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my farjo transplant experience


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Forum members/readers/owners,


I have been lurking here for some time and felt it important to post my experience as i have been plagued by a poor decision i made back in May 2004 by having surgery at the Farjo clinic here in the UK. I see they are recommended here but after my personal experience i find it difficult to understand why? My results were very unsatisfactory and the transplant performed by Farjo clinic left me requiring repair surgery.


I was very naive and vulnerable when i decided to have a surgery with Farjo clinic and at the time i was informed i would require only a 2000 graft procedure. They seemed to know what they were on about and at the time and was lead to believe it would solve my problem. Unfortunately it only created me more problems and caused me a great deal of anxiety and further loss.


I had a surgery with them 7/5/04 and they actually only gave me 1500 grafts supposedly not the 2000 initially quoted and charged me ??3700 for 1500 grafts! At the time I had nothing to compare it to so thought this was the price you must pay for a transplant. In brief the result was far from satisfactory and made no real difference at all apart from a funny v shaped scar which at its widest point is 4 mm. I just thought that this was hair transplants and thought that there was just nothing to be done other than have another surgery to add even more,even though 1500 grafts did nothing other than look unnatural amongst my thin existing hair. I needed on reflection about 3000 grafts for the goal i wanted to achieve not 1500. 1500 grafts didn't even grow as confirmed. My existing hair during the procedure wasn't even shaved down at the time of surgery unlike my recent repair session which i believe lead to shock loss also. I decided against having another surgery after this especially with Farjo again and decided to wear a system instead as it seemed like the only solution. I travelled from the North to Birmingham on a regular basis to have it adjusted, that's how desperate i was. I needed the system to cover the mistake i had made which was a few obvious transplants when i stood under any light especially as i couldn't hide it. It was far from a "stand alone transplant".


I was convinced that nothing could be done until finding the forums. This gave me hope that somehow could remove the transplants and fill in the scar as at this point now all i wanted to shave my head down as the system was a pain but the scar also was a real problem being hard to cover without a lot of hair.


I spent many months on the internet and finally came to understand that the UK is not the place to get a transplant whatever people try and tell you to convince you otherwise. The US and Canada continuous had rave reviews after much research and the many satisfied patients travelling over from the UK gave me hope that something could finally be done to repair my mistake as so many others were in the same boat and had been repaired.


I spoke with a few people online and found guys that were in a very similar situation to me that they too were in need of repair and were researching to find a way it could be done in such a way to enable me to finally be rid of the poor transplant work. I also wanted rid of this system i had been confided to as a result of this transplant. It was a real sad case of affairs to be honest. It caused me great stress and anxiety which is in the past now but still there in my memory. The large debt is not a memory though, that sadly is a harsh reminder of the saga everyday.


I was not prepared to give in though and continued researching. I saw many guys pictures and a lot were even worse than mine so hoped that something could be done as i still had a lot of donor hair available it just needed to be used well and for this i was now aware there were only 2 clinics i could trust. I looked into HW and Feller medical due to the many great reviews both clinics received form repair patients and after much deliberation opted to travel to see Dr Feller who was hopefully able to resolve this mess finally due to cheaper cost. I had a surgery with him in April 07 and now finally seeing very positive results which it such a relief after all this time of just not trusting in anything to do with transplants. I have been growing well so far and now planning my return to see Dr Feller next year to work further back into my balding crown which needs attention. He had to focus the first surgery on resolving the front with the appropriate number of grafts which totaled 2500 grafts and only cost me ??3800 a lot cheaper and much much better than previously experienced, completely different class in actual fact.. The results from this last session with Feller have been very good so far as i mentioned but hopefully still more to come through from it that's why i am waiting before going back again to see him. Feller left most of the original scar as it was in a funny position(out of the safety zone). He said and he needed to go for donor in the correct area and not the scar which didn't fall within the safe zone. (See pic)


Blue lines show Farjo scar



Post op Feller, blue lines show Farjo scar which runs out safety zone



I intend to get this filled in at a later date with either grafts from next strip or FUE at a later date.


