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hair donor..

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  • Regular Member

hey there!!i was just wondering in case a person is completely bald due to sum reason like chemotherapy or sum stuff like that,where would they go for hair donor site,i heard facial hair is used,i was just wonderin how effective it could be ,as it would be a long and painstaking process,if anything like that has been done,please be kind enough to post the photos,..btw..can another persons hair be used as a donor ??anywayz thnx in advance for ur replies!!

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  • Regular Member

hey there!!i was just wondering in case a person is completely bald due to sum reason like chemotherapy or sum stuff like that,where would they go for hair donor site,i heard facial hair is used,i was just wonderin how effective it could be ,as it would be a long and painstaking process,if anything like that has been done,please be kind enough to post the photos,..btw..can another persons hair be used as a donor ??anywayz thnx in advance for ur replies!!

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I cant answer your 1st question. Maybe a doc will chime in and give you that answer. I can however answer your 2nd question. No! there are too many potential risks (diseases,no growth,etc) to use someones elses hair. We'd all have a full head of hair if that was the case. I'm not 100% sure about using body/facial hair.I know you can use those hairs but it seem it would have limited growing potential.

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Chemotherapy patients should not consider hair transplantation in my opinion. In most cases, when a patient completes treatment, most if not all of the hair comes back.


A few addtional comments.


1. Taking hair from the body (body hair transplantation) does not appear to be consistent and often leaves a patient with poor growth.


2. There is simply not enough body hair to cover an entire bald head (top, sides and back) since chemotherapy typically causes fall out of all scalp hair


3. Given point number one, transplanting hair into a scalp with a full head of healthy follicles underneath the scalp that will most likely grow back after treatments is complete will most likely damage these follicles when the incision is made.


The best remedy for patients on chemo would be to cover their baldness with a wig, hat, etc. It's not ideal, but neither is having cancer icon_frown.gif. In my opinion, it is better to fight against the cancer and worry about your hair later.



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  • Senior Member

Beard hair, unlike other "body hair," seems to grow well when transplanted. I have seen results from beard hair, from years ago, that were actually ok (given the patient's goals and donor limitations). It should be noted, however, that the surgeon (not Dr. Rose) did strip, not FUE, to harvest the grafts. This would not be my recommendation but, since both of the patients wore a long beard for their entire adult lives, the strip scar was not a deterrent. Texture is an issue with beard hair. Growth, however, does not seem to be. It is not an ideal solution but it has been helpful in some (very) rare cases.


Honestly, I think beard hair would be a bad choice for 99% of patients. I'm just telling you what I have seen.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member
Chemotherapy patients should not consider hair transplantation in my opinion. In most cases, when a patient completes treatment, most if not all of the hair comes back.


BTW, I agree. My initial post was just about the beard hair topic, not about beard hair for treating chemo-related hair loss.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Regular Member

I had a body hair transplant 4 years ago using chest hair- im a n/w 7 and only had 800 grafts but becouse my chest hair is dark and thicker than my head hair was it looked great and for the first time in nearly 20 years I dreamt about having a life , unfortuantly although it grew ok for about 5/6 months by 9 months it had all gone . Ive since had 2 by fue transplants using head hair and these have both been largly unsuccesfull (only about 100 hairs left) im now so depressed and suicidal ive no hair and no money . If beard hair could be taken by fue that would give me hope for the future as mine is very dark and thick and Im only after a scattering of stubble on top and it stays shaved compleatly at the back and sides.

Ive seen beard hair transplants using head hair to create a beard but never beard hair to go on the head. If this was possible it would be intresting mind you ive no money left and I dont reckon id ever trust a hair transplant doc again my life is ruined

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  • Senior Member

David, there are cases of beard hair being used to transplant and it growing quite well, but the diameter of the beard hair is three times that of scalp hair. However, there are instances of all beard hair turning out quite nicely. Seeing long term results is what I would worry about, as the problem you've had illustrates. You have a chance to fix your hair if you use beard hair by FUE but long term results I've not ever seen

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We can help you explore available hair loss solutions, but if you are experiencing high levels of depression and suicidal thoughts, please contact a psychologist or a crisis hotline immediately.


Regarding your hair loss situation, norwood 7s must have incredibly realistic expectations. Body hair and FUE probably wasn't the best route to go for such a high level of hair loss.


Is there a reason that you don't consider strip surgery from scalp hair? You certainly won't be able to cover the entire bald area unless you sacrifice a lot of density, but many norwood 7 patients have been quite satisfied with their results. For hair transplant patient examples of norwood 7s, click here.


Alternatively, you may want to consider a hair replacement system to cover your baldness. Though they require a lot of maintenance and can be quite costly, they can be a viable solution and help restore your confidence.


Honestly, I wouldn't consider beard hair because it will inevitably leave scarring on your face.


I hope this helps.



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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


Yes Im under the doc who is sending me to see both a pyciatrist and pycoligist at the same time as he unsure if im depressed or ive got a personality disorder probaly body morphic disorder! -yes I do have realistic expectations which is why im very upset that my 3 transplants failed . I just want a U S Marine style head -keeping the back and sides shaved completly and just light stubble covering the top , as I dont need any hair at the back and side I was happy to use all that hair (its shaved now and fue scars not noticable to naked eye) I originaly tried body hair becouse of its darker and thicker and like I said just 800 looked good so hair from my beard would be ideal and as I dont grow the hair on top longer than a no 1 and never grow the back and sides you d never see the different colours etc - what gets me down is 3 (dhi) sessions have failed and I now dont trust hair transplant docs I know some of you guys have been lucky but a lot dont seem to be . Im not after much id be happy with hair like a lot of the before photos you see about.

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