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Future of Hair Restoration

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  • Regular Member

I would like to pose this question to those on this forum who have an extensive knowledge of the current research and breakthroughs surrounding hair restoration...


I understand this is solely speculation and something that most regulars on this forum do a great job of steering clear of.


but... If you had to make predictions of what the improvements in hair transplantation will be (based on current research) what would you say?


and what do you think the timeline will be for this? what will transplantation be like in 2 years? in 5? maybe we could base this on how fast the advancements we now have came to be?


i am particularly interested in the area of BHT, and if it will get more refined.

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  • Regular Member

I would like to pose this question to those on this forum who have an extensive knowledge of the current research and breakthroughs surrounding hair restoration...


I understand this is solely speculation and something that most regulars on this forum do a great job of steering clear of.


but... If you had to make predictions of what the improvements in hair transplantation will be (based on current research) what would you say?


and what do you think the timeline will be for this? what will transplantation be like in 2 years? in 5? maybe we could base this on how fast the advancements we now have came to be?


i am particularly interested in the area of BHT, and if it will get more refined.

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Unfortunately, not being a doctor in the field I could not predict what the future holds for hair restoration. I do know that there are some doctors out there working on cloning of hair follicles, but that's 10 years+ away, more likely much more than that.


Regarding BHT, however, I would argue that it's still in its early stages. IF indeed BHT can yield success, then I'm sure new methods will be developed to perfect it. I'd say this is similar to FUE and new methods will be developed and expanded upon. Either this or they will both be deemed as limited approaches to hair restoration, which currently, they are.


Strip on the other hand, I imagine that more doctors will begin to take the risks and doing what is necessary to take SAFE, but larger strips from patients that have the laxity. Since hair restoration has come along way in the last few years, I imagine it will continue to improve. BUT, beyond this, I have no answers...BUT am interested to hear what doctors have to say about this.



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  • Regular Member


I recommend you have a look at the Intercytex website. They are in phase 2 trials of hair multiplication. It all sounds very futuristic. Apparantly phase 2 (Human Trials) trials end in December this year. Then Phase 3 trials (Human Trials) run in 2008. If they are successful in Phase 3 trials, the say that they will apply for an FDA approval and there will be a commercial hair cloning procedure/service/product available within a few years. It usually takes 5 years to attain FDA approval. 2012? Intercytex say on their website there will be a product in 3 years from now. icon_confused.gif



I'll believe it when i see it. Although i wouldn't be complaining. At All. What is encouraging is that the science is getting to grips with this.


You ve gotta ask yourself though When it comes out, do you wanna be one of the first people to use it. Even if it gets approval, it'll be years before anyone can say, the cloned hair lasts your whole life.

No one knows if this cloning technology will cause cancer, what the hair quality will be like in mass production.

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  • Senior Member



Obviously this is pure speculation on my part, but here goes......


I'm with Bill on other Docs starting to offer more grafts per session. Less than a handful of surgeons now consistently produce sessions in excess of 4000.......I'd guess within the next 5 years you'll see that number triple at the least. Initially there were concerns of poor yield or decreased survival rates but this has proven not to be a problem.


As for BHT..............I've not done enough research on it to formulate an opinion one way or the other. BHT MAY be a viable alternative with those who've spent their donor hair............but I believe we're still early enough in the game that it's too difficult to make a prediction. About the only way I believe you can really verify it's success is by judging results of those who try BHT. Since hair loss occurs over time, it will take years for those having tried BHT to determine whether or not body hair can be susceptible to MPB.


One thing that does interest me, though I have limited knowledge of it, is HM. I believe it will be a reality within the next 5-10 years but who knows how much it will cost??



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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