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The New Hair Clinic with Dr. Jennifer Martinick is located in Syndney. I notice that your signature line says that you are in New Delhi, India. It just so happens that the New Hair Clinic also practices out of Mumbai.





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Hi there Hawk as Robert mentioned Dr MArtnick is a excellent surgeon.Iam bias as i had a procedure 11 months ago and are going back for a 2nd soon.I cant praise her work enough.Im sure Robert will back me up on that one.If you would like to see pictures Hawk just send me a email and ill send them to you.


rgds Damien

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Woods and Campbell are probably the best in the land down under. Woods is actually world reknown for his developement of FUE and has taught many US doctors on this newer technique since he has been doing it the longest.

Dr. Martinick, I've heard good things as well. I personally would pick Woods if accessable.

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In my opinon, FUE has been way over hyped to the public by Dr. Woods in particular.


As for Dr. Woods teaching American doctors, are you aware that he tried to sell his FUE techniques in seminars offered to doctors for $150,000? Imagine what this says when most leading surgeons demonstrate and share their techniques for free.


Below is an email that was posted by me in response to a persons question about FUE.


Guru Real Hair Club Member


Posted March 06, 2005 03:32 PM



I can understand your interest in doing an FUE surgery, especially given that it sounds as though you are only looking to add a limited number of hair folicles in your hairline area.


Their are several leading surgeons who do provide the FUE procedure in addition to strip excision. Those who I believe are providing the FUE procedure in a responsible manner include - Dr. Paul Rose, Dr. Alan Feller, Dr. James Harris, Dr. Allen Bauman, and Dr. Robert True. You can learn more about each of these leading physicians on the Hair Transplant Network.


I do not know who did your last strip surgery. But I know that today, leading surgeons are very careful to use double closure techniques (using internal and superficial external sutures) that now close the donor area under minimal tension. They also typically are taking donor tissue in longer more narrow strips to minimize potential tension.


When I did a surgery to add hair in my crown area (yes hair loss is "progressive") I consulted with Dr. Rose as to whether to go with FUE or strip excision. Since my donor area was not that elastic after 3 prior strip surgeries I was willing to consider FUE. However, when he estimated I would get about 300 to 400 grafts if I did FUE versus over 1000 doing a thin and long strip I went with the strip. I'm glad to report that my donor area healed up very quickly and with little or no discomfort. My donor area is now still in great shape after having a total aproximately 5,500 grafts removed.


Ultimately, what you choose to be right for you needs to be based on solid non self promoting information.


I'd like to offer you and others the below information to consider when you are debating between doing strip or FUE surgery.


This info may upset some patients and physicians. In fact in the past I have not only been berated as a "shill for strip excision doctors" for raising concerns about the FUE procedure but been sued for openly expressing my views. But I feel the need to add my two cents regarding the follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure for the benefit of you and other potential patients.


I have followed this procedure's development and promotion from early on and I have created video and written content to the Hair Loss Learning Center about this FUE procedure (to see this FUE information, click here). I even considered having it performed my self last year when I did surgery with Dr. Paul Rose.


But in my opinion, when all the pros and cons are calculated, the FUE procedure is over rated, over hyped and no where close to being a substitute for the ultra refined follicular unit strip excision procedure now being performed by leading physicians.


The FUE procedure is really a child of Internet promotion. It was introduced several years ago not to the medical hair restoration community, where it could be tested and shared with other surgeons, but rather on the Internet where it was heavily promoted.


This promotion on web sites and largely in the forum at Hair Loss Help presented its originator, a physician in Australia, as a champion of hair loss sufferers who would save them from the strip excision "butchers". His promotions often included prominent pictures of horrible donor scars and claims that his procedure was a "scarless" procedure.


Posts of questionable authenticity claiming remarkable, yet most often unsubstantiated results were then proliferated on many forums. Some were led to believe that this FUE procedure was an important advance and flew to Australia to have this very expensive and secretive procedure done.


Yet myself and many others, including many physicians had numerous reservations about this untested and unknown procedure such as the rate of transaction (severing/damaging) of the follicles being extracted sight unseen under the skin using small punches. In addition, this procedure was by no means "scarless" as the actual cumulative surface scaring in the donor area of hundreds of little punch holes is considerably more than one long and typically thin donor scar resulting from strip excision. In some cases the FUE procedure can even produce donor areas that have a thinned out mouth eaten look.


