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Price quotes


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  • Senior Member

Why is it some Drs/clinics dont tell you how much they charge for a H/T per graft/strip, FUE per unit etc. Some want you to come and sit down and have chat look at what needs doing and then give you a quote. Just tell me what you charge for so much and does it get cheaper after a certain amount etc . Just basic stuff nothing rocket science.

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  • Senior Member

Why is it some Drs/clinics dont tell you how much they charge for a H/T per graft/strip, FUE per unit etc. Some want you to come and sit down and have chat look at what needs doing and then give you a quote. Just tell me what you charge for so much and does it get cheaper after a certain amount etc . Just basic stuff nothing rocket science.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I agree with Dr. Shapiro's staff above. We post our prices right on the website. Additionally we tell folks right up front, that if we are shooting for 2000 and my strip gets us 2080, those 80 are free. We don't stick it to the patient that "hey we can throw these away or you can pay us 10 dollars a hair" as I have heard from some patients that a couple of clinics here in the mid atlantic supposedly do.


Also, patients should make sure there are no hidden fees. I have heard of patients being charged to take out sutures, have postop visits, and being charged for office meds used in the surgery!


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I could understand why prices wouldn't be listed on a physician's website (discussed recently in another thread) since prices can be deceiving until a patient really understands how many grafts and sessions they will need to accomplish their goals, considering present and future hair loss.


But I agree that a surgeon should tell you their prices when you ask.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Abby, most tell the prices to their patients during consult or even have on the website. But it can vary depending on individual situations--like some offices might price in airfare and hotel into the price or offer discounts that are not reflected for example.

The main reason your particular doctor wouldnt tell you anything about prices and want to meet face to face probably has something to do with a "sales model" they utilize in their clinic. Some think that if they can talk to you in person on a consult they can SELL the procedure and pricing to you while getting you to put down a deposit while your there. My experience was not like this and I knew 100% everything up front.




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