Just before i was about to go to the US for my repair the consultant form Farjo, Mick rang me out of the complete blue which i found very weird and he wanted to know if i was prepared to come into the office to have some pictures taken and whether he could use them on their web site. I was very frank with him and told him in no uncertain terms that if he used my results on his web site that the Farjo clinic would not benefit in anyway and that the results were far from satisfactory. I told him how disappointed i was and also told him i had scheduled a repair session with Dr Feller.. and he just wished me well. What else could he say really.... I wasn't surprised as it must happen a great deal. He never once offered to help or have me in for an inspection though which i found quite disappointing and typical of the entire Farjo experience. I would not have returned anyway and he was more than likely aware of this by the nature of our conversation.


I just wanted to share my experience with you as i know this forum is highly regarded but might not be aware of people like myself who unfortunately didn't have a satisfactory experience with the Farjo clinic that is recommend here...far from satisfactory it in actual fact!



Happy to answer questions or to be contacted by owner of this forum or moderator to disclose my name, date of surgery with Farjo if need as i feel its important the truth is told. I DO NOT want to be contacted by the Farjo clinic or any rep as i have nothing to say to them other than what is posted here.


Do your research.


Kind Regards


Repair guy

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Forum members/readers/owners,


I have been lurking here for some time and felt it important to post my experience as i have been plagued by a poor decision i made back in May 2004 by having surgery at the Farjo clinic here in the UK. I see they are recommended here but after my personal experience i find it difficult to understand why? My results were very unsatisfactory and the transplant performed by Farjo clinic left me requiring repair surgery.


I was very naive and vulnerable when i decided to have a surgery with Farjo clinic and at the time i was informed i would require only a 2000 graft procedure. They seemed to know what they were on about and at the time and was lead to believe it would solve my problem. Unfortunately it only created me more problems and caused me a great deal of anxiety and further loss.


I had a surgery with them 7/5/04 and they actually only gave me 1500 grafts supposedly not the 2000 initially quoted and charged me ??3700 for 1500 grafts! At the time I had nothing to compare it to so thought this was the price you must pay for a transplant. In brief the result was far from satisfactory and made no real difference at all apart from a funny v shaped scar which at its widest point is 4 mm. I just thought that this was hair transplants and thought that there was just nothing to be done other than have another surgery to add even more,even though 1500 grafts did nothing other than look unnatural amongst my thin existing hair. I needed on reflection about 3000 grafts for the goal i wanted to achieve not 1500. 1500 grafts didn't even grow as confirmed. My existing hair during the procedure wasn't even shaved down at the time of surgery unlike my recent repair session which i believe lead to shock loss also. I decided against having another surgery after this especially with Farjo again and decided to wear a system instead as it seemed like the only solution. I travelled from the North to Birmingham on a regular basis to have it adjusted, that's how desperate i was. I needed the system to cover the mistake i had made which was a few obvious transplants when i stood under any light especially as i couldn't hide it. It was far from a "stand alone transplant".


I was convinced that nothing could be done until finding the forums. This gave me hope that somehow could remove the transplants and fill in the scar as at this point now all i wanted to shave my head down as the system was a pain but the scar also was a real problem being hard to cover without a lot of hair.


I spent many months on the internet and finally came to understand that the UK is not the place to get a transplant whatever people try and tell you to convince you otherwise. The US and Canada continuous had rave reviews after much research and the many satisfied patients travelling over from the UK gave me hope that something could finally be done to repair my mistake as so many others were in the same boat and had been repaired.


I spoke with a few people online and found guys that were in a very similar situation to me that they too were in need of repair and were researching to find a way it could be done in such a way to enable me to finally be rid of the poor transplant work. I also wanted rid of this system i had been confided to as a result of this transplant. It was a real sad case of affairs to be honest. It caused me great stress and anxiety which is in the past now but still there in my memory. The large debt is not a memory though, that sadly is a harsh reminder of the saga everyday.


