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Educating newbie hairloss suffers? What questions to ask!


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Guys we need to help the newbie hairloss sufferers that come to this great forum in what questions that need to be asked by them.There are to many of these companies out there that are willing to take thousands of dollars of these young people and give them minimal if no results at all.Your opinons wanted on this?



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  • Senior Member

Guys we need to help the newbie hairloss sufferers that come to this great forum in what questions that need to be asked by them.There are to many of these companies out there that are willing to take thousands of dollars of these young people and give them minimal if no results at all.Your opinons wanted on this?



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What do you mean what questions to be asked? Asked of whom? Hair restoration physicians? If so, we have a guideline for questions to ask about when consulting a hair restoration physician here.


However, if any one feels that something needs to be added to, or changed about this current list don't hesitate to comment.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Robert the newbie suffers need to know what questions they should be asking the surgeon.They are to many new people coming along these days not knowing what questions to ask therefore they are getting the wrong advice and seeing the wrong surgeons and getting really bad results.I think your guidlines are great but they need to be made clear to all these new suffers.There are just to many sharks out there willing to take your cold hard earned cash.



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Not sure what you're trying to achieve here. Robert has already posted the above link several times, and anyone browsing this board can easily find the right questions to ask. What more do you want?

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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I do agree that we should and could do a better job of providing more specific tips and guidelines to help potential patients really evaluate possible surgeons.


Feel free to post your input on this forum and perhaps others will jump in and add their ideas as well. I could then edit these ideas into a better and more detailed check list for reviewing a potential surgeon.


Thanks for your concern and good suggestion.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Ok... I'll start. Here are some things that I would consider to be "Red Flags."


1. If a doctor is still doing micro and minigrafting.


2. If a doctor fails to show a prospective patient an adequete number of before and after pictures.


3. If a doctor lowballs the patient with the number of grafts in order to "get them in the chair."


4. If a doctor tells a prospective patient that he or she will never need another procedure.


5. If a doctor does not discuss a maintenance plan/strategy with the patient.


I'll try to think of more later.



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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by GuitarPlayer:

Ok... I'll start. Here are some things that I would consider to be "Red Flags."


1. If a doctor is still doing micro and minigrafting.


2. If a doctor fails to show a prospective patient an adequete number of before and after pictures.


3. If a doctor lowballs the patient with the number of grafts in order to "get them in the chair."


4. If a doctor tells a prospective patient that he or she will never need another procedure.


5. If a doctor does not discuss a maintenance plan/strategy with the patient.


I'll try to think of more later.




Some points that the doctor should discuss.

If he does not, the patient should ask.

1. The area of hair loss in sq cms be measured.

2. the density of grafts in those sq cms.

The consulatant will, this way, not be able to lowball the figures.

(The graft calculator on this site is very helpful for that).

3. the direction and angulation of the grafts be brought up by the patient. That way the doctor will know that the patient is not just another gullible newbie.

4. Plan your HT assuming that you will progress to NW6. If you do not, great, but if the doctor tries to say that he "thinks" you are unlikely to progress to that stage, have him give that in writing. No one can predict the degree of eventual hairloss. The biggest source of disillusionment with hair transplants is the belief that you will end up lucky and not have more hairloss.

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by the B spot:

Mahair, that should help weed out all of the bad ones!!!! icon_razz.gif

And the good ones too icon_smile.gif

7500 grafts till now. All by Dr. Arvind/Dr.A, New Delhi.

They include strip FUHT, FUE and body hair grafts.

Hoping to accomplish full hair restoration.

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Mahair if your not joining this post to help with positive ideas please "DONT" post at all.


Guys your responses have been great.Im really pleased that you know what to ask surgeons if you were a newbie sufferer.All newcomers need to know this sort of advice i feel.I think we missed the fact that you should ask your surgeon to be able to meet atleast a couple of there past patients in person to see the results for yourself.

Pat i appreciated your input as always.If you could do up a seperate checklist on this site somewhere it would be so beneficial to new sufferers.




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Hi all


Yes, we must encourage the newbies to do their research and select a quality surgeon.This website really helped me when I first looked to have a procedure. 2 HT's later, I feel very knowledgable and want to help others obtain the results ( and happiness)I have. I feel if they select someone from the coalition, they stand a great chance from the get go...



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks to all for providing great ideas for a new check list for newbies. I really have to get busy and implement it.


We have just completed a redesign of the Hair Loss Learning Center that is sponsored by the Coaliton. This and other tasks have had me swamped. But when I go into our sites in the coming weeks to update the content I will work on adding such a list.


