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2nd try "hope it works this time" need suggetions


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Ive scheduled an appointment for a consultation w/ Dr Epstien for a month from now. I had my first HT done w/ bosely witch propably tells you how it turned out. My questions are??? 1) how detrimental to the HT is it to always wear a hat after the procedure, 2) when can i resume normal activity AKA Weightlifting and running?, and are there any suggestions on anything that you think i could miss on being careful after surgery??? I cant help but think that i may have contributed to the "lack of results" by starting back at the gym 10 days after the HT and by wearing a hat all of the time afterwards. THANKS GUYS

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  • Senior Member

Ive scheduled an appointment for a consultation w/ Dr Epstien for a month from now. I had my first HT done w/ bosely witch propably tells you how it turned out. My questions are??? 1) how detrimental to the HT is it to always wear a hat after the procedure, 2) when can i resume normal activity AKA Weightlifting and running?, and are there any suggestions on anything that you think i could miss on being careful after surgery??? I cant help but think that i may have contributed to the "lack of results" by starting back at the gym 10 days after the HT and by wearing a hat all of the time afterwards. THANKS GUYS

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Congratulations in advance for choosing an excellent surgeon for your second HT.


1. In my opinion, it is best to let your hair/scalp "breathe" as much as possible in order to facilitate healing, however, wearing a hat (as long as it's light fitting) will not harm the grafts. You can resume wearing a snug hat after 10 days.


2. You can resume light weight lifting and cardio after 10 days also (clinics will vary on this time table so check with your doctor) - but I would slowly progress back to where you were. Be logical and don't strain yourself.


Regarding anything you might "miss" to facilitate caution, just be careful. Here are a few tips:


1. Do not bump your head the first few days after a hair transplant.

2. Do not pick at the scabs on your head with your nails.

3. Avoid exposing your scalp to the sun for the first 3 months after surgery

4. Avoid extreme sweating for the first 10 days post op

5. Walking can minimize swelling the first 7 days post op.


I hope this helps.



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I would really doubt that your wearing a hat or going to the gym 10 days after your HT had much of an effect. As Bill noted, it would make sense to have the hat "loose fitting" & to try & limit the amount of time you have it on if possible.


I wore a hat after my first procedure & it had no effect, unless I can blame the graft spacing and size of the incisions on the hat icon_wink.gif


As far as the working out, you should probably limit the stress [i.e. heavy weights] due to potential scar issues [do a search in this forum on this subject], although I was running on the Elliptical machine after 2 weeks with no problem after both of my procedures.


Who was your Bosley doc? Why weren't you happy with the results? Perhaps Grace who works for Bosley & has posted on this forum can shed some light as to why this Bosley doc didn't live up to expectations.

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My Doc was DR Phillips out of Boston. Im not happy because of the lack of results. I dont see any growth at all. Thanks for the advice. I have P.M'd Grace and she hasnt responded back to me so i think shes trying to avoid my questions. Im dealing w/ the fact that i got screwed by bosely and i'll eventually talk to dr phillips about my dissapointment w/ his work , but i doubt i will get anywhere w/ that. I may have to cut my losses and start from scratch. I do have to say though, that if i dont get anywhere w/ dr phillips i will take every chance i can to warn people of the bad results that bosely produces. Cant tell im a little bitter can you?

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Sorry to hear about your lack of results. Did you post any before/after pics? Did Bosley take any pics on the day of your procedure?


Hopefully you're just experiencing late growth. If you don't get the growth after 9 months-1 year, then I would request your money back from Bosley. I'm sure you could find out how many claims/cases they've had brought against them in the Mass/Boston area & view the results as well.

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No i havent posted any pics yet i'll eventually get to it. Yes Bosely took pics before. Do you really think they'll give me my money back if i gather some info on claims and complaints about them.


I dont think Grace works for Dr Phillips i was just PM ing her to see if she could give me any info on what i could do to re-coup my money

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I do *NOT* know Dr. Phillips at all.


Everyone, please DO NOT put words in my mouth and *use* me to *PURGE* your angers on Bosley.





I just got back from my vacation and new to this forum and thus just realized about this private message function.


As stated in my signature I do not recommend Bosley.

I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.

I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.


Bosley clinics operate *autonomously*. I cannot do anything about your money, I am truely deeply sorry about that.