I was not prepared to give in though and continued researching. I saw many guys pictures and a lot were even worse than mine so hoped that something could be done as i still had a lot of donor hair available it just needed to be used well and for this i was now aware there were only 2 clinics i could trust. I looked into HW and Feller medical due to the many great reviews both clinics received form repair patients and after much deliberation opted to travel to see Dr Feller who was hopefully able to resolve this mess finally due to cheaper cost. I had a surgery with him in April 07 and now finally seeing very positive results which it such a relief after all this time of just not trusting in anything to do with transplants. I have been growing well so far and now planning my return to see Dr Feller next year to work further back into my balding crown which needs attention. He had to focus the first surgery on resolving the front with the appropriate number of grafts which totaled 2500 grafts and only cost me ??3800 a lot cheaper and much much better than previously experienced, completely different class in actual fact.. The results from this last session with Feller have been very good so far as i mentioned but hopefully still more to come through from it that's why i am waiting before going back again to see him. Feller left most of the original scar as it was in a funny position(out of the safety zone). He said and he needed to go for donor in the correct area and not the scar which didn't fall within the safe zone. (See pic)


Blue lines show Farjo scar



Post op Feller, blue lines show Farjo scar which runs out safety zone



I intend to get this filled in at a later date with either grafts from next strip or FUE at a later date.


Just before i was about to go to the US for my repair the consultant form Farjo, Mick rang me out of the complete blue which i found very weird and he wanted to know if i was prepared to come into the office to have some pictures taken and whether he could use them on their web site. I was very frank with him and told him in no uncertain terms that if he used my results on his web site that the Farjo clinic would not benefit in anyway and that the results were far from satisfactory. I told him how disappointed i was and also told him i had scheduled a repair session with Dr Feller.. and he just wished me well. What else could he say really.... I wasn't surprised as it must happen a great deal. He never once offered to help or have me in for an inspection though which i found quite disappointing and typical of the entire Farjo experience. I would not have returned anyway and he was more than likely aware of this by the nature of our conversation.


I just wanted to share my experience with you as i know this forum is highly regarded but might not be aware of people like myself who unfortunately didn't have a satisfactory experience with the Farjo clinic that is recommend here...far from satisfactory it in actual fact!



Happy to answer questions or to be contacted by owner of this forum or moderator to disclose my name, date of surgery with Farjo if need as i feel its important the truth is told. I DO NOT want to be contacted by the Farjo clinic or any rep as i have nothing to say to them other than what is posted here.


Do your research.


Kind Regards


Repair guy

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Im so sorry you feel betrayed by Fargo. I dont know much about them,but for them not to at least offer you help is disappointing.

Without pictures of the final result its hard for anyone to form an opinion.

The scarline does look a little different ,but Im not so sure its out of the safe zone,and the width of it is normal in alot of cases.

The good news is that you do have good donor hair and you came here and got Fellerized .Hes one of the best and wont bs you .

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This forum community welcomes anybody to post their hair transplant experiences whether good or bad about any hair restoration physician.


Based on the evidence I've seen, I believe the Farjo clinic performs state of the art hair transplantation using ultra refined follicular unit grafting.


However, I am truly sorry to hear that you are not pleased with the hair transplant work performed by the Farjo clinic.


Did you ever contact the Farjo clinic about your disappointment? From what it sounds, you've already made a determination to have repair work with Dr. Feller and didn't give the Farjo clinic a chance to rectify your situation.


It appears from your post that you are both unhappy with the donor scar and the number of grafts provided.


From my observations of your provided photos: though the scar is lower on the scalp than Dr. Feller's scar, it is still in the safe zone. It also appears very fine and ultra thin.


I cannot make a proper evaluation of hair growth yield and naturalness without before, immediately post op, and after pictures from your first surgery with the Farjo clinic. If you have those, I'd request that you post them.


