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The New Bio-Matrix Process

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  • Regular Member

Hi All


I came across this techinique done by hair club.how good is this.Has anyone had any exprience wit this.The cost of the starting the process is around $1700 and then on each visit, they say it would cost around $150.00 which would be every 45 days.I am not financially very sound to go for those actual transplant procedures.Your valuable comments are very much appreciated.Thanks

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Guest Cousin_It

Personally, I would stay away from the Hair Club. As far as hairpieces they are not especially good, regardless of the name they attach to them.


From reading some of your past posts, it does not seem like your condition warrants going the hairpiece route yet. You state you are 25 with thinning. I see some members recommended you start medication, did you try that? If so what have you used and how long? Perhaps if you can be more specific on your hair loss or possibly post a picture, members can comment on you best route to a better head of hair.

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Anything done by hairclub is artificial. I'm not condemning them...only just so you are aware, that you are basically investing in a "rug" that you will wear on your head. There are a lot of cons with that, just make sure you do a lot of research before you decide to move forward with it. It seems that the majority of the posts I've read by people who have wore hairpieces long term have hated it...though there are a few people that like it and that's there best solution. Good luck in your research.



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  • Senior Member

Let's see: 1700 start up and 150 every 45 days, right?


1700 plus an additional 1200 a year


After 5 years---- 7700.00


Also, just to let you know, one of my buddies is a hair club member.


Most of the time his lasts about 30-35 days, and he really starts to look bad by 36-45 days. Of course, you can always go in early for a fee, but that will bring your price up. My buddy basically goes in a tad over every 30 days.

He pays 291.00 a month. (about 3600 year)


I think at 25 before you do anything, get on propecia and shave your head to a #1 guard for a while.


In addition, financing a HT is cheaper than being a hair club member in the long run, hands down. The problem is, many men establish lives and families while wearing pieces/toupees/etc... and when they finally come to grips with themselves they are afraid to stop using the hair piece.

It is something to think about.

Think Co-dependency.


Just like we talk about NOT doing HT's too early, the same can be said of these hair systems.


I am sorry you are going through all this, but relax and shave down for a while. Trust me, you have ALOT of time to think/plan this through.


Good Luck!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Have to chime in with my fellow forum members here........think long and hard before you contemplate wearing a piece. Though I very, very briefly considered it while losing my hair (loss started at age 23, first HT at age 38), I don't think I was really ever "serious" about it.


While some may stay with them, they are really expensive over the long haul and several have posted about paranoia of windy conditions or other situations where the "truth" could come out.


I don't remember your situation but if you are 25 as Cousin_It mentions your still pretty young and have much of your life ahead of you. I also recommend giving meds a try if you haven't already, see how things go, then really look into a long-term solution you can live with.


A very close friend of mine tried Hair Club for Men a couple of years ago, wore the piece about 2 weeks (I saw it personally) then gave it up due to poor looks in general and overall paranoia. No way it wasn't detectable....I spotted it right off.


As Bill said, I do belive some have worn them and like them..............personally, I've seen so many poor ones, even pieces that look decent but I could tell the were rugs.


Take time and do your homework no matter what you choose.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

All great comments above, I can only add that you should do not be fooled by the deceptive names (biomatrix, single strand, etc.) for the hairpiece.


I never wore one nor would I consider one but from all the negative comments I read make me glad I never went that route. That being said, if someone is NW 6+, with no other options I think it is OK for that person as long as they know the maintenance and cost involved.


A HT is the closest you will ever come to regaining a natural result. I can spot a piece 95% of the time. The best thing to do is check the posts from the veterans wearers of hair replacement systems (systems, another fancy term for a piece).





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Guest Cousin_It



I hope you are reading the above comments. Everyone agrees the hairpiece route is the least desireable option. Considering the stage of hair loss you claim to be, there can be a number of things you should try before considering this. If medication fails to give you an acceptable look, try surgery, in the long run it can actually be cheaper than a hair piece due to replacements and maintenance.


If you are not a good candidate for a hair transplant at that time then, and only then, consider a hairpiece, but I doubt with todays technology it will ever come to this.

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FWIW, I have worn a rug, piece, do,system for over 10 years. While I like to think mine blended better than everyone elses.....reality is that wind or harsh bright sunlight dramatically affects the look in an adverse way. I am quite anal about styling my hair and I truly believe that in an office or synthetic lighting situations you could never tell......BUT.........at some point you get the hair blown by the wind etc and it looks crappy! Another issue is, when you have had worn a "system " for a couple of years, you are like a Meth addict and you can't rid of paying for more fake hair. You become scared of what your friends/co-workers would say. My advice is to not go that route at all. As was mentioned earlier, you need to go get a service about every 3 weeks ( no more than 4 weeks ) or your hair will look like a black cat glued to your dome! I wish I could have all the money back I have spend on a fake do over the years. Sometimes I think I only fooled myself. If you would like to chat more about this, send me a private e-mail. Cheers

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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Over the years I've written many posts about my views on these hair club marketing tactics. Every year they have some new amazing technique that's out there. They call it Bio-Matrix or something similarly creative.


I have worn a hairpiece and I was thoroughly disgusted with the large chains. I finally found a piece through Jeffrey at Coolpiece. He is honest and ethical and very affordable.


Aderans/Bosley makes something called Cyberhair which is the only artificial hair decent enough to pass as human hair. Aderans is supposed to be releasing the next generation of Cyberhair soon.


In my humble opinion the hair systems sold by places like Apollo and HCM are of lower quality than Coolpiece and they charge you 5 times the price. If you want I can share the experience I had with Apollo with you. My experience, even as awful as it was, is the norm in my opinion. Everyone I've talked to who went to Apollo had a similar experience.

I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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  • Regular Member

As far as cost I agree with what was written earlier. Your hair club fees will be more than your transplant fees over time.


A few people have their hairlines rebuilt with a transplant and then wear a hairpiece behind. This way the hairline is natural and you can still have a good head of hair behind it with a smaller hairpiece.

I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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