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I'm very young, and im goin bald!

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hi, i'v noticed now that i'v been shedding for the past 6 to 7 months now, and the the back and front of the top of my head is thinning! Im only 16! What the hell am i supposed to do? I'm on rogain but i dont think it's working much.. Am i going bald? Is it even possible this young? My dad started balding when he was in his late 20s, someone please help me!

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Fizzy -


I started thinning when I was 19 and I too became very concerned. I would recommend you to go see your dermatogolist and see what he recommends. I think the first thing he would recommend is to start taking propecia. Propecia will help you stop the further hair loss.


I had very see thru crown by the time I was 20-21, but Propecia has helped me stabalize it. I just turned 24 and had my first hair transplant (Although I still think I am way too young to get a hair transplant). Go see your physician and dermatologist. Whatever you do, DO NOT consider hair transplant. You are WAY TOOO YOUNG to even think about it.


Go see your doctor and see if he recommends you to get on propecia.


Don't lose it...



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Originally posted by Fizzy:

hi, i'v noticed now that i'v been shedding for the past 6 to 7 months now, and the the back and front of the top of my head is thinning! Im only 16! What the hell am i supposed to do? I'm on rogain but i dont think it's working much.. Am i going bald? Is it even possible this young? My dad started balding when he was in his late 20s, someone please help me!



kg007 gave you some great advice. See your dermatologist. Explain everything to him. I started to thin very bad at 17 so I know that it is simply awful and scary as hell. Luckily, you found this forum. I didn't have that luxury. Make an appointment with a dermatologist ASAP and keep us updated with what goes down. We're all rootin' for you.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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didn't have that luxury. Make an appointment with a dermatologist ASAP and keep us updated with what goes down. We're all rootin' for you.


Thanks alot guys! Yah thank god i found this forum, I will go see him asap.. ganna call him today!

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Hi Fizzy,


I read your posts with great empathy. I too began losing my hair in my teens. This was absolutely devastating to me emotionally and socially, especially growing up during the "big hair" period of the 1980s. So your feelings are perfectly understandable and please know that you are not alone!


Your comment of "What the hell am I supposed to do?" echoes how I reacted. I began getting hair transplants at a young age because I was in a panic and didn't want to accept the limited alternatives back then. Obviously I didn't have a great resource for education and support like this site back then! It has worked out OK for me but this doesn't mean that I would advise you to do the same. I would certainly follow the advice that the others have presented you already. There are factors that can cause early hair loss other than the genetic/hormonal "male pattern baldness" and these are best evaluated and treated by a competent family doctor or dermatologist. The preventative measures like Rogaine or Propecia can help you slow or stop the hairloss and keep more of what you have.



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At that age, your hormones are going crazy, so I would recommend you getting a good shampoo to keep the scalp clean of oil and such. By Nioxin which helps to remove DHT from the scalp surface, do this daily. Do not get on Propecia until your at least 18 as you are too young.

Just make sure you continue 5% Rogaine 2x a day, shampoo daily, and take a good multi-vitiamin as your teenage diet might be helping the hairloss. Megamen at GNC is good as well as Centrium ultra--- plus add vit c, e, b-6, zinc, and MSM with your daily diet. Try to limit the fat/fried foods-- eat alot of greens and protein as well.

This very easily could be a diet issue.

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Thanks for the advice everyone, i went to my doc and he said it was male pattern balding. I have howver been on rogain 3% for nearly 7 months now.. thinsg are just getting worse. Where can i find Nioxin?

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Originally posted by Fizzy:

Thanks for the advice everyone, i went to my doc and he said it was male pattern balding. I have howver been on rogain 3% for nearly 7 months now.. thinsg are just getting worse. Where can i find Nioxin?


Nioxin is available at better hair salons. Look into using Nizoral 2% (which is available by prescription) or 1% if a prescription is unattainable (located in drug stores like CVS and Walgreen's in the shampoo section). Use it 3 or 4 times a week.


I wouldn't advise jumping on Propecia right away if your physician didn't recommend it and prescribe it to you since you are only 16.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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The advise to stay on the Rogaine is very important. The hair becomes dependant after using it for 7 months. The Nioxin shampoo is a nice shampoo but does not have medicinal properties. Robert is correct in telling you to look into Nizoral shampoo. It has some science behind it even though it is not marketed for hair loss. You have to leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing. One thing to remember is that it does not lather well. After you rinse you can use your normal shampoo for the lather or fragrance.

Did you talk to your doctor about Propecia? Even though you are under 18 we do prescribe to younger guys who have male pattern balding. The sooner it is started the better the chance of it helping. The Propecia site can recommend a doctor in your area who prescribes. Your parents would have to go with you because you are a minor and remember that Propecia is not covered by insurance.



Ailene Russell, NCMA

Dr. Jerry Cooley's personal assistant and clinical supervisor for Carolina Dermatology Haircenter. My postings are my own opinion and may not reflect Dr. Cooley's opinion on any subject discussed.


Dr. Jerry Cooley is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Your willingness and courage to share is an inspiration to all of us. The very youngest patient with MPB I had contact with was back in 2001 when I was employed by a clinic. This young male was 15 years old and also experienced "massive shedding". The doctor who examined him diagnosed him with MPB, and then advised him that he was probably going through an onset of "telogen affluvium" which is a massive shedding phase resulting from the early onset of MPB. He went on to state that this was usually a temporary phase followed by a large percentage of the hair follicules eventually re-entering the anagen (growing) phase once again. I know it's hard to lose more than gained but that's some of the effects of MPB as you undoubtedly know. Hopefully lots will re-grow again soon.