Since you have posted your experience publicly, I feel that it is only fair that the Farjo clinic be allowed to contribute their feedback to this thread. Please contact me privately via private message with your full name and details of your surgery so that I may give them to the Farjo clinic to present your case online. Your private information will be kept confidential. You may be asked by the Farjo clinic to sign a disclosure form in order for them to present their case.


I will also be notifying Pat, the Publisher of this community and the Farjo clinic of this post.


Best wishes,



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hi repairguy

i am glad you are feeling happier now you have had a positive ht with a great surgeon.

if you could post some before and after shots of your farjo ht so everyone can give an honest reply including mick as he has to respond to your post.

maybe dr feller could post a blog on uk repair cases who visit him as it seems there are quite a few.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Hey RG,


Sorry to hear of your bad experience but glad to see you landed in the hands of Dr. Feller, he's a gem.


I do hope you'll take the time to post some before/after pics of your Farjo experience. Personally, I haven't seen much of their work but they are recommended here which wouldn't have happened if they consistently produced poor work.


Please don't misunderstand or take this the wrong way...............this is your first post and I hope you'll hang around, get involved, show your results from Dr. Feller and help others with your experiences. It's just that when a surgeons performance is questioned, we need proof of what happened evidenced by pics.


Again, glad to hear of your positive experience with Dr. Feller and I hope it turns out great for you. icon_smile.gif


Best wishes,



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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sorry to read about your bad experience. i too had a bad ht in the UK. that scar does look to run straight across and towards your ear unlike fellers that runs up into the safe area. my scar is much wider though icon_frown.gifi would too like to see pics especially how the 2500 grafts were used.

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I find it very very interesting that once we have been admitted to the Coalition that funny stories start to surface.

I am not in the office so can't fully comment.

What actually is being repaired, the fact that more hair has been lost or a wider than expected non tricho scar.

I find it slightly offputting also because this is the first time i have ever heard that this patient is in any way disappointed,We cannot help continual loss and his surgery was done 3 years ago;the circumatances surrounding it i have no doubt were appropriate for that individual at that time.

I am not going to add anymore for now.


Patient coordinator for Dr. Bessam Farjo who is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Moderator Note


Hello everyone,


Let's keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions in this particular case. Remember that the Farjo clinic has proven themselves as elite hair restoration physicians and have very recenty been admitted into the Coaltion of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


Keep in mind also that this hair transplant surgery was over 3 years ago and even still - that no hair transplant clinic bats a 1000.


I have no doubt that Repairguy is dissatisfied with his experience, however it's quite possible that he had unrealistic expectations.


We must remember that hair loss is a progressive condition and that there is really no such thing as a stand alone hair transplant. From Repairguy's initial message, it appears that this is what he was expecting.


But let's wait to hear from him to clarify his experience and provide the information and pictures I requested.



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The section of scar shown is the best part (thinnest) of the Farjo scar although it DEFINATELY DOES run out the safe zone as confirmed by Dr Feller, hence why he couldn't get to it and remove it which is what i wanted. I remember him commenting at the time that it was V shaped and not good at all. These pictures do not clearly show the scar unfortunately, they are the only ones i have got. I am not wrong in my assessment of the work performed by Farjo. Feel free to contact Dr Feller directly for him to give his opinion on the standard of the work performed. I give him full permission to talk about my case here or privately. He might not be able to publicly say but I am sure if needed he will tell you privately. I feel he has great experience and credibility and will only confirm my situation if needed.


I will PM you my name Bill, not a problem. Like i said previously I had a surgery with Farjo on 7/5/04 and they gave me 1500 grafts supposedly. My initials are HH. The growth was not particularly natural and not a great deal of it either. Here is a picture of the top of my head before Dr Fellers repair work. He condensed the work in the front to help.




After feller





Farjo are bound to come up with an excuse or try to discredit me in someway. That is the way of the world isn't it. The fact remains i had poor inappropriate surgery with them that needed repairing. The standard of the work performed on me was not good and that was confirmed. Luckily for me i am on my way to repairing it all now and I appreciate al the support. I just wish i had never gone to Farjo initially.


