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Research on UK based surgeons

Clive McQuire

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Can anyone help with experiences of procedures in the UK? I am currently looking for a UK based transplant surgeon, I would be particularily keen to hear from anyone who has had a procedure performed at Dr Farjo's clinic in Manchester UK.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Regular Member

Can anyone help with experiences of procedures in the UK? I am currently looking for a UK based transplant surgeon, I would be particularily keen to hear from anyone who has had a procedure performed at Dr Farjo's clinic in Manchester UK.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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In my opinion, the Farjo clinic of the UK does excellent work.


A few of our members have undergone surgery with them. I have linked a few of them below for you.


Fallenstar receives approximately 3500 follicular unit grafts with Dr. Bessam Farjo


Forum member Balody receives 2 hair transplants with Dr. Farjo.


And you can see Annadawn has just posted her recently immediately postoperative photos.


See also Pat, our Publisher's detailed review and visitation of the Farjo Clinic with Photos.


I hope this information helps.



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Thanks Bill

Seems to be a lot of guys very pro US/Canadian surgeons! and very anti UK surgeons, but i would ask if a lot of bad feeling is talked up rather than as experience of the actual procedures themselves! I seem to find only 1 post from someone who has actually had a procedure with Dr Farjo, and was disapointed with the result. Surely not even the American surgeons get it right 100% of the time??

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There seems to be an online dogma that one must fly to the United States or Canada in order to get a quality hair transplant. In my opinion, many of these assertions are based on history rather than current evidence. This is why Pat (our community Publisher and very knowledgable 4 time hair transplant patient) travels all over the world to personally visit and review these clinics, to see who has evolved to state of the art techniques.


Though I agree that the majority of quality hair transplant surgeons are in the United States and Canada, Pat (our community Publisher) has spotted a few gems who perform first-rate hair transplant surgery that we believe are on par with the very best in the world.


The Farjo clinic is one of these gems, just as is Dr. Devroye (London Traveller mentioned above).


I hope this helps.



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hi clive,i feel a lot of the "bad press"the uk receives is well deserved. read the horror stories of the likes of chucky etc.but after meeting dr farjo and then doing a lot of research in 2005 i couldnt find a negative review of his work anywhere on the web.meeting him again with my wife,i felt extremely comfortable with the way he conducted himself and this made up my mind.i had a consult with another doctor who had more of an online reputation but found him not as confident as farjo(almost uninterested).my other option was to have a consultation with a non doctor who worked for a u.s. surgeon.this i feel is not acceptable as i needed to see the man who was going to operate on me face to face and get a feel for him as well as his surroundings.i had my 1st ht in 06 and my 2nd in 07 and am overjoyed at the results thus far.all i can say is phone up for a consult see what you think.as they say nothing ventured nothing gained,good luck!

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Hi Clive

You may also want to consult Dr Rogers in the UK who seems to be using all the latest techniques to his surgery.

Also if you are going to have a consult in Belgium this link will provide a couple more doctors you may want to consult with.




All the best with your research and never let distance be an issue as i have learnt.

Cheers Bri.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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clive,the bit you said about reading between the lines,making your own decision is excactly right.go to as many reputable surgeons as YOU feel neccesary for consultations and then decide.

good luck

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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I am from the UK and did much research into the procedure on the internet.After much deliberation I decided to go and see Dr Epstein in Miami florida- not only does he have all the relevant qualifications and much more compared to many he is also a plastic surgeon.Its not just about being able to perform the procedure it s about artistry too.Dr Epstein is an artist at what he does. I had my first procedure 2 years ago and had a hairline created ( almost completely bald by the way) with 2900 fu. The results were amasing. So much so that i went back last december and had another 3000 fu to go further back.He will not recommend anything other than what he thinks is realistic- he is fair but frank. I am 50 years old and although I dont look my age LOL LOL there is little point in having something done that would suit a 20 year old. I have so much confidence in recommending Dr Epstein along with his wonderful team of assistants. The whole thing has changed my life and 2 months in since that last procedure i now have new hairs appearing- but be patient !! it takes several months for the whole impact to appear- so dont be looking every day. I have only used a mirror once to look at the most recent procedure because I know that I need at least another 4 months to see proper results. I have some knowledge of Dr Farjo not all good but that is not first hand so only an observation.Good luck but from one Brit to another phone Roxy at the surgery and take it from there.Phone 001 305 666 1774

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Hi Anthony 50

It seems you had a great experience with Dr Epstein.Do you have any before and after pictures you could post as this would be very beneficial to see what your new hairline looks like.

