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Need Advice re: MHR


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I just discovered this site and I'm now extremely distraught. I had a 2000 graft procedure done 2 years ago at MHR (Leavitt). I was 35 yrs old at the time. I did some web searching back then but I did not find too much. Frankly, I think my results are quite good, but now I'm reading all of the horror stories about MHR. After reading everything here, I'll certainly never go back to MHR, but I'm wondering if there is anything I should be worried about now. My results certainly are not perfect, but I wasn't expecting perfection. I do believe the results are undetectable to the average person. Should I consider doing a fee consultation with one of the recommened doctors near me (e.g. Dr. Rose in Tampa) to get his opinion on my results, assuming he would do that sort of thing? My main concern would be that my results begin to look like butchery as my hair loss progresses further.


Any advice or thoughts in greatly appreciated.

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Results and quality vary from MHR clinic to MHR clinic. For example, Dr. Melvin Mayer is considered by many within MHR to have the best staff and results. I haven't seen his results. But if he's the MHR standout they may even be OK.


Patients interpret their results very differently. I've seen some patients who were ecstatic about their results simply because hair was growing were none had been before. Yet to those who are virtual connoisseurs of hair transplants they might consider the same results tragic.


It would be great if you could post your before and after photos on this forum. You can always crop out your face if you only want to show your hair.


I know that many would be happy to offer their opinions. And yes, a free consult with Dr. Rose would be a wise move.


Don't get too excited about others experiences with MHR. If you're happy then you may very well have good results.


Best wishes, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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I have detailed my Ht in my blog. i went to DR Rose and am very happy with my results. You can read about them and see for yourself. I also liked DR Rose as a person, he gave me his cell phone number should i ever have any questions. If he was still practicing in MN I would go back to him if I have another HT. He also followed up with me 6 months later.

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After almost a decade of corresponding with literally thousands of patients I know enough about MHR to have an informed opinion. In all my years online I can name the happy MHR stories on one hand. I've also spoken to many X MHR employees (physicians, medical techs and sales consultants) who have given me extensive information about the day to day operations of MHR and their company priorities, which in my opinion put volume and money way ahead of patient outcomes.


MHR's infomercials, PR and advertising are brilliant. They have their promo dialed in. Unfortunately, in my opinion, their day to day actual results are another story. Some of these disappointed patients post on this forum.


Dr. Matt Leavitt of MHR has complained to me on multiple occasions about this "negativity", while claiming that MHR has a wealth of happy patients. I've always let him know the door is wide open for any of his happy patients to walk through and post. So far I've seen less than one handful.


Given what I know, my above response is actually very reserved. Those who have been regulars on this forum know that I rarely criticize other clinics. But trying to be positive should not be confused with being pollyanna.


No one bats a thousand all the time. And this forum is open to both good and bad experiences. A bad hair transplant can be a life long tragedy. Pretending not to notice is not the role of this forum or me.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Hope---to a certain degree you are correct. However, in this instance the initial post contained a reference to Dr. Rose, to which a member with a detailed blog, posted his experience in an effort to show that going to Dr. Rose is more than likely a safe, logical decision. To a certain extent, anyone who chooses a particular doctor, has done so because of varying reasons, but those reasons usually add up to their doctor being able to meet and exceed their expectations and requirements. I think sometimes we confuse exuberance and satisfaction, with shilling (I am guilty as well)when in fact the patient is just pretty damn excited. Ultimately, two things are constant: We need to share our experiences with anyone and everyone we come in contact with; AND, patients need to weigh the positive declarations and photographed results of members and come to a decision.

Just my opinion.......... icon_smile.gif

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 2 months later...
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I went to Dr. Mayer of MHR 2 weeks ago for my surgery. I was nervous and they did make me feel phenomenal and was well taken care off during the surgery itself but in the end it's the results that matter. I will be keeping you posted with my results. I found Dr. Mayer very ethical and professional but had concerns regarding the sales consultant. I am 26 and still have plenty off hair but my hairline is receding. I never knew much about such forums till after my transplant and kinda feel discouraged after having read so much negative about MHR. Now that my surgery is done I am keeping my fingers crossed and sincerely hope that this was a good decision. I'll keep you posted with pics eventually.

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Welcome to our community and congratulations on your surgery. From all that I've learned from people both inside and outside of MHR, Dr. Melvin Mayer is probally hands down MHR's best surgeon.


However, I have never seen his actual patient results. So it would be wonderful if you would post your before and after photos (photos of you immediately after surgery would be great if available).


You can create a free patient weblog to show your photos or create a free photo album on this forum.


Best wishes for great growth, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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I never took any pics after surgery but it has only been 2 weeks. I still believe its not too late post some pics now as we can still compare after 3 months and 6 months. Even though MHR may have issues overall, I feel very optimistic about Dr. Melvin Mayer. Well let's see. Only time will tell. But I sincerely wish I had come across this forum alot earlier. However, I do believe that Everything Happens for a reason and a purpose so maybe I was destined to have my surgery wih Dr. Mayer and that could be a good thing. Lets wait and see.

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I'm glad to see you are taking a positive attitude. Perhaps through your experience we will find that MHR has a gem in the rough even within its corporate walls - or so I hope.


Please do keep us posted and share photos.


Best wishes for a bumper crop of hair.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It does seem as though there is a major issue with there ethics and abilities in most cases. What about them are you most unhappy with? If you posted more photos we may be able to offer some possible solutions that would change your frame of mind. I knew of someone that had a horrific HT from MHR and he wore a hat everywhere and even to weddings.(I didn't blame him) Some of his friends finally convinced him to seek a qualified doctor (this was years ago and I'm not certain but I think it was DR. Seager) and he was able to correct things. He actually now looks great.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Hello Morris, I dont know your financial situation but you can get loans for this type of surgery.I know payments suck but realy whats the differance between saveing lets just say 200$ a month or paying two hundred dollars a month just a thought, its better than stairing at a bad hair line waiting to save the money I hope you can be happy as soon as possible life is to short to be unhappy.good luck my freind

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Just like Pat (though he has admittedly been around longer and did more research), I have seen a number of posts about MHR over the years and the majority have been negative...however, that doesn't mean that there aren't a few good doctors yeilding good results. Rule of thumb that I have come up with based on my research is to stay away from MHR and Bosley in general...but I don't intend to dismiss the possibility of a few good doctors.


So Alps, please keep us posted with pictures and I hope you are pleased with your surgery when the results start to come in.




I'm glad you had a successful first surgery with MHR, however, I think you would be wise to stay away from them for a second one...why roll the dice twice? You got a lucky 7 the first time, you don't want to end up with a 2 the next.



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Guest Cousin_It

All I can say is that I am glad I waited as long as I did to have my transplant. Since Rogaine always worked so well for me in the past of regrowing lost hair I never was compelled to take the hair transplant route.


Moris, if you feel you need to show the world the after effects of your transplant that is your perogative. IMO, you really got away relatively unscatched. Don't know if you really like to wear your hair that short or not, but it will not be evident at all at a longer length. Good Luck in your pursuit of "justice".

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