I know they are recommended here but my experience with them was a bad one. The fact is to anyone reading this is you need to do your research and realise why so many people travel to get their transplants in the US and Canada. I know now why they do!



It is no coincidence that i make this post now as i am a very busy guy and wanted to wait it out until i saw results from my last surgery with Dr Feller to compare. Well now i can compare easily! This is the reason for my posting here now. I don't see anything funny about this post at all. I am a legitimate unsatisfied patient who came to you for a transplant. I knew nothing of transplants when i had a procedure with you. Now i am much more aware and realise how poor the work performed by Farjo was in my opinion. You called me remember Mick chasing me up so its not the first time at all you have heard of me. Your first lie right there.......! I told you what I thought back then of the work and my intension to get repaired. Only now can i comment on the night and day difference in transplant experiences pubically here. You comment that the surgery was appropriate at the time but it could never of stood alone regardless of slight further loss. Also the scar which is not clearly shown here is far from just a non tricho scar, but one that is V in shape and runs out the safe zone. It runs straight across and then kinks up. Feller remarked on this to me and hopefully can comment here also if he is allowed. Try to discredit me all you like. I am in possession of the facts as it is my result and my opinion that matters surely. I have nothing to gain from posting this other than making others aware of my mistake. I do not intend to stay here and have a pissing match with you. I want to get on with my life. The one which has been on hold thanks to a mistake i made getting a below par surgery at your clinic 3 years ago. I think that very few people are prepared to stand up and get counted due to the anxiety already associated with hair loss and bad transplants. I have decided to finally stand up and voice my opinion.


Kind Regards


Repair guy

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I can appreciate that you are upset and not satisfied with your experience with the Farjo clinic, however, you have not posted the pictures I have requested.


If you have them, I'd like to see:


1. Pictures of the donor scar from the Farjo clinic. The pictures you have posted do not reveal it being outside of the safe zone. If you do not have them, perhaps Dr. Farjo does.


2. Pictures before, immediately post op, and 12 months after surgery with the Farjo clinic.


It is clear that you have experienced a lot of hair loss and that 1500 grafts would not have been sufficient to cover the area. What is not evident is how much hair you lost in the last 3+ years since your hair transplant surgery with the Farjo clinic. Therefore, without these pictures, nobody can really determine whether or not 1500 grafts was an appropriate number to help you achieve a cosmetically pleasing result assuming no additional hair loss.


I look forward to receiving your information via private message. Once I sent it onto Mick - the clnic may or may not need you to fill out and sign a disclosure form. They will need your permission to post any information about your case and pictures they may have.





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wow, 11 whole days of them getting into the coalition and the farjobashing begins!this guy has been unsatisfied for nearly 4 years but chooses now to start complaining?he had his feller surgery 7 months ago but chooses to say nothing(usually his uk patients are on here within 24 hours singing his praises)

his says his been lurking on here for a while, why then did he not pipe up when pat asked for patient input when they were put up for the coalition? please, anyone with half a brain can read between the lines here.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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I know we need to see more pics but I would not be so bold as to challenge Dr. Feller's assesment of the safe zone since we are only going by a few pics and he is the Dr. who saw and operated on him first hand. You may be right, but then that would mean Dr Feller is wrong?



I will say that I would not consider this much of a repair job either. Yes, the scar is a funny shape and maybe wider in spots accarding to the poster. He didn't get plugs. The only thing is the yield may have been poor. Even that number of grafts should have given him more hair than what it appears, pre-op.


Maybe it was a subpar HT but this is far from being a repair job, guys who had old technology plugs know. Anyway, Dr. Feller will make it better.





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The problem I have is that Dr. Feller should not be dragged into this at all and the patient should not use him as a shield. Besides, all we have is the patient's word of mouth - not Dr. Feller's assessment.


I believe this conversation should remain between the the hair transplant patient, the patient members of this community, and the Farjo clinic. In my opinion, the Farjos are first-rate hair restoration physicians and are perfectly capable of determining the "safe zone".