Thanks Bri

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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  • 2 weeks later...



You are looking good my friend.


May I also suggest starting your own thread by going to "New" and then "discussion" or "photo album" to share your experience and photos? This way people will be able to find and comment on your results much more easily than scrolling to the bottom of someone elses thread.


Best wishes,



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Hi Anthony

I have to agree your results look good and it would be great to see you do a blog with more photos.You could also start your own thread as this way more members will see your great result.A couple of close up shots of your hairline density and design would be nice.


I hope you get the same great result with your recent second hair transplant.


Heal and grow well.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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  • 2 weeks later...
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HELP! i'm in the process of thinking wisely about restoring my hairline! i'm based in the uk! i've recently had a consultation with "the hospital group" and was told that "Dr C.W Westwood" was the best surgeon when hairlines are concerned!. They also said i'd need no more than 1,500 grafts and would cost ??3,200. Does anyone know much about Westwoods work ?! PLEASE HELP ME OUT! i've also got a consultation with the farjo clinic in manchester next month! whats everyones advice? do you think i should ask my GP and mabye he will refer me to a decent surgeon! or is this somthink you have to do research on yourself ! THANKS!


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hi,the only person i know of who has had work by westwood is a guy called happygra on the weblogs.he contacted me privately to congratulate me on my progress and to say how happy he was with his proceedure.

check the weblogs for dr farjos patients(me included)we are all more than satisfied with the work he has done.also do a search on the photo section under mick mchugh for a lot of farjo patient results.

good luck.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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hey thanks for the reply! do u mean this guy ? http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=517

how do you find info out about the surgeons and their skills? i'm goign to the farjo clinic next month to see wha they say! what would u suggest as i apparently need 1,000 / 1,500 grafts is this somthink farjo would do in one session? and it's all aimed towards restoring my hairline ! i've also been told to take propecia! whats your views ?

thanks for your time


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yeah,thats the guy.ill agree he has been transformed but his photos arent of the best quality and there are no immediate post op pics to see westwoods work.

you are on the best forum for finding info on docters reputations,basically if they are recommended on here you shouldnt go far wrong.

1000 to 1500 wont be a problem for the farjos as they can do 3000+ in a session.

need to know a bit more history age/loss to advise on propecia but farjo will do that at your consultation.

have you any pics?

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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i'm 26 ! i've just got a receeding hairline it's not massive but i'm fairly vain and it's getting me down superdown. They said 1,000/1,500 grafts i'll need. i've heard rumours that farjo will only do 500 grafts a time? . And SPEX i've heard bad things about the hospital group too.They got back to me today saying dr westwood has a waiting list till august so ive got time to decide. I'm gonna wait untill i see farjo and then decide ! and what do u advise whats the best type of surgery ? i'm not sure i want a scar and also whilst at the consulation with the hospital group they kept telling me i'd have to use propecia whats this drug like?

thanks for your advice


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Hi ash


I would strongly recomend that you do more research as i have met in person quite a few people in person who have had a bad experience with the Hospital group.Imo they are the equivalent of Bosley in the UK.


As for Farjo go and have a consult as his patients on here seem to be very happy.I would also get a few other consults even if they are online ones just to make sure you are getting quoted the correct amount of grafts for your situation.


You need to do lots of research and dont let travel be a factor in your deciding choice as this is a life changing decision you are making.


Lastly if i were you i would start a new thread to get more reply`s as Clive who originally started this one has done his research and made his choice.


Good luck mate.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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