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SHOCK Loss ?


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  • Regular Member

Hello Members,


I have a question regarding Shock loss.


It has been almost a month since my HT (1200+ grafts - Hariline and frontal area). So far I haven't seen any shredding yet. But, just started noticing that I have a good amount of hair loss already and continuing, specially around the recipient areas.


Can you guys please answer, how long this shock loss will last and will I get the lost hairs back? What should I expect next?


Please, please share your experience and knowledge.


Thank you all,


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  • Regular Member

Well i am 4 months post HT and i had 1500 done in the front and none in hairline... I have had quite a bit of depressing shockloss... And mine also looke very very thin as compared to before HT... As of 4 months i see 10% Ht growth and 60% original hair shockloss... If you say six months i have no other option but to buy it cause thats the best in my interest but i beleive shock loss should start coming in by 4 month mark... Lets just hope you are correct...

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  • Senior Member

I had around 2000 grafts done to the front and midscalp area on June 20th. I have had a previous transplant and this one was to just thicken the area up and add density. It looked really good when he was done and the first 2 weeks before all the transplanted hairs shed looked quite fuller so hopefully when they grow back it will look really good. I kinda expected shock loss considering i was getting dense packed around all my current hairs, but am not worried and just look forward to the next few months ahead. no use worrying now, can't do anything about it

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  • Regular Member

My experience was a bit different with shock loss. My recipient area was fairly dense. I actually only wanted the temple area done but my unethical doctor told me I should place some graphs in the frontal region to cover future hair loss. Because my hair was still dense, the newly placed graphs destroyed good, existing hair follicles. It is my understanding that these will never grow back. Six months after my HT I started noticing a substantial amount of thinning in the area where the doctor placed the graphs. Currently, 15 months post op I would say I've lost nearly 50% of my density and have not seen any grow back. I do not feel that this is just the progression of my hair loss for two reasons. One, how fast it happened and the timing being right when the HT was done. Second, my family members have receded, not thinned. Just my two cents...hope your experience is better than mine.

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