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Putting Things in Perspective...


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Hi Everyone,


I am feeling semi-positive today, but still dealing with the emotional yo-yo. However,I felt the need to share this story.


I was at my Dermatologist office a few days ago, and was about to check out and reschedule an appointment. I noticed a young man, about 22-24 yrs. old, standing in front of me. I noticed that he had an unusual appearance about him.


When he turned around, you could see the terrible damage that was done to his face. His entire face was completely burned off. It looked as though he was involved in some type of explosion, or freak accident. You could tell that he was a very good looking guy and was probably living the life ...before his self-confidence in appearance dissappeared.. when his face was destroyed by fire.


I immediately felt complete heartache and GUILT when I saw this poor guy. How dare I complain about losing my hair when this poor young man has lost the most important feature of his identity..his face.


It just reminded me that most of us would certainly NOT be complaining about our hair, if we experienced an accident with this magnitude. We probably would have wished we spent our lives enjoying are beautiful faces, regardless of if we had hair or not.


Please keep in mind other peoples sufferrings, especially when we are ready to give up our lives because of our hair situations.


Take Care


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Hi Everyone,


I am feeling semi-positive today, but still dealing with the emotional yo-yo. However,I felt the need to share this story.


I was at my Dermatologist office a few days ago, and was about to check out and reschedule an appointment. I noticed a young man, about 22-24 yrs. old, standing in front of me. I noticed that he had an unusual appearance about him.


When he turned around, you could see the terrible damage that was done to his face. His entire face was completely burned off. It looked as though he was involved in some type of explosion, or freak accident. You could tell that he was a very good looking guy and was probably living the life ...before his self-confidence in appearance dissappeared.. when his face was destroyed by fire.


I immediately felt complete heartache and GUILT when I saw this poor guy. How dare I complain about losing my hair when this poor young man has lost the most important feature of his identity..his face.


It just reminded me that most of us would certainly NOT be complaining about our hair, if we experienced an accident with this magnitude. We probably would have wished we spent our lives enjoying are beautiful faces, regardless of if we had hair or not.


Please keep in mind other peoples sufferrings, especially when we are ready to give up our lives because of our hair situations.


Take Care


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  • Senior Member

Jenn 24; Good post I agree!!! I myself always say that we are our best critics and our worst. I think sometimes people spend too much time with less important things and not enough time with the important ones.


Since I have read your posts in the past I hope that this will help your emotional yo-yo and help you put your life in persective. I hope that you remember to follow your own advice.



Good luck



Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I care about my appearance! Sorry for the guy, but I have been dealing with this hairloss thing for 8 years. Heck, I feel like I've been in an accident.


Good thing though in my case, I can have it fixed.


And thats exactly what I am going to do August 28th


630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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Jen, I think the first time (maybe the only and last time) I posted to you, was in one of your first post on this forum. You had a link to a picture of yourself. I believe what I said to you was "There are alot of people who would give up there hair or kill to have a face like your's". So I was saying what your saying here, "Be happy with the thing's you do have". But you know that and I'm shure the man you spoke of know's that. I just feel sorry for the people who don't...

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Good pst jenn.


It's all true - I try to remind my self of this fact every day


It's quite hard though, everyone wants the "complete look". Within a year I feel I can achieve this personally whether it's via the propecia or surgery. Either way I will get it done.


And you're right. I put things into perspective on a regular basis. It's just selfish not to.




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you always need to step back and count your blessings. Everytime I start to get down, I'm ashamed of myself shortly after. There is too much good, too much fortune I enjoy to be down for very long.


But still, glad I got the HT. Glad I thought about it. Glad others supported me. Not ashamed or embarrassed that I did something that I always wanted to do in face of a challenge.


As for the man with the burned face, his challenges are certainly tougher than mine (or yours). But similarly, he can find a way to cope with them and possibly conquer them if he wants to. He may never attract beautiful people, but maybe he can inspire others. Then I guess he just has to convince himself that that is a truly great thing. I think it is.


Good to always remember that if it is bad, it could be much worse. And at some point, it is all a matter of personal perspective.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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Today was the second time that I removed promotional content from your profile. As I specified in my last email to you, the rules of this forum state that no promotional material of any kind is allowed to be posted. This rule is in effect to keep the forums educational in nature and open to the purest form of discussion. The next time that I see that you have promotional materials in your signature line, I will be forced to suspend your posting privileges indefinitely.






Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Dear Jenn-24,


My word. Life is anything but easy. I really appreciate your post and I remember when I was diagnosed with Polycythemia approximately four years ago. When I first received the news and arrived back home, I started with the "why me?" scenario. First I was totally shocked, then angry, then depressed, and that left me afraid and scared of dying. I have so much to live for, my children, my family, my friends, the work I am involved in, and I especially wanted to be there for my only sister who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.


What changed my attitude? This condition I have requires routine therapy and I see ALOT of folks who do not have much time left whenever I have treatments or whenever I go in to see my hemotologist. Although my condition is treatable, it is not curable to date. Still there are so many individuals far worse off than my situation without hope.


The key for me is to live my life's purpose and be true to myself. My purpose is to help those I can, be a true friend to those I am in friendship with and to live with the conviction that every human being has feelings and value. Life is very rewarding when we seek the best for others "and" ourselves.


As tough as life can be for any of us, please do not feel that you are being selfish for wanting some hair back. And there is only so much we can do for others. Obviously hairloss has bothered and continues to bother many of us. BUT, as long as you are at peace with Jenn, and having the heart of gold that you obviously have, I think it would be great to do something for yourself. WHY? You are worth it because you too my friend are invaluable and so are your feelings.


I really do not think people understand the psychological impact hairloss can have on those who lose their hair. My 100% proud Irish father whom I respect to the nth degree would comment to me, "there's nothing wrong with going bald, just be proud you are Irish!" My father of course has a full head of hair. I love him dearly, he just does not understand because he has not walked in my shoes.


Many folks think that getting a hair transplant is vanity. I TOTALLY disagree. Why would wanting back what mother nature gave us vanity? We were established with hair and subsequently lost it. There is nothing wrong with wanting it back any more than an individual losing a limb and wanting it back.


Jenn, if getting some hair back will make you feel more complete, GO FOR IT providing you are a candidate for the procedure of course. I bet if this man with the terrible burn situation was your friend he would say, Jenn by all means if you can obtain resolve, go for it. He of all people knows what it is like to lose something and I sincerely hope he has more potential for improving his appearance. Just be sure that you have the donor to fulfill your long-term goals.


Well Jenn, stay in touch, you have many friends here. My mother had dramatic hairloss from an early adult age and so I can relate. Feel free to e-mail me anytime and I wish you the very best in life. icon_smile.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks Robert and Kez,


I just hope Jenn gets a chance to read everyone's comments. There is a genuine comradre here at HTN that I as well as many of you appreciate. Thanks again.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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