeping it all shaved, and I am so comfortable with it, even though I have a massive scar and the women keep flowing like milk and honey. However saying that, Id prefer hair anyday and plan on two more procedures. I think the comb over is serious psycological denial and -yes, I definately did suffer from that affliction.....even though I looked like an effing moron.

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I think that many of us part our hair to one side or the other and what happens is that the part starts to slowly lower or you continue to comb the same but with less and less hair present.


I still have plenty of native hair but do to some insecurities of my hairline from old HT, I tend to comb more from the side then back.(see photo in photo album section) Not at all a combover by any means but leans in that direction sometimes I think. Hopefully that will start to change after August.


Funny topic as just today I had a patient enter my office that finally shed the combover and has a shorter more hip style. Looks much more younger and confident.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

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Great question and I have to admit, it made me laugh.


I never quite understood the point of combovers...who are they kidding?


But I can understand why people do it.


It is the same reason we are here...


That is the best way they know how to handle their baldness. I believe you are correct about why they do it...


Covering a bald spot with combover hair is still better (to them) them then revealing their bald spot.


You have to remember...


To many of us, bald = ugly. We want to cover are baldness, thus cover our ugliness.


I must admit that I struggled something fierce with losing my hair. Whereas I was always a pretty confident guy, losing my hair made me feel ugly for sure.


In fact, I compared myself somehow to the Phantom of the Opera...


With the mask, he was an appealing guy who lured even the finest and most beautiful woman (Christine). Without the mask, he was hideous and he KNEW it. With the mask, he was charming, sensitive, and loving to Christine (in the movie and the play). Without the mask, he called her names, cried of his ugliness, cursed her, and even was physical with her (pushed her).


When I was more bald, I felt I had to wear a hat everywhere. I felt young, attractive, sexy, and appealing to women. But if I ever had to take my hat off, I didn't even want to be in the same room with some of these pretty women for fear of them seeing my ugliness and not liking me. This applied even when I was married...though I know my wife still found me beautiful, even with my baldness, I still wanted to be attractive to other women, not to lure them, but just so I could feel confident. Taking my hat off was like death to me.


Now there are some much more extreme than me. I DID let my baldness impact my social life a LITTLE bit...but not all that much. I have talked to some on here that have fallen into depression and have secluded themselves...how much more do they associate baldness with ugliness? Crazy isn't it?


I realize I went off the scope of the topic...but I guess these are all my thoughts on the matter.


I can't even begin to explain how I feel now that I have restored a lot of my hair.


I haven't gone out with a hat in about 3 months and have felt confident without it. I KNOW I look better and more importantly, I FEEL better.


Though hair is not the answer to all life's problems...it's amazing what a little confidence can do.



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I think that if everyone is honest they realize that they were spending more time with strategic ways of limiting their baldness with hairstyles, products, articles of clothing(hats), etc.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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The HAT was my number one choice.


I could get away with it for a long time too...


I used to wear a hat ALL the time in high school...but not to cover up anything. I often wore a hat to keep my hair straighter and more flat, especially since it was longer.


I used to "shock" pretty girls by taking my hat off and revealing my blond longer hair. Girls LOVED to play with it...and I loved every minute of it.


Back in that day, the movie Legend of the Fall has just come out, and girls used to think I looked like Brad Pitt - especially since the hair was longer. Now talk about getting a big head...I KNEW that girls loved him, so that boosted my confidence a lot.


Anyway...I digress...


But I got away with the hat, and very few people asked questions because I ALWAYS did it. Even some of my closest friends that I shared my hair restoration procedure with said "I didn't realize you lost that much hair" referring to the BEFORE picture. And I said, "of course not...I always wore a hat. In the older days I wore it to later impress pretty women when I took my hat off, and in these last days, I wore it so not to repel pretty women away.".





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I was at a bar one night and near the witching hour I had narrowed down my prey and she said in front of many people "Do you have hair under that hat?" I still had quite a bit but definitely receeding and immediately I pannicked. My mask, coverup, security blanket, confidence or whatever you want to call it was now in jepoardy--what a lousy feeling that was. Don't fret, I managed to work it and still got her home but the damage control was tiring.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I share a lot of same experiences with you Bill. Although I have a very nice facial profile and stand 6 foot 4 with an athletic body I have always had issues with confidence due to first having acne in high school and then losing my hair in my late twenties. In college I always wore a hat simply because I loved to. Women would take my hat off in bars and say "wow" I thought you wore a hat because you were bald. It was pretty cool. Then I started to lose the hair a bit into my late twenties. The funny thing is chicks didnt care that much but I sure did. It wasnt until my skin cleared and i had that first tranplant that things really started coming togeather for me. This included a lot of work on the inside. I started a meditation and yoga practise and just started to feel really good about myself.


My point is everything matters to me including how I look. Before I knew it I had as many women to date as I wanted and ended up marrying a beautiful woman 10 years younger.


I never did manage the comb over thing but did do a lot to potentiate what hair I did have.

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Good topic Fin,


I will admit to a slight combover but mine was more based on covering plugs vs hiding bald spots. Had I not gotten ugly plugs, I would not have gone with a combover and may have even buzzed down, not sure how that would have worked out. I probably would still be addicted to hats though. I look good with a hat on even if I had hair. I think many women look great with a baseball style hat on. Holy crap! I have a hat fettish!! icon_eek.gif





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I always combed my hair to the side because my hair naturally grows that way, so it wasn't too hard to cover the thinning on top at first. The problem was I was only in my mid teens. My mom used to yell at me to stop pulling my hair out. It wasn't easy being called the kid with the bald spot at 16 years old. By the time I was 18 I couldn't cover it anymore and people were even asking me what disease I had or what was wrong with me, so I did start doing more of a comb over to try to hide it more. I didn't really realize I was doing a combover until one day my mom said "You comb your hair like a 40 year old bald man." and I just said back to her "Well I AM bald. That's why I look 40." My mom was still blaming it on me thinking I was pulling my hair out because I loved to run my fingers though my hair all day and twirl the ends of it since I was a little kid. I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror after that... and I think I started combing it over even more.


The really bad part was after I had a hair transplant. Since then, I can't even cover the sides and back. I wish I could go back to just worrying about the top and maybe just shave it or cut it very short. Instead I have no options at all.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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