The only thing I can offer as a *PERSON representing herself*

I repeat as a *PERSON representing herself*

is my advice and knowledge from experience.



you mentioned in a post that you are concerned about the donor trico closure. The best thing to do right now before seeing Dr. Epstein (who will provide you with great care) is to see a real live patient with that type of closure. It is all about education and expectations. Now luckily my cousin who flew to have an HT with my *PARTICULAR* clinic currently lives in Western Massachusetts. If you want I can ask him to see if he is willing to drive to Boston so that you can *CLOSELY* look at his results at 5 months post op. My cousin was given the upper edge (aka Marzola) trico closure and had his recipient transplanted at 40 follicular unit per cm2 with 0.8mm recipient incisions and 2100 grafts.


You want to get this second round RIGHT with Dr. Epstein so I think it is in your *BEST* interest to see a real live patient with the above sugerical specs so that you can be more conversant when you discuss your plan of attack with Dr. Epstein.


Please reply publically on this thread if you are interested in seeing a live patient with the above surgerical specs.









And Bill, do *NOT* make assumptions on things you are unsure of. I do *NOT* work for and do *NOT* know of the doctor in question as dakota3 has verified.



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Originally posted by Grace:


As stated in my signature I do not recommend Bosley.

I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.

I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.





As a person who has suffered at the hands of Bosley surgeons, I can understand fully why you would not recommend them. What I fail to understand is why an educated person who proudly displays on a public forum photos of herself, who admits to working for Bosley, yet who also proudly proclaims "I do not recommend Bosley" continues to work for Bosley?


So why do you continue to work at a location that you would not recommend?


I couldn't bring myself to go to work everyday knowing I am offering very subpar service and negatively impacting people who are looking for solutions, not future problems, with their hard-earned money.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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The reason I recommended that you research the claims was to see if there have been similar cases filed against Bosley & to see what the verdict was. You may need to file a similar claim & it would help to know how the others turned out. I'm not sure on the statue of limitations for filing a HT procedure claim [perhaps B-spot would know this one].


That being said, it would make sense to first see a coalition doc for a consultation & get his opinion. Additionally, you should make sure that you are just not experiencing late growth. As far as getting your money back, you should document all of your requests formally with them if you decide to go that route. Hopefully, they'll return your cash if they didn't live up to their end of the deal.


The folks on this forum could certainly give you some constructive feedback if you would post some pics for their review.

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I'm sorry. I hope certain *intelligent* people reading this can understand why this forum is quick sand for me. I don't know why I even bother.


The reason why I say that "I do not recommend Bosley" in my signature is simple: I can never win here NO MATTER what I do, period.


dakota3 has expressed his concerns about scarring and wanted to see what a real trico donor closure looks like as he stated in this thread:



I want to help him and educate him so that he can be more knowledgeable and conversant with his plans of attack with Dr. Epstein.


I feel that I can educate him by letting him see a REAL patient of my *PARTICULAR* clinic with great trico donor scar results.


Here I am offering dakota3 from the kindness of my heart to let him *see* in person a *REAL* patient of my *PARTICULAR* clinic who has, IMO, great 5 months post-op results, so that dakota3 can be more knowledgeable when discussing his plans of attack with Dr. Epstein.


Even with this genuine gesture I am brutally attacked by M&M and wanthairs. This forum is filled with posters like M&M and wanthairs. To the quiet readers out there notice how these attacks by M&M and wanthairs are *VERY PERSONAL* in nature. I highly doubt that M&M and wanthairs would be courageous enough to show their faces when they say these personal insults to me.



To: M&M and wanthairs,


I am proud of my work and of the *PARTICULAR* clinic I work for. The *PARTICULAR* clinic that I work at was a great place to launch my career in this industry that I love after graduate school. My patients have told me directly how happy they are with our work at my *PARTICULAR* clinic.


I am very proud of my personal achievements. No one can take that away from me.






To: dakota3 the offer is still on the table so let me know.



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Then please by all means tell us where your *particular* clinic is and who the *particular* doctors you work for are. And post their results. You certainly have to do a lot of qualifying and bending over backwards in order to salvage your personal integrity amidst the disastrous Bosley record. Why do you even bother unless you're some kind of paid shill/damage control consultant for Bosley yourself?

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I read your message first and instantly wanted to tell wanthairs and M&M to leave you alone and give you some credit but I am failing to see any attacks on you in this thread. (Perhaps you are refering to another?). Is it possible you are taking things a little extra personally because you feel people here are out to get you?


Grace, You are welcome to post here, in fact, I encourage you to post here. You seem genuine as I said (check your PMs - I sent you one) and are obviously passionate about what you do. I respect that.


