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Shaving down HT

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Just curious to know that would you require less FU/sqcm if you were to shave down your head to a blade 1 or 2. Basically im thinking of having a HT FUE because I may decide to not have further ones in the future and leave the crown and shave down the head but I would want a decent hairline. Basically the Zidane look.

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  • Regular Member

Just curious to know that would you require less FU/sqcm if you were to shave down your head to a blade 1 or 2. Basically im thinking of having a HT FUE because I may decide to not have further ones in the future and leave the crown and shave down the head but I would want a decent hairline. Basically the Zidane look.

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  • Regular Member

I shave my head every day,due to not liking the the hairloss I have.If I grow it out it looks thin on top,but if I shave it,it looks leave a good shadow,just a shame I don't have more hair at the front.

Hope this helps.I'd love to see some photos of hair transplants shaved down,it might tempt me to get front done.

I also like idea of having no hair,at all,if I can't have hair,perhaps lazer all the folicles off,which I assume can be done.

A totally bald head with a tan can look good,except you'd look like a cancer patient in winter,haha!

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  • Regular Member

Good question. I shaved my head of reasonable coverage 2 weeks ago and then 1 week ago for my family situation.


Today, 2 of the girls in the office noted, that with my hair short, but growing in, that "Dr. L, you do have a lot of thinning". Not sure if they want a raise this year, but they do speak the truth.


There is a magic to giving the appearance of good coverage with an extremely short haircut, that vanishes when the hair gets about 3.5mm long; and then not until the hair is combable and stylable can you camouflage the thinning again.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Regular Member

dr lindsey, how much FU per sqcm do you think could give a decent look when shaved down. I would like to recreate a good hairline but I may not continue with transplants in the future. if i thin further back along the head by shaving it it will be less noticeable. Something like thisin the photo. I see some doctors say they get 70 FU per sqcm. I doubt that this would be achievable per sqcm all along the head though.


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I'd be interested in hearing what docs say about this too.


Also, Dr. Lindsey, a friend of mine has extremely agressive hairloss at age 21 and only has some thin strands of hair on his head but has a persistant anterior fringe. Sometimes he grows his hair out and sometimes he'll shave it all the way down to his skin to sort of give that "shadow" look. IMO he looks 20x better with this shadow look as it seems like he has a somewhat decent head of hair. However when he grows it out it looks really bad. I've always been curious as to why this is the case. I've often thought of shaving my head down to my scalp just to see what it would look like but I've just never got the balls to.

- 1 HT ~ 3000 grafts

- Regimen:

Propecia 1X daily

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  • Senior Member
I've often thought of shaving my head down to my scalp just to see what it would look like but I've just never got the balls to.


Just do it! It'll grow back.. I dont know many people who like a shaved head at first but when you get used to it you start to change your mind about the look. Thats the case for me anyways.

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  • Senior Member

Yeah I'm definitely thinking about doing it but now that I've had an HT I gotta wait for that nice smile in the back of my head to fade. icon_frown.gif Dakota have you had a transplant and if so do you not mind that scar showing in the back?

- 1 HT ~ 3000 grafts

- Regimen:

Propecia 1X daily

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