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Another Dr Sharon Keene satisfied customer.


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I finally did it!


I just had my first HT with Dr Sharon Keene in Tucson, AZ on 04/14. I too can agree with everyone else who has had great experiences with Dr Keene. She is truly one of the best!


Fear was one of my biggest obstacles holding me back. I had asked before the procedure if it was comparable with a Dental procedure as far as comfort and pain. She told me it was better and she was right. No pain before, during or after the surgery. All comfort and I was able to watch movies during this time. Still too early to show results. But will keep everyone posted. The before and after pics to be posted shortly.

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  • Regular Member

I finally did it!


I just had my first HT with Dr Sharon Keene in Tucson, AZ on 04/14. I too can agree with everyone else who has had great experiences with Dr Keene. She is truly one of the best!


Fear was one of my biggest obstacles holding me back. I had asked before the procedure if it was comparable with a Dental procedure as far as comfort and pain. She told me it was better and she was right. No pain before, during or after the surgery. All comfort and I was able to watch movies during this time. Still too early to show results. But will keep everyone posted. The before and after pics to be posted shortly.

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I think Dr. Keene should be counted among the best surgeons doing transplants. How many grafts did you have done? Where did you have grafts placed?


I've had two procedures. The first surgery was done in October 2001 with a surgeon in Chicago. My second surgery was done by Dr. Keene 4 months ago. I could not be more pleased with her work. I learned from the first surgery that the first few months after surgery can be difficult because of shock fallout and redness. But at four months post surgery I am already very happy with my progress. Everything about my experience with Dr. Keene has been excellent. I would not hesitate to go back to her if I need more work in the future.





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Harry Lemon: It's a little difficult to tell yet what the scar width is going to be. It's still pink. Holding a ruler up to it I'd say it's 2-3 cm at the widest point. But, much of it is barely visible. I don't even think about covering it because it doesn't show through my hair at all. Dr. Keene told me that my scalp tension is high, which from everything I've read, puts me at greater risk for scar widening. But, so far it's not a problem. Dr. Keene closes the donor area with a double suture, which may have helped. As I learned after my first surgery, it seems to take about a year for every thing to settle.


PrGuy: I had redness for at least six or seven months after my first surgery. I have rosacea, a skin condition that causes my skin to get red from heat, abrasion, stess and anything even mildly irritating. I've got a topical medication that I use on my skin and I've used that medication on my scalp. Right now the redness comes and goes which is typical with rosacea. I'm not sure that the medication I use would help you unless you had the same skin problem I have. As with the last surgery, I expect my skin at the hairline to show some discoloration for a couple more months.

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PRGuy - you may want to try Folligen (www.folligen.com). It really helped my skin calm down - as it'd stayed red for a good 3 months post-op. Now, at 5 months & 10 days, it is normal again.


Paul148 - I'd like to recommend Emu Oil to you for your scar, especially now that it hasn't stretched (yet?). Emu Oil is LOADED with collagen, which is essential for connective tissue strength, plus it's unique molecular weight allows it to penetrate deep into the skin immediately. It should help you keep from stretching.

What is the skin medicine you mention using?

I don't know if I have rosecea, but my skin is certainly very sensitive as well... just curios.




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I had 2300 grafts on the front and top areas. I am not too concerned with the crown area as much. I have been on Propecia for over a year and have slight growth there.


This will probably not be enough for a dense look. But compared to what I had before it is quite an improvement. I will eventually get a second HT in the future. I have seen others first HT experiences and you guys look great. Anyway, here goes with the pics. Hope this works.

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The doctor certainly covered a large area. From what I read, you should get some wonderful results.


As you know, this is a lengthy process that requires patience. For me, the 2 month mark was the toughest with very little growth and a bunch of ingrown hairs. Beyond 3 1/2 months things started to change. Now, at 5 months, I can't keep up with the growth.


I look foreward to following your progress.


"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


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Harry Lemon: In my quest to save my hair I tried almost everything before figuring out which medications and topicals work best for me - Propecia and Spiro lotion made by Lipoxidil worked far better than anything else. I tried folligen for about two years. I used it on my face and scalp and it didn't help with the redness. It did turn my pillowcases green though. I never ordered the emu oil, but I'll look into it for the scar - thanks for the suggestion. For my skin I use a custom prepared product. I think it has zinc oxide and a sulphur compound of some sort in it. Other products that help with the redness are Metrogel and Azelaic Acid (Skinoren). Both are prescription topicals. Again, I don't know that any of these would help unless you have the same skin problem.


Has anyone used other over-the-counter products to diminish scars (e.g., Dermal K or Scar Therapy Gel)?

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You are likely to get one hell of an aesthetic improvement from your HT. You covered a large area.

You also had some residual hairs left in the frontal tuft area. I had that too with thinning behind it. I hate that attribute. Added plenty of FUs behind the tuft and it looks SO much better and not weird.

I think you'll have fantastic results. Good luck and happy regrowth!



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If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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