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My Experience with Dr. Shapiro


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I've been reading this board for a while I thought I'd give something back.


I'm 7 days post op a 1900 graft surgery with Dr. Shapiro. So far everything is going well and I just wanted to add my experience to the general pool of information.


I'm 28, at class 3 vertex Norwood scale, and have been using Rogaine and Propecia for about 4 years. Since I started using the drugs I've had minimal loss and some regrowth in a few areas. My hair is thin throughout the top without a hair line to speak of. My goals for HT are establishing a hairline and the long term appearance of hair.


I first met with Matt Zupan and Dr. Shapiro about 2 months ago and was able to get a surgery relatively soon due to a cancellation. I had 1900 grafts put in the front third of my head. I was scheduled for 2000 but the strip was only 1900, though it had a slightly higher number of 3 FUs than normal so the total amount of hair was the same. Dr. Shapiro promptly refunded the money for the 100 graphs without my asking.


There were no complications with the surgery. Dr. Shapiro said my skin is loose and elastic, which made the surgery easy.


The worst problem I've had so far is swelling in the donor region. It was really bad a few days ago and I've got some discoloration behind my right ear (like a bruise). I've been aggressively icing the area (I should have done more after surgery) and it has gotten a lot better. If I could have done one thing better it would be to take better care of the donor area, and ice it as much as I did my forehead.


The recipient area is doing very well with no pain for the last 5 days and scabs are just starting to fall off. Only one has had any hair in it which is supposed to be normal so I assume that area is just healing really well and the other hair shafts will shed later.


I took a week off work which seems to be about right. I would not suggest trying to get back to work within the first 5 days, as you don't know how the healing process will go. The swelling would have made my life miserable if I hadn't been able to nurse it for a few days.


Anyway from what I've seen so far I'd recommend Dr. Shapiro. He is very laid back, isn't afraid to give advice, and is very experienced with different types/levels of high loss.


I might post pictures if I get around to it. Though I'm extremely happy with the HT I mostly want to forget about it and get back to regular life. If I get future FTs it will be to maintain the level of hair I have after this one, but hopefully Rogaine and Propecia will keep me from having to do that for a few years.

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I've been reading this board for a while I thought I'd give something back.


I'm 7 days post op a 1900 graft surgery with Dr. Shapiro. So far everything is going well and I just wanted to add my experience to the general pool of information.


I'm 28, at class 3 vertex Norwood scale, and have been using Rogaine and Propecia for about 4 years. Since I started using the drugs I've had minimal loss and some regrowth in a few areas. My hair is thin throughout the top without a hair line to speak of. My goals for HT are establishing a hairline and the long term appearance of hair.


I first met with Matt Zupan and Dr. Shapiro about 2 months ago and was able to get a surgery relatively soon due to a cancellation. I had 1900 grafts put in the front third of my head. I was scheduled for 2000 but the strip was only 1900, though it had a slightly higher number of 3 FUs than normal so the total amount of hair was the same. Dr. Shapiro promptly refunded the money for the 100 graphs without my asking.


There were no complications with the surgery. Dr. Shapiro said my skin is loose and elastic, which made the surgery easy.


The worst problem I've had so far is swelling in the donor region. It was really bad a few days ago and I've got some discoloration behind my right ear (like a bruise). I've been aggressively icing the area (I should have done more after surgery) and it has gotten a lot better. If I could have done one thing better it would be to take better care of the donor area, and ice it as much as I did my forehead.


The recipient area is doing very well with no pain for the last 5 days and scabs are just starting to fall off. Only one has had any hair in it which is supposed to be normal so I assume that area is just healing really well and the other hair shafts will shed later.


I took a week off work which seems to be about right. I would not suggest trying to get back to work within the first 5 days, as you don't know how the healing process will go. The swelling would have made my life miserable if I hadn't been able to nurse it for a few days.


Anyway from what I've seen so far I'd recommend Dr. Shapiro. He is very laid back, isn't afraid to give advice, and is very experienced with different types/levels of high loss.


I might post pictures if I get around to it. Though I'm extremely happy with the HT I mostly want to forget about it and get back to regular life. If I get future FTs it will be to maintain the level of hair I have after this one, but hopefully Rogaine and Propecia will keep me from having to do that for a few years.

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I think you made a good call and will be happy with your results. Thanx for sharing your experiences!

Now the waiting begins! Best of luck and happy regrowth.



Knowledge is Power

-- If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

-- The truth only matters if you know about it.

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  • Regular Member


Thanks for your post. I am scheduled with Dr. Shapiro in about 3 weeks. I am headed for Colorado in a couple days (Denver/ Fort Collins) and then to Minneapolis the following week. Could you please e-mail me at Pat4dogz @aol. I would really like to ask you a couple of questions. Thanks very much and good luck with your results.- Tricia


gone today...hair tomorrow...

gone today...hair tomorrow...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a month post op; here are a few interesting things from the recovery:


First off the swelling in the donor area lasted a good twenty days, that wasn't fun. I stopped using rogaine until the swelling went away because I didn't think a med that increased blood flow would be a good idea with the swelling. I also had to take something at night to fall asleep with the pain (Tylenol/Unisom/etc..)