All I can report is what I see in the evidence, and so far, there is no indication that the scar is outside the safe zone and I have no reason to believe at this point that "repair work" was necessary.



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I agree Dr Feller is being brought into it and all we have that - he said: Dr. Feller said...


My main point is that since Dr. Feller has worked on this patient and seen this guys donor first hand, maybe he could comment. If the patient is putting words into Dr. Fellers mouth, he can clear that up. But a claim has been made here.


What we see here as "evidence" is not much to even report on since it does not show how low it goes. Maybe it is too low, maybe not, but the pic has too much hair covering the scar. I will add that the part that does show looks like safe zone to me. Bottom line, we need better pics.


As as said before, this is far from a repair case. JMO





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hi balody

i think you having a go at rg is unjustified stating he has only just joined to have a go at dr farjo for being recomended.if this was his agenda he would have been better off posting before he was recomended to try and throw a spanner in the works and stop the recomendation.

you joined in may,the same time pat visited dr farjo,does this mean you have an agenda,probably not.

i ask this question again why do no farjo patients post their results on stophairlossnow.

its uk based with most members being from the uk and a lot of their members like myself(bigmac on shn)post on various other forums to share their experiences.i for one would welcome any farjo patient or even the farjo`s themselves posting results as does dr rogers.

its a great forum where some posters may be considered biased towards a particular ht doc but this is because they`ve had excellent results,like yourself you`ve had the result you wanted from dr farjo and prase him which is great.

now back to rg,we need to wait and see if the requested pictures are posted as to evaluate them properly and back up his claims as anyone can post an unsatisfactory result.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I only just joined the stophairlossnow forum yesterday and haven't even had chance to post on there yet so please do not presume to know me or my research. Your accusations are quite something to be honest. How can you make such a presumption. I have never posted on there so please tell me how i "come from there". Trying to detract away from the issue here is not what is needed. From what I read of your post on there just, it seems that you got into a fight with another forum owner hence why the topic was locked. I have no affiliation with that forum or any forum for that matter. Does this stophairlossnow forum prevent ALL the satisfied UK patients from posting on ANY forums?? From my research i found numerous unsatisfied UK patients on all the forums and hardly ANY satisfied ones for your information,hence why i travelled.


"Repair" surgery for me is having to live with a scar that is sloppy and hardly any growth to show for it and wanting it sorted out once and for all. 1500 grafts where are they?? How much donor hair was wasted?? It is clear from the pictures provided the poor growth and a poor scar position were as a result of my first surgery. Anyone can clearly see this as many have already.

I don't appreciate being call a lair which is being made out here. Who would be satisfied with this transplant??


I do not have before pictures or immediately after surgery pictures of Farjo work, indeed they would only help my case here and amplify my opinion and allow you all more clarity. Ask Farjo to provide them to you. You can clearly see from the Dr Feller pre surgery pictures though the result of my 1500 grafts procedure with them... not a great deal quite obviously. All i really had to show for their attempt is a few grafts and a scar that is clearly in an inappropriate place never mind for only 1500 grafts. Heckle me all you want and try to discredit me if you wish if it makes my honest posting sit easier for you. I am quite disappointed myself at the lack of humanity shown here to be quite honest and thought more of this forum.


I had a poor surgery, these are the facts. If i had even been slightly satisfied would i not have returned to Farjo clinic to continue further surgery... instead i was confined to a hair system and then opted to travel across the Atlantic to have another session 3 yrs on after finding a way it could finally be fixed. Does that sound like someone that just needed a touch up or someone that is genuinely unhappy with the previous work?

