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BHT / Propecia/ Rogaine

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  • Regular Member

I dont understand, I know BHT is used as a last resort. However, I have read that Propecia can STOP BHT's from being effective. So the questions is simple:


POST - BHT, continue Propecia/Rogaine or discontinue?


Please let us focus on this specific topic, rather than delve into the effectiveness of BHTs in general. Thanks gentlemen.

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  • Regular Member

I dont understand, I know BHT is used as a last resort. However, I have read that Propecia can STOP BHT's from being effective. So the questions is simple:


POST - BHT, continue Propecia/Rogaine or discontinue?


Please let us focus on this specific topic, rather than delve into the effectiveness of BHTs in general. Thanks gentlemen.

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  • Senior Member

To my knowledge, body hair transplants (hair transplanted from the body to the head) have very low success rates. The reason for this is because when the follicles are extracted, they are easily damaged - resulting in very few or none of them growing. Using Propecia or minoxidil will do nothing if the hairs have been damaged.


Your best bet is to steer clear of a body hair transplant. If you no longer have laxity in your scalp for a hair transplant, a good alternative is follicular unit extraction (FUE).


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Regular Member

splitting hairs,


thanks you for your response. I guess more specifically I am asking if Propecia makes BHTs even LESS effective because they stop body hair from growing. Is propecia a further hindrance to a BHT post-transplant?

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I did hear that Propecia can cause a decrease in the amount of overall body hair we have. Whether or not this is legend or known fact however, I'm not sure.


If this is true, I would imagine that the best course of action for those considering body hair transplants (BHT) while on Propecia would be to use Propecia for a year first to see what effect it has on body hair. Remaining healthy body hair after a year's use are probably most likely resilient and depending on caliber, may be viable hair for transplanting. Those considering BHT should discuss this concern with an experienced hair restoration physician who specializes in BHT.


Now whether or not BHT is efficient in general is another topic altogether. In my opinion, it's better to deplete the scalp donor supply first and use BHT as filler hair.


Best wishes,



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