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Matt-Sydney Dr Knudsen Transplant, 435 grafts to temples - day 6 update

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I had a HT with Dr Knudsen on the 11th June '08, here are a few 1st day post op pics.

Dr Knudsen recommended around 400 because of the mild level of my hair loss, and what he believed he could achieve with the hair I have. I had a lot of 3's placed towards the back which will mean good density, and the frontal hairline was strengthened with 2's and 1's.


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The work appears to look clean; that is a small session (400 grafts); I don't understand why the doctor gave you a strip scar for 400 grafts; if you are going to go through the process, he should of done a larger session; you do have a lot of native hair, but IMO, it is not worth the small cosmetic differance for under 1000 grafts; did the doctor discuss the session size with you; what is his philosophy on this?

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Congratulations on your recent surgery. Given the amount of natural hair you have, I can understand why you didn't choose a larger session. Of course, 400 grafts is quite small, but should help further refine the small areas that were transplanted.


Best wishes and happy growth,



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Of course he discussed it with me, he struck me as a very ethical doctor. I only had a small amount of recession and was a norwood 1.5, so I didn't need much. The only doctor practicing FUE in Australia charges about three times as much as what I paid. given the strip was small, the scar will be very small also and already cannot be seen through my hair. I am very pleased I didn't have to wait until I needed 1000 grafts, I just wanted to restore my natural hairline and full head of hair. I may not ever need any more surgery if the drugs hold it all in place, which they have for a couple of years now. I've noticed a good amount of regrowth so I am responding very well.


Bill, what do you think of the work?

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By your post-op photos, it appears that Dr. Knudsen performs quality follicular unit grafting. I may have however, personally wanted a larger session with some hair transplanted behind the hairline adding density.


I'll be interested to follow your progress since I have yet to see any recent grown out Dr. Knudsen results. I hope you'll keep us posted with monthly pictures.


Best wishes,



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I know what you mean, but i'll just see how it grows out. I think it will look good, but can always go back for some small fue work for some more density if need be. Dr Knudsen seems an ethical surgeon, he prefers to play it safe. To be honest, he brought the hairline down more than I thought he would, and strengthened up the frontal hairline a little which I didn't think he was going to do, but i'm happy with it. I've always had a high forehead so didn't want one lower than when I was a teenager!


I'll definitely keep you posted, we don't have enough info on Australian docs on this site. Keep up the good work, your site helped me make this decision.

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Thanks Matt for posting your pics. After viewing the relatively few but impressive cases presented online which were performed by this docotor, I'm very keen to have my consultation with Dr. Knudsen to hear his thoughts on what he can do for my hair loss pattern. He sounds cautious and sensible...looking forward to meeting up with him.


Best wishes for smooth healing and good growth,



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Here are some day 6 pics. Everything seems to be coming along well. The grafts finally feel quite solidly anchored, I have almost no discomfort now from the recipient or donor, and today I very gently washed my hair for the first time with mild shampoo. I'm not game to massage the grafts until day 9-10, don't think they're quite ready to come off yet.


I haven't posted pics of the donor because I can't get a good view of it. I'll wait until the stitches are gone and will get an image of it then. It feels ok though, has a slight ridge and very little pain, but is still tender.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Matt,


Your small session looks great. I think people have to keep in mind that for a small session such as yours will not produce a wide smile scar like the average strip surgery. It's too often assumed that a fue session is best. I would say a strip of 4 to 5cm length was harvested on you instead of the typical 27+ cm long strip, which would produce a smiley scar. You'd be able to shave your head down to a #1 and chalk up your small 4cm long scar to an accident without anyone being the wiser. I've known Dr. Knudsen for many years and even though I have not seen many of his results on the forums, to me he seems very ethical and compassionate about his work and patients. Congrats on your surgery and hope you keep us posted of your progress.

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  • 2 months later...
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Here's a brief three month update. I can see a lot of little hairs coming through, which probably started a couple of weeks ago but now is showing through quite well. It's still quite sparse, but it's very early days and even still, from a distance you can see my new (or old!) hairline. I think this is a good sign of things to come.


I'll post some pics in a little while.

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  • 3 years later...

I have just recently has work done by Dr Knudsen in Melbourne. And so far am happy with this service and the transplant todate. It's

Only been 8 weeks but all is going according to plan. dr Knudsen is a good doctor I had a done tone of research before choosing a clinic and doctor

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