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News Flash-- MM doesnt have HT


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To my surprise and amazement, Mr. Matt Mac. doesnt have a HT like many of use thought given his 2 yr absense and when he showed up again he had a full head of hair claiming it was this shampoo he was using for 2 years that regrew his "locks".

Well, I saw an recent ET interview with Mr. Matt which he is filming a new movie and he has his head shaved-- looks like maybe a 1/4 of inch stubble. And he doesnt have any scars on hairline and one time he turned to pick up a glass of water and you could see his back side which was completely shaved and No donor scars.

The reporter even commented on his shaved hair and his thoughts-- he said he has to shave it every 3 days for the production to get the look they want and after a few months he's starting to like the look.

So I'm at a loss of words-- the interview was a face close up and I saw nothing--- So its hard to believe, but just maybe this shampoo he's hyped might have worked for him (1 in a million in my opinion to grow that kind of hair back- but maybe he was that rare 1???).

I'm still stunned.

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  • Senior Member


To my surprise and amazement, Mr. Matt Mac. doesnt have a HT like many of use thought given his 2 yr absense and when he showed up again he had a full head of hair claiming it was this shampoo he was using for 2 years that regrew his "locks".

Well, I saw an recent ET interview with Mr. Matt which he is filming a new movie and he has his head shaved-- looks like maybe a 1/4 of inch stubble. And he doesnt have any scars on hairline and one time he turned to pick up a glass of water and you could see his back side which was completely shaved and No donor scars.

The reporter even commented on his shaved hair and his thoughts-- he said he has to shave it every 3 days for the production to get the look they want and after a few months he's starting to like the look.

So I'm at a loss of words-- the interview was a face close up and I saw nothing--- So its hard to believe, but just maybe this shampoo he's hyped might have worked for him (1 in a million in my opinion to grow that kind of hair back- but maybe he was that rare 1???).

I'm still stunned.

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I've thought about it too!!


at first i thought it was an HT cuz i didn't buy into his "Reginix" deal on letterman. i caught the same interview he did for ET. and i did not see any scars with his head shaved. FUE/FIT possibly? i don't know. but reginix may be something to look into.........dunno.

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I would guess either FUE, or an even simpler possibility... makeup! Given the low resolution of most televisions (HDTV being the exception), simple topical makeup would be sufficient to cover any donor scar. Perhaps he does it himself or the makeup artists who work on him know it and just don't talk. There is a code of silence in Hollywood regarding cosmetic surgery. Just because the scar doesn't show doesn't mean it's not there. But looking at his before and after photos, it's clear that he certainly has more hair than he did at one time, and it had to have gotten there somehow. I'm not buyin the Regenix line.

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I would have to agree with the topical makeup theory. Plus, if Regenix really did work for Matthew, don't you think we would all be on it? I mean, if this product really does what it says it does, there would be a lot more publicity than just one celebrity and some LA area radio ads marketing their product. Also, they would be making a lot more money and I would hope they would have a more sophisticated website than they do....but just my two cents....

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Yes, David Spade talked about his "cosmetic"prodecure. He keeps it long to help with the look. A couple of years ago, he had a "plugy" look so the long hair help cover the bad old HT's. Now he has FU and his hairline, although still very long, looks natural-- undetectable if you didnt see his hairline 2 years ago which gave him away.

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If he is taking Propecia and getting those results, I would say he is a rarity among Propecia users. His hair is radically different from a couple of years....plus it was all frontal restoration or regrowth.

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I'm no doctor but my bet is that Propecia CAN regrow the frontal area. Just don't bet on it.


Is it possible: I'd say "yes". But the success rate is so low that it isn't statistically significant.


And think about it from a marketing prospective:

As the manufacturer of the drug, do I want to hype the 80% who maintained their haircount and the 66% who regrew hair, or the .002% who regrew all their hair. You go where the numbers are -- you market your strength.


And if Regenex or whatever quack formula is legit, then why isn't good ole Matt marketing it? We are talking way, way more money in advertising for him just to pitch the stuff. Consider how foolishly men dumped millions into bullshit Avocor. Yeah, 2% minox, some crap, and let's "guarantee it" and charge $50 a bottle for the same crap you can get for $5 at any drug store.


All I'm saying is his story doesn't add up. Makeup or FUE is my bet on this one.



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-- If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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I don't think you know what you're talking about. Avacor was developed by "Doctors" in a "laboratory", so how can you dispute the quality of this product icon_biggrin.gif. Just kidding, obviously. These products drive me nuts with their deceptive advertising and how they overemphasize the words "doctor" "scientists" and "laboratories". It's amazing the people who buy into that line of crap. One guy at the local bar asked me about 1 year ago whether I thought that stuff was any good. I said I doubted it, but clearly this guy was on his way to making an order.


Good luck.



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LOL! I just hate sleezy advertising. They are playing on people's self-consciousness and weaknesses and flat out lying. It amazes me sometimes.



Knowledge is Power

-- If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

-- The truth only matters if you know about it.

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Saw Mr. Martial artist himself on TV interview and as we all know he's had HT for years-- many of them-- Well it looks like he's had excellent "fill in FU" work done because the "pluggy" look is gone and looks very natural. Can you believe he's in his mid 50's now.

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