Alot of very good recommendations were provided by many folks here so I don't want to be repetitive as you obviously have gotten the point regarding the meds for hairloss. I will concur with "waiting" on doing anything surgical at this point in time so I wish you the best in the medicinal approach for now. Did the doctor you went to see discuss Propecia with you? I too noticed you did not mention that and possibly that physician encouraged you to stick with minoxidil for now. Some docs will want you to wait untill you are a little older before starting Propecia and some may not. But that's an issue for the doctors to discuss with you since we are lay people.


Either way I wish you the best in treating your condition and let us know how things come along. There is probably alot of younger guys reading these forums but may not be participating for their own personal reasons, yet your on-going treatments and results may be extremely insightful and encouraging to them. Take care!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hey everyone,

To be honest, my doc isn't the best i've ever had. I'd change if i could, does anyone know any good physicians in richmondhill ontario? im fairly close to downtown toronto.


Thanks for all the advice once again, and for the nice comments, im very happy i found this place. The depression is setting in, my crown is getting really bad, unfortunatly.


If anyone could recommend a better doc i'd be very greatful. Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Brav -


Damn... 2200 grafts at age 20? I am 24... I had 1500 6 months ago... and now I am wanting to go back for another 1000, but I am so hesitant since I am very young... I guess I am not the only one... Share some picures if possible.





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I don't have a cam so I can't really show. Some has grown but most hasn't yet, which i've obviously been very worried about, which is why I found this forum icon_biggrin.gif. All I can really do is be optimistic I guess. How is your hair coming along? Where were the grafts mainly put? Mine was mostly put on the hairline/frontal area

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Well... I started to loose hair at about 13 or 14. I did nothing with them as at that time my parents thought that it will become allright and also i was in a hostel so wasnt in touch with them a lot.


I am a diffused thinner and i have got thin straight black hair. Also i have fair skin scalp while my hair colour is dark black so it is easy to spot the bladness.


I got my first HT done by DR. A in Delhi on 7th April 2005. Thats just about 2+ months back. I am scared as of now cause i look the worst and i think i am having dreadful shockloss(I was really worried about the shockloss before the transplant). But i think that getting an HT at this age(I am 25+ now) is correct(For me atleast). I could have waited a little longer but then again i will be getting married(Hopefully) in next year or so i think this is just about the right time.


I tried using minioxdil on a doc's advise two years ago but i noticed after a month that i am shedding more. I immidiately stopped it. I think it doesnt suit me. As of now i am not on any medication(I prefer not to be).


What i feel about medicines that everybody has different experiences with them. Also the harmone thing in your case could be spot on as posted by gillenator.


Hang in there and try talking advise of another doctor. Hope it works out for you. And as everybody else said dont even think about an HT as of now.

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  • 1 month later...
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I can relate, I mean I've talked to other guys (when at hair club) and they are always like man it was so bad when I lost my hair as I was in my 30's or 40's or whatever the case was (although these seem to be more common ages that I heard) but then I tell them how at 17ish it was going and FAST they just can't imagine it. It is quite devastating and I have zero self esteem, or maybe its into the negatives now? Anyway a hair club system helped me regain confidence, for a time, but now I can't stand the thought of this damn thing on my head, plus it costs a pretty penny every month (WAY more than a hair transplant when its all said and done, i.e. by the time I'm dead I will have paid like a millino dollars, ok not really but you get me, that was a hyperbole) and it often dries out so the color doesn't match, plus its BAD trying to be with girls, I cannot enjoy ANYTHING cuz I"m too terrified the damn thing might come off, same with any windy situations like rididng in convertibles, roller coasters and other things like swimming. Its just BAD, your nerves are just too high and u almost just want to stay inside and never go out and see people ever. So being fed up with this whole thing, I am left with two options, SHAVE this puppy, or look into HT. COnsidering I want to go into acting, I think HT gives me more options. Basically Im' just showing and telling you that I feel for you, its unbarable.

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Reading some of these posts really makes me sympathize and empathize since I am in a similar position. I started losing my hair a little later, but it was about 22 years old, which is only 5 years later...but at 22, I felt the same way as you most of you really youngsters are feeling. Maybe I didn't feel devastated or an extreme lack of self confidence, but I definately felt that I looked worse than I did with hair. My hair is relatively thin now, though with my first HT of 1600 grafts when I was 27 helped thicken me up just a little bit. I just went and got a second HT now with 2249 grafts placed mostly in the front with some in the mid to very front of the back portion of my head. I'd say that I'm a NW 5a before any of the transplants, and I really can't evaluate the second HT yet since I'm only 11 days post op. That all being said, I wish one of two things, which is probably the same wishes as you all:


1. That my hair would come back in full (which I guess is why we get HTs, to at least get some of it back)




2. That my self confidence would come from something much greater than my hair.


I mean, let's face it...as much as I want my hair back and we all do, and I'm even getting HT's to get some of it back...I don't want all my confidence coming from my hair. Besides....for those who are too young to be considered for an HT, and I stand by everyone here to say those who are very young, don't get an HT....the buzz look is in now, especially if you can grow a Goatee. Many women find that look very sexy, regardless if you have any hair on the top of your head or not.


Yet, I'm with the rest of you...I struggle with this, and feel that some of my confidence comes from having hair. I feel less desirable without my hair than I do with it.


Well...this post is sort of pointless dribble, but I wanted to say I can relate to you all, and I understand what you are going through. Have faith those who are younger than 20...HT's may not be a good solution now....but there is still hope. Get on meds right away...just get your recommendation from your doctor first to see what he recommends...and go from there.



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