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  • Senior Member

It looks like you had a lot of native hair, so maybe it'll be ok but I don't know. I've read, I think, where the peeling is where damage can occur.


My advice would be to call Dr. True on his cell if he gave it to you and ask him what to do. B Spot, Jotronic or some others might have some answers as well; but I'd call Dr. True personally.


After this, you've got to wear a hat man. I'm 3 weeks myself and I got a little bit last Sunday at a car show, but I went and stood in the shade when I saw the sun come from behind the clouds.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member

I was told that 6 months was the magical # for giving your HT ample sun. I dont think that the grafts are damaged, but it may stunt or slow growth! Im no pro though so maybe this would be a better Q for Bill,Joe, Or Spex

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  • Senior Member

The thing with sunburns at such an early stage is not the loss of grafts as they typically take hold by day ten, from what I've learned. But hyper pigmentation in the recipient area could be your issue now--which could be permanent, not to freak you out. You may want to call the doctor to find out what you should do in the meantime to help the healing process from the sunburn.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Firstly, don't panic.


Though sunburn on a freshly transplanted scalp could be treacherous, at one month after surgery, the follicles are most likely alive and well underneath the scalp. Patients are advised to keep their scalp away from the sun for the first several months mostly because it can cause a longer period of extended and sometimes permanent discoloration and redness of the scalp. I do recommend however, that you contact your hair transplant surgeon and if possible, meet with him and have him evaluate your scalp to ensure everything is ok.


I have personally found that Aloe Vera to aid healing and for sunburn on the scalp or other areas.


Best wishes,



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