Any negativity here could be one of two things:


1. Years and years of negative Bosley experiences

2. Your introduction thread was not so warming - though I recognize some gave you some nasty replies from the get go.


Hopefully people will see beyond that and give you a chance.


I am certainly willing.



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If you search my posts, you'll quickly learn that the last thing I do is 'attack' people. However, please re-read your initial post in this thread as an outsider and let me know if it doesn't sound very strange to say you work for Bosley but do not recommend them. I didn't notice your signature, but rather where you emphasized in bold that you do not recommend them. It seemed almost like you knew they did bad work and thus did not recommend them. Thus, my comments to you.


Your 2nd post begins to explain *why* you said you did not recommend them, which did clarify things for me (and I'm sure others).


I'm not attacking you. Perhaps, rather than say you do not recommend Bosley, let us learn which Bosley's are good... such as the one you work for? I, along with others have had very poor results from Bosley including being operated on at a very young age, when I should have been turned away.


Anyway, putting all of this aside, I do appreciate that you made a genuine offer to dakota3 and my intention was not to 'hijack' this thread. For that, I apologize.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Guest wanthairs



you sound a bit like a "wanna be victim" drama queen.


I never brutally attacked you. I asked you to answer for dakota3 who complained about bosley (just as the other thread was getting heated). Im not going to apologise for anything, and you dont get my attention just by posting a pic of an average looking girl which may cater for alot of the desperados on here but your average looks do nothing for me.


There are so many complaints about Bosley here. I once went to them a few years ago down here and the guy I met sounded like the biggest bullshitter I ever talked to in my life. Thankgod i did not use them. Though I am sure you have many good doctors. I have not yet heard of one "great " success story...Please make us aware of this if I am hopefully wrong.


You write very well, you obviously are passionate about your work, and I think can contriubute much to this forum by your participation, but stop playing the damsel in distress.

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hi grace,what are your plans for the future after you graduate?are you looking to get into the surgery side of things?also try not to make to much notice of the things posted on here,i came up against the same sort of crap about farjo when i first came on here now he is being considered for the coalition.go figure i think is the term you use icon_smile.gif

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Thanks for getting back to me thru this thread. I understand that you should judge evryone and every office individually, but the facts are very hard to dispute. I've read countless complaints on bosely and have even read that licences have been suspended in some states. Thanks as well for providing some info on the trico procedure. I hope that someday all bosely offices can clean up their acts so more people dont have to suffer.


This Question goes out to anyone whose had a HT w/ Bosely? On your consult was their an "employee" working who supposedly had the procedure done and showed you before and after pics? I had one such person who showed me pics and he looked great. He had a thick full head of hair. I now believe that he never had a transplantt but was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. If anyone else experienced this i'd like to know please.

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Even with this genuine gesture I am brutally attacked by M&M and wanthairs. This forum is filled with posters like M&M and wanthairs. To the quiet readers out there notice how these attacks by M&M and wanthairs are *VERY PERSONAL* in nature. I highly doubt that M&M and wanthairs would be courageous enough to show their faces when they say these personal insults to me.


Um... I didn't see anyone bashing anyone. All I saw was an upset Bosley girl.


Maybe I am missing something, but let me throw in my 2 cents as a newbie to the forums and a potential client of any good doc who can give me great results.


I don't know Grace, nor have I ever posted in any thread having to do with her till this point. With that said, let me say this in all kindness: If I ever saw a Doc or a rep of a Doc spouting off like she does on a forum for patients, I would immediately cross them off my list of potentials and move on.


Just based on the way you react to people Grace, I'd never consider going to your clinic. Call me closed minded, but its my head.


More free advice: people like myself are won over by calm, non-defensive presentation of the facts, and evidence to back up their claims.




Good luck to you.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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For those of you who missed it...


Since Grace apparently had a hard time playing nice with others, I have suspended her posting privileges.


Her recent posts revealed her true colors. Instead of rising to the challenge of posting patient photos, she chose the obvious and desperate road - the continual attempt to discredit our community and what we stand for. Many before her have tried this and failed why?


Because RESULTS are what matter here.


I want to further add that I and other members have invited her to contribute something beneficial to this community - but her continual attempts to slam this community with lies and old dirt became like a poison in the well.


Thank you to the dedicated members of this community who saw through her masquerade from the beginning.


In the midst of all things, let's remember what this community is about...


We are here to educate and encourage hair loss sufferers in their hair restoration journey.


Thanks for understanding,



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