As for suggestions like "presume that most hair transplant "physicians" are bold faced liars . . . " such a comment stems from MaHair's unfortunate experience of doing a surgery that he should never have done with a surgeon who is apparently an unethical and untalented disaster.


While I can understand Mahair's anger, I don't think that his mistake gives him the right to make sweeping condemnations about physicians he knows nothing about nor to ridicule and discourage those who are trying to restore their hair (as he has done in other posts on this forum).


If a person bought a Yugo and it broke down would that give them the right to condem the entire auto industry and to discourage anyone from ever driving? I think not. But it should serve to remind people to shop hard because not all autos or automakers are of the same quality.


I know of hunderds of people who are very glad that they did not let fear and negativity hold them back from restoring their hair. Many of them have moved on with their life and therefore are not on this forum. Some of them have stuck around to help others achieve the same great results - while avoiding the fate of Mahair.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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ALL, in reading over this particular thread, I find that I posted somewhat of a jocular response to Mahairs comment. I of course thought that his comment was meant to be comedic in nature, and to remind us that we should do our homework. With that said, reading the response to this I can see that it was not received in this manner, nor was it very funny. There a many unscrupulous people that belong to the various professions, mine included. Knowing this we should all be diligent in our research to find those who truly care about operating in an ethical manner, first and foremost. My attitude toward this forum has changed over the past few years. I believe all of us that have had successful HT's have a responsibility to share our experiences and caution those who jump into untested waters. Conversely, those who have not had successful experiences should be able to find some solace here, while sharing their misfortune in an educating manner. There are those who will say that perhaps we are taking this a little too seriously. Consider that no true recourse exists for those who have been wronged. Calling a hairmill in response to a thread posted recently only served to bolster my idea that this forum and others like it are indispensible. Anywho, thanks again Pat the new info looks great.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I once asked an excellent doctor. Why Is a guy like you in a field of Quacks? He said "Its gone down from 90% to 60%. Great averages eh.Pat do you refute the fact that most Hair transplant "doctors" will lie to get someone started ?Damo as far as I'm concerned. See you on your Fifth surgery buddy. Keep your unfounded enthusiasm to yourself. P.S. you still look balding to me.Also Pat Most Hair transplant suergeon are bottom of the barrel doctors that cannot make it in the field they chose other than capitalizing on a persons concern over their hair and promising something they cannot deliver.People trust doctors period. In this field people NEED to know they cannot trust a doctor just because he is one.Whould I have done it with Shapiro? Yes. Would I have been informed of the ramifications? Yes By him.I wasn't a candidate in the first place and am a lifelong repair patient as a result.People need to know.I stand by the statement that "Most" hair transplant doctors are bold faced liars.There are 30- 40 in the coalition and thousands in country.I rest my case. "Most" hair transplant "doctors" are bold faced liars.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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Originally posted by Mahair:

Damo as far as I'm concerned. See you on your Fifth surgery buddy. Keep your unfounded enthusiasm to yourself. P.S. you still look balding to me.

This kind of comment really helps. You can be very funny at times but spending your time criticizing others will not improve your look.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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Mahair, I am a plaintiff's trial lawyer so I can tell you that I have cross-examined a number of physicians who have not an ounce of integrity (generally those hired over and over again by insurance companies). That being said, to make a blanket statement that most hair transplant doctors are bold faced liars is ridiculous and immature. Just because you were butchered by a doctor without integrity doesn't mean that all such doctors don't have integrity. I myself was in a surgeons chair ready for an HT twenty years ago, but before he began I expressed some reservations. He told me that he wasn't going to proceed and that he wanted me to think about it. I did and didn't have my first HT until four months ago (by now a good NW 4) I would guess that most HT doctors are ethical and have integrity although certainly some will have skills exceeding those of others. As far as not being able to make it, I would think that most competent HT surgeons require nerves and steady hands of steel that most doctors probably do not possess. But the bottom line is this, competent HT doctors have carved out a niche for themselves by providing a service that an obvious number of men are willing to pay for. You are the one to blame for not fully researching the issue before you sat in a chair and chose the doctor you chose. I consulted with MHR a few years back and could see through them in an instant and ignored their repeated attempts to have me come to some demonstrations. Further, surgeons are after all surgeons and will often recommend surgery that may not be necessary. There are plenty of back operations done today that make people worse off than they were before. There are plenty of reasons to be angry at the medical profession. But being angry at all HT doctors who perform a competent job, filling a niche which is sorely needed, is evidence of a closed, angry and immature mind. You are entitled to your opinions, but you are about as wrong as could be. By the way, Dr. Epstein did my surgery 4.5 months ago. I can barely detect my scar, never had any trauma to my recipient area, have no pain or loss of sensation. If the HT was a total failure I have lost only money at this time. But I feel the 11K I spent, which is not that much for a little vanity, to be well worth it and far less than the vanity that comes by purchasing an expensive sports car.. I went to work the day after surgery and was having lunch with an Internest a few days later when I remarked I just had an HT. He looked at me and remarked, "wow what a great job", primarily because there was no trauma to my recipient area. What is the final result going to be? Unknown yet. I already have hair although it needs to be thicker in bright light. Since I am at 4.5 months I know I need to give it some time. Whatever happens, I have no regrets about the surgery and whatever the results, at least I took a proactive approach to do something about the situation. I think what bothered me the most before the HT was the fact I was beginning to totally accept I was bald (at least in the front half of my scalp). I just didn't want that self image for the rest of my life. You can't blame any of us who have the discretionary funds to want a change and obviously many of us are ecstatic about our results. If not for the HT physician communtiy, this would not have been a possibility. Additionally, some of these doctors give of their time to burn victims (I know Epstein does) and women who would be suicidal without their help. If you had integrity, you would simply admit you were butchered but that not everybody would or will meet your fate. In short, you are one angry, bitter individual and you really should seek some professional help. But then again, there are many who would opine that psychologists and psychiatrists are also quacks.