Why did i not return to Farjo must be questioned, no?? Why are there not many more satisfied Farjo patients posting here AND on all the other forums also? I have only ever seen 1 poster who is here on this topic actually ...also trying to discredit me. Only 1 patient with 12 months growth or more from Farjo on all the forums...no one ever questioned that? The poster has a clear agenda also in my opinion. Maybe he is put up to posting as you imply i have been <.<


Repair/fixing is in my opinion what i required as i had little growth and a sloppy scar which actually still could not be removed, as seen. I also wish to say that you can try pin on me that i had "unrealistic expectations" but my expectations were always grounded. I just never expected to spend ??4000 for hardly any growth and a scar that couldn't be removed with further surgery. Is that an unrealistic expectation or just an unfortunate situation? Maybe that's just me being unrealistic..... Thanks for clarifyng what my expectations should have been. If i had known to expect that result i would have most certainly decided against surgery with them.


I have not been received well and questioned heavily which i find wrong. I am the patient that has to live with my "unrealistic expectation " and have shared my experience which is 100% true. Just pick up the phone to Dr Feller.


It might not be the most serve repair case ever seen but it is a repair case to me as i was the one who has lived with the disappointment of the previous surgery and the one who had to pay another ??4000 and travel to the US for further surgery. I am entitled to my opinion on my own experience am i a not?


As stated before i was always waiting it out to see the results from my recent surgery in order to determine the benefits from it before i posted my account. If the results had been as poor as the first time round i too would have posted the information openly also. These recent results have allowed me to compare the 2 well and enabled me to gain a much better understanding of the results i previously received which i now know were poor.

This was 3 yrs ago and maybe Farjo has improved his work, i hope he has!...i don't know but i for one an existing patient of his would not risk having another procedure especially after the results i received from the last one.


You put up all these links like its suppose to mean something and take the pain away and make it all better. Well let me make this simple. If you had received the result i had received you too would have been very disappointed. That's the bottom line. You can try tip toe round it and link me to information about your opinion but at the end of the day the surgery that was performed on me was below satisfactory. I do not appreciate either people informing me that Dr Feller shouldn't be used as a shield - What are all your fancy links if not shields. At least my defence is real and has the facts. I recommend you call Dr Feller and just get his opinion. At least then you know where i am coming from a little more and then imagine being in my shoes for a minute rather than telling me that "my expectations were high". If you received my surgery your self esteem would be very low trust me and your expectations would have been shattered also.



The best thing is i think to clarify all this simply is for one of the owners here to make a quick call, email, pm to Dr Feller and simply ask him his opinion. If his opinion is not 100% the same as mine here with regard to the standard of work received and the position of the scar being inappropriate (especially for only 1500 grafts ) then i will retract all my posts and pictures where ever requested and make a formal apology here publicly to Farjo and actually thank them for the work they performed on me. If Feller feels like you that this is satisfactory and that i am in some way deluded then feel free also to remove this account of mine and post what ever you like in order to confirm that i am just a patient that has no right to be unsatisfied and that i in no uncertain terms just had very unrealistic expectations.


I think due to the fact i am being made out to be unreasonable that you contact Feller and ask him directly to get the facts:


Was the scar portioned correctly?

Was there 1500 grafts(that i paid ??3700) growing in the recipient area?

Was the growth in the recipient area completely natural looking?


3 simple questions that should only take a couple of minute to obtain the answers which will sort this all out and prove to everyone questioning me that i am not being unreasonable at all.


I hope you find the time to speak to Dr Feller to get clarification on this matter as it will enable you a much clearer understanding.


I am no longer going to post here as i do not deserve to put up with people telling me what they think they know. They didn't have the surgery i had. They didn't have the poor growth i had and they didn't have the scar i had from the surgery. End of.

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a good reply rg but the problem i see is if pat contacts dr feller and he says your previous ht

is crap,what does he do next.

he is then stuck in the middle of two recomended docs,which one does he believe,what does he say to dr farjo and what comments can he post.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Hi Repair Guy im sorry to hear about your poor surgery. Where did Farjo place the grafts?

Welcome to our community. It's obvious to me that you have spent time on the Stop Hair Loss Now forum. This UK based forum is all but dedicated to bashing UK and European clinics and convincing potential patients that they must travel to North American to get a decent hair transplant.


