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Diffuse Thinner??

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I saw on another forum that Diffuse Thinners are not good canditates for HTs. What is a Diffuse Thinner??


I was concerned after reading the post because I know that my front 1/3 is very thin and the rest mid-back 2/3 isnt showing signs of thinning yet. Some people have said that I am a good candidate for HT. However, after reading the post about diffuse thinners not being good candidates I wonder if I fall into the class of what people would call a Diffuse Thinner? Is a Diffuse Thinner someone who is losing hair on entire top scalp at same rate in all regions?


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DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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  • Senior Member

I saw on another forum that Diffuse Thinners are not good canditates for HTs. What is a Diffuse Thinner??


I was concerned after reading the post because I know that my front 1/3 is very thin and the rest mid-back 2/3 isnt showing signs of thinning yet. Some people have said that I am a good candidate for HT. However, after reading the post about diffuse thinners not being good candidates I wonder if I fall into the class of what people would call a Diffuse Thinner? Is a Diffuse Thinner someone who is losing hair on entire top scalp at same rate in all regions?


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DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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the reason diffuse thinners are not good candidates for hair transplants is because of

"permanent shockloss"



for example you said your front 1/3 is thinning, you might ask yourself to have a ht to fill in the thinning.

the problem with this is tht when you plant the grafts into that area, your native hairs that were doomed to fall out in the near future will fall out no cause the pressure from the new grafts was too strong for them to handle(this aint a technical way of saying it but u get the drift)


so basiclly youll have a head with front with some native hairs and transplanted hair with the back 2/3 full, this will look awkward.


you will probobly not acheived the Net gain in hair and be disapointed

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i didnt answer the question about what is a diffuse thinner, i dont know the exact definition


but i think its a person who has general thinning around the top of the head, im not sure so dont quote me on this, but i hear its a rare case and not really associated with male pattern baldness, im not sure 100%

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A diffuse thinner is someone who is losing hair all over the scalp, rather than any particular pattern.


First...I want to dispute that diffuse thinners are not good candidates for an HT. They CAN be GREAT candidates for an HT, if one is careful. Allow me to explain a bit.


As Tisab, the main concern one should have as a diffuse thinner while considering an HT is permanent shockloss.


Permanent shockoss can occur for 2 reasons


1. The doctor transects the hairs or grafts during the surgery (in the hands of a skilled surgeon, you won't have to worry about this)

2. Hairs that are on their way out and predestined to die MIGHT not come back after the HT because of the trauma related to the surgery. HOWEVER, hairs that are not genetically programmed to die WILL come back (called temporary shockloss)


So the real issue is how do you minimize the risk of permanent shockloss.


Well, the 1st one can be ruled out altogether by selecting a skilled surgeon...so doctor choice is imperative!!!!!!!


The second risk can be minimized by getting on finasteride at least 6 months (preferably 1 year) before the surgery. This will hopefull strengthen the existing hairs that were dying so that they are more resistant to shockloss.


Anyway...when push comes to shove...I've seen a number of diffuse thinners with superb tranplants and there's no reason to think that diffuse thinners are bad candidates. But trying to control additional hairloss is really the key for ANYONE considering a hair transplant.


Anyway, I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

Hey..........who you callin' a diffuse thinner.........wait a minute, that's what I was icon_confused.gif....... icon_biggrin.gif


Have to agree with Bill here. A diffused thinner is just as "good" a candidate for a HT, you just need to be informed going in that you may lose some or all of the surrounding native hair after that HT and plan accordingly. I did a fill in for HT #1 into a diffused thinning area and it really worked pretty well. I believe I ended up with somewhere around 30- 40 cm2 in the area transplanted along with my native hair. And, I believe Finasteride has been continually improving what native hair I had left.


My advice to any diffused thinner would be to plan the HT possibly a little more conservatively rather than dense pack at 45-50 cm2 thus possibly killing off your native hair. Additionally, as has been said, it's a great idea to have been on Finasteride long enough to have strengthened the native hair to a point where shock loss may not occur..at least it will hopefully be minimized.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Hey guys thanks for your input. I have a better understanding now what a diffuse thinner is classified as.


In my case, I think that I can ask Dr. Rahal to focus on dense packing into the bald spots (my hairline). I have non existent hairline and behind it is an area of receding very thin hair (shaped like a V) and can ask him to be conservative planting into my existing hairs left in the front 1/3. I guess Dr. Rahal will know the best answer to my case for getting good results. Should I leave it all entirely in his hands or should I offer my input on what I think? I just started on Proscar two weeks ago and scheduled for 3000 or more grafts Wednesday, April 3rd icon_smile.gif



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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Having seen you in person, I don't believe you have anything to worry about even if Dr. Rahal dense packs in the frontal area where you have some hair. Truthfully, there is not that much left in that area, so even if it is permanently shocked (which I'd venture to say it won't be) you'll still have a significant net gain. BUT, tell Dr. Rahal your concerns and get his opinion on the matter too. Two more days bro! You excited? Try not to be too nervous...you'll be fine icon_biggrin.gif



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Bill...thank you for taking the time to write. Now I feel better about going in and attacking the entire front 1/3. I wasnt sure how it would work for me but you make a solid point. No matter what in my case I will have a positive net gain in the thinning area even if I have shockloss.


Me nervous??? NEVER! J/K I think that the reality of going in for a HT hasn't hit me yet. It will all hit me Wednesday morning when I walk into Dr. Rahals office. I will try not to chicken out icon_rolleyes.gif


I plan to post my pre-HT pictures again tonight and write about my entire experience.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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OH NO...don't chicken out :P. That would not be good...you'd probably be out your deposit.


Anyway, I assume you are joking...you'll be fine bro. A few days after your HT we'll make some plans and I'll stop by and see how everything looks. I'll bring my camera icon_biggrin.gif.


Oh, and make sure you take some before pics of your scalp icon_smile.gif



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