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I have plenty of entegrity buddy. As a plaintiffs lawyer yours is questionable. Yes I was butchered. In the meantime I educated myself on hair transplants. I also realized there is a similarity. Wanna hear it? How do you know when a hair transplant surgeon or a lawyer is lying to you? Their lips move.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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I think you're running out of steam on this one.



Great reading you, and looking forward to following you in Dr E's office.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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All, no need to turn this thread nasty, whatsoever. We all have benefitted from the posts here, period. I think what we need to determine is the difference between aggressive communication and sharing information. I am guilty of this as well. It doesn't help, at all. Each of us has an opinion, we all gave it, and it was received. GREAT!

Hoping-- nice to know you are a lawyer, I will be in 2 1/2 more years, hopefully! Great post.

Mahair- I certainly believe you have a place here as the voice of reason and proof that all is not as it seems. No one is attacking your integrity, nor should they be, but your lumping in all lawyers/doctors with unethical professionals is a little hard to swallow. I do not presume to understand what you have went through, period, but after reading your posts, you should be able to admit that you wrote them out of anger and frustration, (that you have a right to feel). It just doesn't have to include personal attacks, justified or not. You have a lot of knowledge to share, even if your experience was terrible, for those who may not realize that surgery is still potentially disastrous.


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Mahair, I am very sorry that you experienced a disastrous surgery but I am more sorry that you try to deter everyone else from possibly experiencing great joy. Sometimes you can take darkness and turn it into light by helping to inform people rather than to just beat them down with a torrent of negativity.


You have had a major setback, we all know that by now. Some people here have had a positive life-changing experience and feel nothing but happiness for their decision to have had an operation(s). You should realize that because you feel rotten about your personal situation (which I believe is just as much a reflection of the victim's ignorance as it was the surgeon's unethical behavior) and can't help but try to darken other people's days, that there are people who feel the complete opposite of you and think of you as some kind of a nut-job.


I think that if you could tone down your venomous discourse, then we'd all be better off.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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B-spot, this thread already got ugly. Here is a guy who has no qualms about calling HT surgeons the bottom of the barrel, accusing lawyers of automatically being liars and telling other posters that their hair looks horrible. We are not talking about civil discourse here and the honest giving of opinions and debate, we are talking about a bitter guy who speaks with an agenda, to belittle an entire industry because he was one of its unfortunate victims. Anybody with half a brain knows that any surgery will be risky and that Hair Transplants, historically, are of dubious value. What many people may not realize without forums such as this is how far the practice has come. BTW, good luck in your legal career. If you have any questions I will be happy to give you my persepective. Hairworthy, Epstein is a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with lots of experience. He is far from the bottom of the barrel. I stumbled upon him before coming to this forum. I can only say that other than seeing hair growing where there was none before, I have no lingering effects from the surgery and again, have to really search to see the scar. As for results, maybe I should post a photo because I 'm not sure how far along I should be about now. Many of my new hairs are well over an inch long and in ambient, indoor light I clearly have much more hair in the front where there was none before. In bright light however I still look very thin but I am "hoping" I will thicken out over the next several months. Good luck in your scar revision. Seems to me if you want a scar repair, an experience Board Ceritified Facial Surgeon is the way to go.


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