I always try and keep out of this sort of debate but im a member on Stop Hair Loss Now and think it is a great forum. It is a UK based forum and the problem is, is that there are not any world class HT clinics in the UK. I wish this wasn't the case but it is. There have been some half decent results from the UK clinics posted on there but nothing compared to what the top doc's are producing in North America or Canada. The simple message on Stop Hair Loss Now is that if you want a world class HT then you have to travel. I personally would not knock any one for choosing to go to a UK clinic but if they were to ask my advice I would advise them to travel.


I have only just started posting on here so my intention is not to get in to any sort of slanging match.


Repair Guy the most important thing is that you are now on the road to recovery. Grow well !!

2600 grafts Dr Feller 28/01/08

3024 grafts Dr Feller 15/01/07


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rg and chucky,agendas are the main reason i got involved on this sight mainly because i could see through them all on the others.chucky why would i bother trying to make myself heard on shln?id be shot down in an instant by the likes of you,martin1,pb(hi pb you back again?)i find it an extremely aggressive little site,unless of course you are going to or had surgery with the good doctor f.i have also read bigmacs views on farjo the butcher on jaym,s thread(which coincidently has been deleted)really welcoming.

rg i have no agenda, all i try to do is help people see through the bs and to make their own minds up on who to go with.i got quite involved with the davejoseph/martiknec thing,what did i have to gain there?at the moment im trying to reassure a kid in california that he doesnt need a ht and he probably doesnt need meds,where is my agenda here?the reason i question you is if you were not happy with your result why not..

go back to farjo 3 years ago to rectify,or

come on here or any other site 3 years ago to tell your story?why wait until 2 weeks after they get into the coalition?call me suspicious but this is what these forums have made me.

also im still at a loss as to what im supposed to be seeing.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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stevo,get with the program mate. there is a world class uk clinic,its name is farjo,it was anounced on here oct 29th,new coalition members and all that. icon_rolleyes.gif

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Originally posted by PB:

As for the "vested financial interests" - do you have any proof of this?


PB, let's be honest: how can one have proof of what goes behind the door in a doctor's office? While not 100% sure one can easily see patterns.


I see a pattern for example on another forum who might as well be named the Armani Promotion Board. Are they receiving a discount to promote? I would bet that they are.

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hi balody

did you actually read jayms post and look at his pictures,would you say he got a world class result.how can guys on shln recomend the farjos when everyone who posts their results on there are complaining of poor results

i could quite as easily shoot you down on here.


so i would welcome you on shln and give you my honest opinion on your ht.you say you are helping someone in california with advice,great anyone with a shred of decency would do the same

but what if this guy is adamant he wants a ht you would recomend he goes to a coalition dr.

now if this guy lived in the uk would you recomend he has consults with norton,hospital group,welsbourne,rogers or would you send him straight to dr farjo.as for my comments on being a butcher what would you call this result.

also could you explain why they trade as regency crown,i know the farjos took them over so why not rename this clinic as farjo.

also why have a go at shln,its a great forum just as i think this is a great forum.

finally why does dr farjo not comment himself and give his side of the story as dr rogers did when his results were scrutinized.

i dont want to escalate this into a slanging match just keep it civilised.

ps i am going to go with dr feller for my 4th ht as i have had 3 very poor hts already and i have met approximately 25 feller patients and they all had great results so i guess i am pro

feller .

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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hi john

i dont feel shln has any vested interest in a paticular dr.its just that most of the regular posters have had great results with dr feller hence he is mentioned all the time.

at no point is anyone stopped from posting their results with other drs,they are encouraged to do so.

why dont some of the guys on here post their results there and i bet they dont get a frosty reception

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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chucky,i have nothing against dr feller,he in my opinion is one of the best from what i have seen.

i have nothing against a website which is probably 90% feller freindly.

i also have nothing against "advisers" advising guys to go across seas to get their ht,s.

what i do object to is the anti "live and let live "attitude and the underhanded way things are sometimes performed.

john in nc,im so relieved im not the only one who sees patterns.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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