This self promoting physician's unwillingness to submit his procedure to evaluation and peer review also raised suspicions. In time, while interest in the FUE procedure that was generated online was running high, this physician decided to teach other physicians his secret Australian technique at workshops costing over $100,000 per physician. There were very few if any takers for this "workshop".


Since that time several North American and European physicians, seeing some combination of medical and marketing potential, began offering their own FUE procedures. I believe that some physicians, given the nearly hysterical level of interest generated in FUE, felt compelled to experiment with and refine this procedure in order to offer it to patients on a limited and responsible basis when appropriate. I believe that other physicians jumped on the FUE bandwagon to capitalize on the consumer interest generated in FUE and to differentiate themselves from other hair transplant physicians.


The many leading hair restoration physicians who did not embrace the FUE procedure have continued to refine their follicular unit strip excision procedure. Today, leading surgeons are very careful to use double closure techniques (using internal and superficial external sutures) that now close the donor area under minimal tension. They also typically are taking donor tissue in longer more narrow strips to minimize potential tension. These advances in strip excision donor closure make this procedure ideal for maximizing patient graft yield efficiently and cost effectively, while minimizing the actual cosmetic scarring in the donor area.


Based on all the evidence I have seen and having worked and promoted physicians offer both FUE and strip excision surgery, I believe that the FUE procedure is no where close to being a viable replacement to state of the art strip excision surgery.


I do believe that the FUE surgery does have the advantage of more rapid healing in the donor area. In addition, it may be a viable option for those who want to only do limited grafting in small areas.

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Pat, thanks for the info on Dr. Woods peer to peer teaching fees. Yes, I agree that type of monetary charge reflects on a person's character verus those who teach on conferences for free. However, I personally know a lot of doctors (cardiologist, neurosurgeons, othopedic) that are very vain with huge egos that think their level of expertise commands a high value-- that said, the quality and skill level of their innovations in their respective fields are superb. So, I do not fault a surgeon's ego or greed-- as I know that Woods also charges a higher dollar per FUE than others, but results speak for themselves. So Woods thinks very highly of his techniques and innovations-- not my style of character, but it seems like he backs his talk up... I had the opportunity to vist Woods while on a business trip a few years ago and saw some of his patients and pics, while I was impressed with the results he was achieving, at that time FUE was not well known so I continue to do research on other surgeons who do strip to replace my retired surgeon- Dr. Norwood for my next HT-- That surgeon ended up being Dr. Shapiro and I'm thrilled with the outcome.

I agree, FUE is still not up to the level of strip--many will debate this issue, but maybe in a few years it will be another option. Also as a side note, I've read on "donor type" selection from recent decease individuals who donate their body-- appears with frozen technology and matches that there is a 50/50 chance of donor grafts taking. Apparently they try it first on the body and if that takes, moves to the scalp--- Image what that would cost!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Smoothy I am a patient of Dr. Woods. I understand how some people comment this way on Dr.Woods.I have had the opportunity to view many of his patients before I had my work done after my strip.And was satisfied he can do what he said. And he did.Also everyones hairloss is different and may call for different techniqueS.Myself I wish I had this (fue)before I had the strip procedure done. I beleive there is a place for both in the right hands.

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You should check out Dr.AP.

He has even taught a doctor from States how to do fue (he calls it FUSE).

Dr. Martinick may be great. But why would anyone come from Australia to India to perform FUT at lower costs with the added disadvantage of not having the full complement of trained techs.


I do not think any good ht doctor worth his/her name would do that.

Going to Dr.AP for Body hair transplant and fue

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With due respect to all the Indian doctors, I am an Indian myself and not very confident of getting treated in India by an Indian doctor. They are excellent doctors in every other field and have taken the top slots in USA and other countries.


Hair loss treatment has always been a dicey one. Since the legal system is too poor in India, some of the doctors just want to try their hands on a new technique and end up making a guinea pig out of the new patients who take that risk.


I am not really willing to take that risk. I did visit http://www.besthairtransplant.com/ and still considering taking up an appointment with Dr. Arvind soon though.


Has anyone got any testimonials for Dr, Arvind?


Australia has tough laws and it's more human and less commercial. THINK ABOUT IT


And guys please stop representing your hair loss clinics and offer some genuine advice.