All the pain is gone now, and I'm only taking hair meds (Rogaine/Propecia). I feel much better about the whole thing.


I think I've got a bit of shock loss already, I noticed I shed a lot of small hairs before getting back on Rogaine.


One really weird thing is not all the implanted FUs shed. 10% or so seemed to have stayed in and are starting to grow. I noticed a lot of hair started to miniaturize so it was dark on the ends but thin and white at the root. After I got back on Rogaine the root turned dark again. So now I have a bit of hair that is dark on the ends but white in the middle. It looks weird like cat hair.


Of course no one has noticed anything except me. I just think it is interesting to see all these processes taking place on my forehead.


Also I had a lot a peeling skin on the scalp. Neutrogena T-gel does wonders for that. This was the only part anyone at work noticed.


It's been 2 months since my last hair cut. I really want a haircut but I'm a bit shy of the scar (don't worry I'll get over it). Since I don't live in MN I had to get the sutures removed locally at an urgent care. They were pretty good but I was still a bit embarrassed every time I had to say "hair transplant". However most of the other people in the suture removal area had done far more embarrassing things to get there. The medical staff there was really impressed with Shapiro's sutures, saying it was the best they've ever seen. When they first saw me a few of them thought I had had brain surgery given the length of the scar.


I'm really glad I went with Shapiro.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Buckaroo- I'm one week post- surgery with Dr. Shapiro and wanted to ask you a few questions. Did the techs perform the actual hair placement or did Dr. Shapiro? The techs did nearly all of mine with Dr. Shapiro occasionally doing touch-ups/refinements.Was this the same experience you had? I hope so. Also, although the severe swelling on my forehead has diminished, I still have a black and blue eyelid on one side AND I've noticed that my eyebrows have drooped. Did you notice the same? I was told by my family doc that the drooping was a result of the swelling and the inability of the muscles to fully contract. Also, everyone keeps talking about the scabs that need to be removed during shampooing but I do not notice any scabs nor do I feel any. Did you? Are they visible? I simply feel the hairs which have been implanted, nothing more. Finally, when is it OK to get my first haircut on the sides and back? I look like a freak now as I let Dr Shapiro shave the top pf my head before surgery.My stitches come out on Tuesday, August 17. Can I immediately thereafter go for a haircut or is it recommended that I wait for further scar healing? Thanks so much for any help and support you can provide.

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  • Senior Member

I had swelling after my HT too. Very bad swelling. The doc gave me a prescription that ended the swelling in a matter of days.


but i looked like mike tyson did after buster douglas beat him up for a while.




630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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  • 1 month later...

I just got back from Dr. Shapiro - they planned on doing 1800 but only needed 1600 - the whole experience was a great one - I litterally fell asleep when they cut the donor area - everything was smooth and I enjoyed the staff - this is my 3rd transplant - the first 2 were from bosley - I have no major complaints with bosley - just very little results -


I let them shave my head so dr. shapiro could do a better job placing the grafts - SO far it looks great - I was back to work within 2 days and feel fine - I was worried about the security sensors at the airport going off because of all of the staples - but I took a big sigh and walked through with no BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEps.


I did a lot of research and at day 3 post op have no regrets.


I also enjoyed Matt - I went back the next day for my shampoo and he hung out and talked with me for an hour just answering even more questions that I had come up.

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  • Senior Member


Dr Shapiro is one of the best, and he approaches donor closures just like he approaches every aspect of his surgery-- It's a case by case situation-- What's best for the patient. If the donor area is tight after excection, then he usually uses dissolvable stiches on the inner tissues, and staples on the outer. If it is a smaller HT procedure on a virgin scalp that has plenty of elastic afterwards, then he would probably use stitches on both tissue areas. Also, if the patient is prone to scaring-- then staples might be used. If a patient is prone to irritation/or infections, then stitches might be used.

That's good that most of the top docs determine their various treatments based on the patient and do not have "standard" protacols.

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  • 3 months later...

Just wanted to touch base - It has been a little over 3 months since the procedure and I really just put the whole thing out of my head, knowing it would take several months to see any growth.


Since the surgery I kind of liked the shaved head look and I do not miss the frustration of which side to part my hair. I have been shaving my head to around a 3 and I hide the donor scar with that powder stuff that Matt gave me as a concealer - the only one to ever notice was a beautician - I just revisited the pics Matt took of me at the consult and after the procedure - from dead on I looked great - but those side and top pictures reaffirmed my reasons for getting this done. Here are Matts Pics - I took 3 month pics today and will post soon - the flash thins me out!


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