5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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Hawk i can suggest that Dr Martnick travles to India on a regualr basis to perform HT's.Nile is completely wrong suggesting that she doesnt bring a professional team .She brings her own highly trained team from Australia with her.She is highly regarded from peers in the industry too!



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Hawk if at all possible can you post some before photos of the area of concern for you hairloss? 500 grafts is not a lot. The 2 procedures made a world of difference for me as I was just going in to add density to thinning areas. This will help all of us gage the results as time go on.We all have different goals when embarking on this ht journey. You are in great hands best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I am trying to get an appointment with Dr. Martnick now.


Dr. Wood explained that he would be able to take care of the frontal region; however the results of the crown area may vary. Maybe 50% recovery.


My logic says that if the hair can grow on the frontal, why can't it also grow in the crown area? The same hair would be taken from back of the head (donor area) and placed on the crown.


He was explaining on the "viewing" aspect of the hair. How you look at it. If someone looks at you from the front, he would say you are 100% normal, no hair loss. But if someone saw your crown area closely, he would know you have some hair loss.


Guys, I don't mind paying extra for additional grafts. But if I have to go through 3 procedures and spend close to USD 20K, I would not mind spending another 10K and get the complete solution.


At the end of the day, even after those 3 treatments, I would have hair loss on the crown area, so what is the point?


MY HAIR LOSS: On a scale of 1-10 in hair loss, (1 - little hair loss, 7-8 acute) I would say I have lost 10% hair in the crown area and 10% on the front. i.e. I score 3.


If my baldness is on such a low scale and that too cannot be 100% taken care of, then what would happen to people with severe hair loss problems?



5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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Hawk a question. How old are you? And are you on any meds propecia or minoxidil? And do you have some photos so we can see your situation. I had some work in the crown and it fixed me up real good.

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One big reason you might pick Dr. Woods is because you don't want a strip excision procedure. Dr Woods ONLY does FUE (non-strip) procedures and has the most experience in the world doing this technique. IF you wanted non-strip transplants (FUE) then Woods would be your top choice, in my opinion. Some guys don't care about the linear donor scar from Strip surgery, if you don't care then more power to you. For the guys who want to avoid the linear donor scar (or just avoid that type of surgery) then FUE is the way to go, and Woods (and Dr Campbell, his sister) are top picks.


If you're up for Strip surgery then you have more choices for doctors, as FUE is still rare.

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I am 30. And never been on any drugs what so ever. I do have the photos. Will upload them within 24 hours. What did you do to your crown area mate

5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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I am 42 years old and had hairloss not in typical n/w scale. I am now on proscar 1/4 every otherday and I happy to report no side effects and stabilized hairloss for now since procedures. You can do a search for my photos on here that tells my situation. Doc Woods because of your age and maybe not thinking you have stabilzed hairloss for now probably wanted to be a bit careful with you. But that can change also if he seen you in person and eveluated you under high magnification.As far as the grafts in the crown they had great yield just like the rest of the transplant he did. Good luck to you.

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  • 3 months later...
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My research is still on and i am still not sure what to opt for.


Cost is not an issue for me. The results are. I want a 100% solution with no side affects or else.


Dr. Woods has clearly told me that the corwn region will not cover nicely although I don't have too much of a hair loss at this region. will post my photos shortly.


Now I am contacting Dr. Martnick again as I have been reading about her procedure and success.


If I wanted to get the best treatment performed anywheer in the world, what would that be and where?

5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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Hi there Hawk i did alot of research on both Dr Martnick and Dr Woods and found that Dr Martnicks results are second to none.Dr Woods has great results to but at a very over the top price.I personally think by having strip surgery you get bigger bang for your buck! Please check out my wesbite and my results from Dr Martnick Hawk! I have had 2 procedures now the last one being only 3 months ago with Dr Martnick.Please send me a email of your hairloss if you can.





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Hi have just sent my pictures to Dr. Martnick and awaiting her response as to the number of procedures I would require.


Dr. Woods was not confident about my crown area when I met him. So you reckon strip procedure would be the best. And that too without any scars or else?


As I mentioned before, Price is not an issue here. I simply want the best top of the line treatment mate with ZERO side effects or marks.


I did check you picture. If I am able to see what it looked like before the procedure, only then I would know the extent of success.


How long does a single procedure take and time to heal? I hope one doesn't look like a cartoon after it. What are the related costs that you paid?


I will send you an email shortly



5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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